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Fluorite | Level 6

Hello all,

I'm currently in the process of redeploying SAS Viya using the same code that I successfully deployed some time ago. However, I've encountered an issue that has left me rather puzzled.


I'm using CADENCENAME: stable and CADENCEVERSION: 2023.03.

I've followed the documentation and initially deployed the Operator without any issues. However, when attempting to deploy the actual software, I'm encountering a number of errors.



"level": "info",
"version": 1,
"source": "sas-orchestration",
"messageKey": "[While processing 'default', key 'SAS_SPRE_VAR_PATH' in ConfigMap 'sas-programming-environment-path-config' was defined by multiple components 'sas-batch, sas-compute, sas-connect, sas-job-flow-scheduling, sas-launcher' with the same value\nWhile processing 'default', key 'SAS_SPRE_VAR_PATH_LOG' in ConfigMap 'sas-programming-environment-path-config' was defined by multiple components 'sas-batch, sas-compute, sas-connect, sas-job-flow-scheduling, sas-launcher' with the same value..."

# Warning: 'vars' is deprecated. Please use 'replacements' instead. [EXPERIMENTAL] Run 'kustomize edit fix' to update your Kustomization automatically.
# Warning: 'vars' is deprecated. Please use 'replacements' instead. [EXPERIMENTAL] Run 'kustomize edit fix' to update your Kustomization automatically.

> kubectl apply --namespace sasoperator --timeout 7200s -f /work/permissions/manifest.yaml created created created created

> run deploy --namespace sasoperator --manifest /work/deploy/manifest.yaml --deploymentDir /work/deploy/resources/generation --serviceAccountName sas-deployment-operator-reconcile-permissions --timeout 7200s --clusterApiNamespace  --clusterApiManifest /work/cluster-api/clusterAPIManifest.yaml

> start_leading sasoperator

> kubectl delete --namespace sasoperator --wait --timeout 7200s --ignore-not-found configmap sas-deploy-lifecycle-operation-variables



According to the documentation, the 'vars' is deprecated warning, can be safely ignored, so I'm not too concerned about this.

It's the "While processing 'default', key 'SAS_SPRE_VAR_PATH' in ConfigMap 'sas-programming-environment-path-config' was defined by multiple components 'sas-batch, sas-compute, sas-connect, sas-job-flow-scheduling, sas-launcher' with the same value' "that has left me in a dilemma.


Has anyone come across this issue before? I'm currently unsure of its root cause and would sincerely appreciate any insights, suggestions, or guidance that could assist me in resolving it.


There's not a lot of users in the SAS Community with hands-on admin experience with Viya 4. You will probably get a faster response using Tech Support.