Registration Now Open!
Join the 2022 Western Users of SAS Software Conference and Educational Forum in San Francisco, CA happening September 14-16.
WUSS is an education-focused and energy-packed conference featuring the best and brightest data software users and experts from industries all over the country. This year's conference will feature over a hundred presentations, classes, Super Demos, and Hands-on Workshops on SAS, R, Python, statistics, analytics, beginner's essentials, advanced techniques, and so much more.
Register now to receive $100 off our regular registration rate.
Your registration fee to WUSS 2022 includes:
Three days of paper presentations by analysts, programmers, and statisticians just like you!
Presentations & Super Demos from SAS
Hands-on Workshops
Exclusive access to Resource Central, including exhibitor booths, major sponsors, WUSS Theater, roundtable discussions, lightning talks, the e-Poster Gallery, WUSS Museum, the attendee lounge, and maybe even a surprise meet and greet with an author or two
Opportunities to connect directly with SAS Tech Support, Research & Development, Education & More
Wednesday evening Networking Mixer
SAS Customer Appreciation Luncheon
Thursday afternoon Happy Hour
And so much more!
Don't forget to add a few pre- and post-conference classes to make the most of your time in San Francisco!