In SAS VA Report Builder for bar diagram, unit of axis are showing in billion or trillion ,I need to show it in 100 crore or 10
lakhs unit.
I Think there is no another option in Reports to covert billion or trillion into crores and lakhs using bar chart (Object).
Teja Surapaneni
Hi There,
If a SAS user-defined format has been configured in the associated SAS Application Server for your SAS Visual Analytics environment and also associated with the data item then it is available in SAS Visual Analytics. This is documented in the SAS(R) Visual Analytics 7.1: User's Guide
Kind Regards,
Hi Michelle,
I am also tried user-defined formats to convert millions to lacs but there is no use, The value is not changing millions to lacs (in Reports).
Hi Teja,
You need to ensure the SAS formats catalog is registered in the SAS Application server and the user-defined format is set in the attributes for the data item's metadata. If the configuration is done as directed by the documentation it should work.
If it doesn't work for you then I suggest connecting to your SAS Application server using Enterprise Guide or some other SAS client and test it separate to the SAS Visual Analytics GUI. Perhaps your user-defined format was created in the SAS work formats catalog rather than a permanent library formats catalog.
Kind Regards,
Hi Michelle,
Can you explain little bit...
Hi Michelle,
The attached file is Actually what i am tried.
Hi Teja,
From your screenshot you are selecting a SAS defined format. What I was suggesting was to create a SAS user-defined format based on the criteria you need to display crores and lakhs. This is achieved by using PROC FORMAT and ensure the format is created in a permanent catalog on the SAS Application Server. You may want to get your SAS Administrator involved to assist you with this.
Art's paper on PROC FORMAT may provide you some guidance as well as the SAS documentation at Base SAS(R) 9.4 Procedures Guide, PROC FORMAT
Kind Regards,
Hi Michelle Thanks for your Reply,
It is possible in Reports or not?
if it is possible can you explain with one example,
Hi Teja,
As I have previously mentioned, it is possible to use a SAS user-defined format in a Visual Analytics Report.
I am not familiar with the type of format you require for crores and lakhs. If you go through the paper I provided above there is PROC FORMAT code with the picture statement which you can use as an example to create the format you require. Then you need to set it up in your SAS Application Server as I mentioned in the above reply.
Once the SAS user-defined format has been created and deployed on the SAS Application Server, then your data item can refer to the format definition and your values will be in crores and lakhs rather than billions or trillions.
Kind Regards,
Hi Michelle,
I was following your notes , please help me where I am going wrong.
/*Defination of format*/
libname FORLIB1 'C:\.................';
proc format lib=FORLIB1 ;
picture social (round)
1E03-<1000000='000K' (mult=.001 )
1E06-<1000000000='000.9M' (mult=.00001)
1E09-<1000000000000='000.9B' (mult=1E-08)
1E12-<1000000000000000='000.9T' (mult=1E-11);
LIBNAME DATALIB 'C:\............';
SET DATALIB .insighttoy_notexta(OBS=1000);
I uploaded the DATALIB .SAMPLE_INSIGHT dataset in public autoloaded folder (sas trial version) , along with that I uploded the format social in the format folder.
When I use the SAMPLE_INSIGHT dataset in the designer , I can see the social format assigned to FOR_TOTAL column, and it is made as a category.
The possible values are 100M,20B.
My requirement is to add them up and display it at 20.1B.
I have attached the document
As I understand it, once a user-defined format is applied to a column in VA it can only be used as a category in VA and cannot be used to customise measures as you appear to be doing.
Hi Michelle
Even I am also facing this same issue in VA 6,4.I tried with the user-defined format as you said but I am not able get the solution what I required.
Is it that your user-defined format not defined correctly? What is your PROC FORMAT code and what is it that you are hoping to achieve? With a better understanding of what you are using for your user-defined format and what your expected result should look like, the community may be able to assist.
Kind Regards,
Do you still require assistance with this request? Please mark question as answered correctly or helpful so that others know who may come across it in future.
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