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Fluorite | Level 6



Please could someone help me to carry out PROC MIXED analysis of a crossover study in On Demand? I am looking to assess treatment effects from a crossover study using a linear mixed model, with change-from-baseline (Δ) for each 4-wk dietary intervention (calculated by subtracting: wk 0 from wk 4 values and; wk 8 from wk 12 values) as the dependent variable, adjusted for fixed effects of baseline values of the assessed variable, period, sequence, treatment, age, gender and BMI. 

The attached files worked fine with the University edition of the software, but I no longer have access to this software. I am getting error messages, such as 'ERROR: Variable RESPONSE not found.'

Thanks in advance for your help.



Accepted Solutions
Super User

Start addressing problems starting at the top of a program.

The first problem I see is a bunch of invalid data  messages. Those occur when you try to read incompatible data from the instructions you have provided on the INPUT statement and Informats. Such as trying to read "abc" as a numeric value or reading a date that looks like 01JAN2020 with a YYMMDD informat that expects values like 20200101.

So since your data step

69         Data CrossOver;
 70           infile "/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/";
 71           input Subject Gender $ BMI Age Sequence $ Period Treatment $ Baseline After Difference;
 72         run;

it looks like you are trying to read a PROGRAM file, not data.

Lets examine the first "invalid data message" and describe how to read and interpret what it shows.

Please see in the first few lines where it has one of the Variable names from the INPUT statement and some details. First indicator is that there are different LINES mentioned. Those are lines in the source file.

So Subject was read from the first line starting at column 1 through 4 and was invalid. Your Input statement indicates subject should contain a numeric value so something not valid as a number was encountered.

BMI was read from line 2, columns 3 through 8. Again BMI on the input statement expects numeric values and ran into something else, as did Age

And Period, but that was reading at line 3 as were Baseline, After and Difference.

Now for a very important diagnostic. The part that says Rule is to help identify columns the + are values like 5, 15, 25, 35, etc. the 1, 2,3 are columns 10, 20,30.

The line in the log that starts with 3 shows the TEXT of the line. Which shows program code, not values.

So, why are you attempting to read a file containing CODE into a DATA set?????

The multiple lines are because your INFILE statement has no restriction to read on a single line, typically MISSOVER as used in the Proc Import generated code or TRUNCOVER.

NOTE: Invalid data for Subject in line 1 1-4.
 NOTE: Invalid data for BMI in line 2 3-8.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Age in line 2 10-75.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Period in line 3 9-15.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Baseline in line 3 24-24.
 NOTE: Invalid data for After in line 3 26-28.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Difference in line 3 30-32.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 3           input Subject Gender $ BMI Age Sequence $ Period Treatment $ Baseline After Difference; 89

Because so many of the variables in the resultant Crossover data set are missing code using it will likely not perform very well. Which is not surprising. So read a proper file containing data though it looks like the WORK.IMPORT is what you wanted.

So for the Data Crossover Infile statement read REFFILE, using a file reference, or '/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/SBP_n13.csv' instead of "/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/".  ADD delimiter=',' because the file is comma delimited and one of MISSOVER or TRUNCOVER (just in case one of the lines is short)


I see that you did a Proc Print data=crossover; Did you actually look at any of the results? Most of the variables would have been missing, which is what your proc mixed complains about, and the rest should have looked pretty odd for variables with names like Gender Sequence and Treatment.


So, READ the right file, the right way before attempting any analysis.


View solution in original post

Fluorite | Level 6

Hi, thank you for your reply. Below please find the log: 


