Add an option to PROC FORMAT that would allow us to type a description when we define the format.
Currently, we can type such a description after the format is defined, using PROC CATALOG.
Specifically, I would like to add the DESCRIPTION option to the PROC FORMAT statement.
This option should work the same way as it works in the MODIFY statement of the PROC CATALOG procedure (I just want to do it sooner -- when I define the format, not in a separate step later)
One good use for such a description is to include the identity (&sysuserid) of the person who makes or changes the format (as soon as he/she changes the format, not in a separate step)
Ideally, PROC CATALOG would show a USER field in the output, and this field would populate automatically with the value in &sysuserid as soon as that person defines the format, but this might be too difficult, so I'm just asking to add the description option to proc catalog.
Related discussion:
Format Description at the Time of Definition