Hi all,
I am using SAS Studio in order to upload an excel file and import it vía SAS code.
Once the file imported, I would like to delete excel file "xxx.xlsx" from the folder "/Users/%trim(&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER)/My Folder/", because if I want to upload another file with the same name, comes into "xxx (1).xlsx" and my code doesnt work.
Any ideas to clear the files of myFolder??
Thanks a lot
/* /Users/EX392461/My Folder/FTF.xlsx */
/* Take care : folderpath and filename are CASE SENSITIVE */
FILENAME abc FILESRVC folderpath='/Users/EX392461/My Folder' filename='FTF.xlsx';
data _null_;
rc = fdelete('abc');
rc = filename('abc');
/* end of program */
Use the FILENAME and FDELETE functions:
data _null_;
rc = filename(fref,"/Users/%trim(&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER)/My Folder/xxx.xlsx");
rc = fdelete(fref);
rc = filename(fref);
Instead of deleting immediately after import ... it's maybe better to delete before next import (?).
/* macro to Delete a File If It Exists */
%macro check(file);
%if %sysfunc(fileexist(&file)) ge 1 %then %do;
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(temp,&file));
%let rc=%sysfunc(fdelete(&temp));
%else %put The file &file does not exist;
%mend check;
%check(/Users/%trim(&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER)/My Folder/xxx.xlsx)
doesn't work...
using the following it work the import code, but I dont know if there is way to delete the excel file
%let folder=/Users/%trim(&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER)/My Folder/;
%let Fichero=FTF.xlsx;
Why not just use ~ to indicate your home directory?
Make a fileref that points to the file and then use that fileref in both the IMPORT and the FDELETE() steps.
%let folder=~/My Folder;
%let Fichero=FTF.xlsx;
filename xlsx "&folder/&fichero";
proc import datafile=xlsx dbms=xlsx out=WANT replace ;
%put Return Code = %sysfunc(fdelete(xlsx));
filename xlsx ;
OK, your *.xlsx file is in the SAS Content folder and not in the Linux File System.
A (sub-)folder in the SAS Content folder is a virtual container rather than a representation of a physical file system.
The SAS Content folder is in fact the SAS Infrastructure Data Server which is based on PostgreSQL (a database).
Therefore you need the:
FILENAME Statement: FILESRVC Access Method
to gain access.
The 1st datastep in the below code works for me, but the 2nd one unfortunately not. 🤔😕
I don't know how to use that FILESRVC Access Method in the FILENAME function.
I know how to use it in the FILENAME statement, but NOT how to use it in the FILENAME function.
FILENAME abc FILESRVC folderpath='/Users/sbxkok/My Folder/srclib' filename='dummy.sas';
data work.xyz;
infile abc;
input column1 $;
put _infile_;
data _null_;
rc = filename(fname,"/Users/sbxkok/My Folder/srclib/dummy.sas",'FILESRVC');
rc = fdelete(fname);
rc = filename(fname);
/* end of program */
I guess someone else will chime in to help us out.
Why make a new fileref if you already had one?
What happens if you use FDELETE() with ABC?
data _null_;
rc = fdelete('abc');
rc = filename('abc');
OK @Tom ... that worked.
In my previous attempt I forgot the quotes around abc in the fdelete and filename functions (data _NULL_ step).
80 FILENAME abc FILESRVC folderpath='/Users/sbxkok/My Folder/srclib' filename='dummy.sas';
82 data _null_;
83 rc = fdelete('abc');
84 rc = filename('abc');
85 run;
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.31 seconds
cpu time 0.09 seconds
@lekouna --> you now have a working program!
/* /Users/EX392461/My Folder/FTF.xlsx */
/* Take care : folderpath and filename are CASE SENSITIVE */
FILENAME abc FILESRVC folderpath='/Users/EX392461/My Folder' filename='FTF.xlsx';
data _null_;
rc = fdelete('abc');
rc = filename('abc');
/* end of program */
When you use a macro variable (and you want it resolved by prefixing it with &), you should use double quotes ("...").
SAS is not looking inside single quotes ('...'). What is inside single quotes is considered a fixed string (not to be altered).
%trim(&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER.) is working for me, but you might need SYSUSERID instead of SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER. In many SAS installations, both are the same (but sometimes SYSUSERID equals sassrv).
FILENAME abc FILESRVC folderpath="/Users/%trim(&SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER.)/My Folder/srclib"
data _null_;
rc = fdelete('abc');
rc = filename('abc');
/* end of program */
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