69 Data CrossOver;
70 infile "/home/u44908311/sasuser.v94/Cross Over.txt";
71 input Subject Gender $ BMI Age Sequence $ Period Treatment $ Baseline After Difference;
72 run;
ERROR: Physical file does not exist, /home/u44908311/sasuser.v94/Cross Over.txt.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
WARNING: The data set WORK.CROSSOVER may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 10 variables.
WARNING: Data set WORK.CROSSOVER was not replaced because this step was stopped.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
user cpu time 0.00 seconds
system cpu time 0.00 seconds
memory 692.59k
OS Memory 24232.00k
Timestamp 09/10/2024 04:28:39 PM
Step Count 148 Switch Count 0
Page Faults 0
Page Reclaims 92
Page Swaps 0
Voluntary Context Switches 4
Involuntary Context Switches 0
Block Input Operations 0
Block Output Operations 8
74 proc print data = CrossOver;
75 run;
NOTE: There were 3 observations read from the data set WORK.CROSSOVER.
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
user cpu time 0.01 seconds
system cpu time 0.00 seconds
memory 1246.50k
OS Memory 24232.00k
Timestamp 09/10/2024 04:28:39 PM
Step Count 149 Switch Count 0
Page Faults 0
Page Reclaims 75
Page Swaps 0
Voluntary Context Switches 0
Involuntary Context Switches 0
Block Input Operations 0
Block Output Operations 8
NOTE: PROCEDURE MIXED used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
user cpu time 0.00 seconds
system cpu time 0.00 seconds
memory 332.56k
OS Memory 24232.00k
Timestamp 09/10/2024 04:28:39 PM
Step Count 150 Switch Count 0
Page Faults 0
Page Reclaims 49
Page Swaps 0
Voluntary Context Switches 0
Involuntary Context Switches 0
Block Input Operations 0
Block Output Operations 0
ERROR: Variable SEQUENCE not found.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
77 Proc Mixed data = CrossOver;
78 class Subject Gender Sequence Period Treatment;
79 model Difference = Gender BMI Age Period Treatment Baseline;
80 random Subject;
81 lsmeans treatment / pdiff;
82 run;
85 Data CrossOverMissing;
86 infile "/home/u44908311/sasuser.v94/Cross Over Missing.txt";
87 input Subject Gender $ BMI Age Sequence $ Period Treatment $ Baseline After Difference;
88 run;
ERROR: Physical file does not exist, /home/u44908311/sasuser.v94/Cross Over Missing.txt.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
WARNING: The data set WORK.CROSSOVERMISSING may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 10
WARNING: Data set WORK.CROSSOVERMISSING was not replaced because this step was stopped.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
user cpu time 0.00 seconds
system cpu time 0.00 seconds
memory 684.50k
OS Memory 24232.00k
Timestamp 09/10/2024 04:28:39 PM
Step Count 151 Switch Count 0
Page Faults 0
Page Reclaims 66
Page Swaps 0
Voluntary Context Switches 4
Involuntary Context Switches 0
Block Input Operations 0
Block Output Operations 24
90 proc print data = CrossOverMissing;
91 run;
NOTE: No observations in data set WORK.CROSSOVERMISSING.
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
user cpu time 0.00 seconds
system cpu time 0.00 seconds
memory 657.31k
OS Memory 24232.00k
Timestamp 09/10/2024 04:28:39 PM
Step Count 152 Switch Count 0
Page Faults 0
Page Reclaims 52
Page Swaps 0
Voluntary Context Switches 0
Involuntary Context Switches 1
Block Input Operations 0
Block Output Operations 0
93 Proc Mixed data = CrossOverMissing;
94 class Subject Gender Sequence Period Treatment;
95 model Difference = Gender BMI Age Period Treatment Baseline;
96 random Subject;
97 lsmeans treatment / pdiff;
98 run;
ERROR: Invalid or missing data.
NOTE: PROCEDURE MIXED used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
user cpu time 0.00 seconds
system cpu time 0.00 seconds
memory 780.06k
OS Memory 24488.00k
Timestamp 09/10/2024 04:28:39 PM
Step Count 153 Switch Count 0
Page Faults 0
Page Reclaims 95
Page Swaps 0
Voluntary Context Switches 3
Involuntary Context Switches 1
Block Input Operations 0
Block Output Operations 0
Super User

Pleae use the proper sub-window (by using the button I indicated in a picture!) so that the formatting won't get lost.

The first ERROR message:

ERROR: Physical file does not exist, /home/u44908311/sasuser.v94/Cross Over.txt.

is the most important one, as all other issues might be a consequence. Always debug your codes from the start, not from the end.


On a UNIX system (as SAS On Demand uses), spelling of filenames is important, as the system is case-sensitive throughout. Since blanks are natural word separators, they should be avoided (Maxim 44).

  • replace the blank with an underline
  • do not use the sasuser.v94 directory for your files; it is the location of the SASUSER library, let SAS keep it for its data
  • do not use mixed case in filenames, it causes confusion
  • upload the file to your home directory, and use it from there; after uploading, right-click it and copy the path from the properties


SAS Employee

PROC MIXED syntax runs the same way on SAS OnDemand for Academics and University Edition.

