Dear SAS Community,
We are pleased to announce our first two SUGUKI events for 2021. Due to the global pandemic, all events are scheduled as online Zoom calls. The format has changed too; and it is a single presentation every first Thursday of the month starting at 12.15 GMT.
The first event is on the 4th of February at 12.15 GMT, on the topic of "Introduction to SAS Programming in CAS" delivered by Vasilij Nevlev (Analytium).
The second event is on the 4th of March, on the topic of "Deploying, executing, & scheduling SAS Jobs in Viya using the SASjs CLI" by Allan Bowe (Analytium).
If you have any questions or would like to present at any of the events, do please reach out to either Allan Bowe, Dan Hatton or Vasilij Nevlev.
SUGUKI Organisers
For more information about {An}alytium, visit