I was using SWAT package in python to load a csv file into CAS server. I used the below code:
conn = swat.CAS(cashost, casport, user, password)
appliance_energy_cas = conn.read_csv(r"D:\Ml_Model\Appliances_Energy_prediction_12_mb\Dataset\KAG_energydata_complete_replicate.csv",
casout = dict(name="appliance_energy_data", replace=True))
The code executed successfully but I was not able to locate the CAS table "appliance_energy_data" on CAS server, please help me to locate this particular table on SAS Viya 3.5 CAS Server.
Also it would be really helpful if you can tell me how an existing CAS table from CAS Server on SAS viya 3.5 can be leveraged in python.