Sponsor the 2022 User Group Conferences
Help support Western Users of SAS Software and the South East SAS User Group by becoming a sponsor or exhibitor at one or both of the Regional User Group conferences this fall.
Leave your heart in San Francisco
Western Users of SAS Software (WUSS) is hosting their 2022 Educational Forum and Conference in San Francisco from September 14-16. Streetcars, Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge - come see it all! Learn more here!
Sweet Home Alabama
Southeast SAS Users Group (SESUG) will be in Mobile, AL from October 23-25 for their 30th annual conference. Mobile was home to the first Mardi Gras celebration in the US, and SESUG plans to keep the party going! Check it out!
By becoming a sponsor or exhibitor, you can help WUSS and SESUG provide education, training, networking, and professional development opportunities for data software users across the country.
Why sponsor?
Build brand awareness
Get to know your customers
Support an event your customers care about
Introduce customers to your product
Recruit industry experts for your team
Free and discounted registration to regional conferences
Sponsors and exhibitors receive recognition at opening and closing session, on the SESUG or WUSS website, and at the regional conferences. Top tier sponsors are eligible for extra perks, such as a booth in the exhibit hall and an opportunity to speak at opening session.
Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze, there are sponsorships available at all price points. Let's find a package that works for you! Visit WUSS.org or SESUG.org to learn more about the exciting sponsorship opportunities available.
To learn more about sponsoring WUSS, go to wuss.org or email our Sponsors and Exhibitors Coordinator, Justina Flavin, at sponsor@wuss.org
To learn more about sponsoring SESUG, email the sponsorship contacts or visit the SESUG sponsor website.