Unfortunately I can't open the link posted by Julierd at work (access is denied as deemed none business related!) so I don't know if her asnwer is the same as mine.
We use custom sorting for some of our metrics by adding leading spaces to the variable names, I do this in Enterprise Guide but I'm sure you could do it in Information Map Studio too.
For instance we have a variable - client type which can be Learning disability, Mental health, Other vulnerable people, Physical disability and Substance misuse
and we want them in the following order:
Physical disability
Mental health
Learning disability
Substance misuse
Other vulnerable people
I use the following data step in EG:
data ordered_data;
set raw_data;
if trim(Category1) = 'Substance misuse' then Category1 = '_Substance misuse';
if trim(Category1) = 'Learning disability' then Category1 = '_ _Learning disability';
if trim(Category1) = 'Mental health' then Category1 = '_ _ _Mental health';
if trim(Category1) = 'Physical disability' then Category1 = '_ _ _ _Physical disability';
if trim(Category1) = 'Other vulnerable people' then Category1 = 'Other vulnerable people';
I've used dashes here in place of spaces as the text editor for this forum appears to reduce multiple spaces to one space!
so Physical disability has 4 leading spaces, Mental health has 3 leading spaces, Learning disabilty 2 and so on. WRS counts spaces first before alphanumeric ordering, but cleverly doesn't display them on the charts. If you are able to manipulate your variable names I'm sure this would work for you.