The second line of your program reads in the file "Cross Over.txt". Your issue is likely that you need to edit your program to specify the file location for SAS On Demand for Academics. To see the file location within SAS OnDemand for Academics, right click on the file name then select Properties in the menu. Then put that location in your program.

For example- if the file location is /home/uXXXXX/Cross Over.txt then edit the second line of your program to read:

infile "/home/uXXXXX/Cross Over.txt";

Fluorite | Level 6

Thanks for you reply, Jackie.


I amended the infile name as follows:
infile "/home/u44908311/sasuser.v94/Cross Over.txt";
input Subject Gender $ BMI Age Sequence $ Period Treatment $ Baseline After Difference;

However, I received the following errors:
 Errors (4)
 ERROR: Physical file does not exist, /home/u44908311/sasuser.v94/Cross Over.txt.
 ERROR: Variable SEQUENCE not found.
 ERROR: Physical file does not exist, /home/u44908311/sasuser.v94/Cross Over Missing.txt.
 ERROR: Invalid or missing data.
You should not use the sasuser.v94 folder for your files. If you want to organize your files create a new folder under /home/u44908311/ for example food_crossover_project and store/upload your project/csv files there. Folder- and FileNames are case sensitive! So be aware when referring to them in your SAS code.
Fluorite | Level 6

Noted. Thank you for your help!

Fluorite | Level 6

thank you for your help!

SAS Employee

Are you still having the issue after moving the file out of the sasuser folder and after making any edits to the file name for correct casing?

If so- please upload a screen shot of your files area of SAS OnDemand for Academics, so we can see where you have the file stored and also what it is named.

You might also try renaming the file to a name that does not have internal spaces-- ie. CrossOver.txt-- and of course editing your program to reflect the new name.

Fluorite | Level 6


Apologies for the delayed response—I was on annual leave.


I’ve moved the files out of the sasuser folder as suggested and attempted to rename them. However, I am still unable to run the program. I’ve attached some screenshots for your reference.


Thank you for your continued support!

Super User

First, please do not provide pictures of code or log results. It is extremely hard to copy/paste/edit to show likely corrections to code.

Best on this forum is to open a text box using the </> icon that appears above the message window. Then copy the text from the editor or log and paste the text.

Or if you must attach documents make sure it is text and not pictures.


Second, that attached document shows nothing about errors, code not running or any problem at all. So either you didn't get the right bits in the document or shared the wrong document.



Fluorite | Level 6
 69         /* Generated Code (IMPORT) */
 70         /* Source File: SBP_n13.csv */
 71         /* Source Path: /home/u44908311/food_crossover_project */
 72         /* Code generated on: 9/27/24, 11:38 AM */
 74         %web_drop_table(WORK.IMPORT);
 NOTE: Table WORK.IMPORT has been dropped.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.00 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              205.25k
       OS Memory           24484.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2024 10:44:10 AM
       Step Count                        69  Switch Count  2
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     14
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        10
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           0
 77         FILENAME REFFILE '/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/SBP_n13.csv';
 80         DBMS=CSV
 81         OUT=WORK.IMPORT;
 82         GETNAMES=YES;
 83         RUN;
 NOTE: Unable to open parameter catalog: SASUSER.PARMS.PARMS.SLIST in update mode. Temporary parameter values will be saved to 
 84          /**********************************************************************
 85          *   PRODUCT:   SAS
 86          *   VERSION:   9.4
 87          *   CREATOR:   External File Interface
 88          *   DATE:      27SEP24
 89          *   DESC:      Generated SAS Datastep Code
 90          *   TEMPLATE SOURCE:  (None Specified.)
 91          ***********************************************************************/
 92             data WORK.IMPORT    ;
 93             %let _EFIERR_ = 0; /* set the ERROR detection macro variable */
 94             infile REFFILE delimiter = ',' MISSOVER DSD  firstobs=2 ;
 95                informat Subject best32. ;
 96                informat Gender $1. ;
 97                informat BMI best32. ;
 98                informat Age best32. ;
 99                informat Sequence $2. ;
 100               informat Period best32. ;
 101               informat Treatment $1. ;
 102               informat Baseline best32. ;
 103               informat After best32. ;
 104               informat Difference best32. ;
 105               format Subject best12. ;
 106               format Gender $1. ;
 107               format BMI best12. ;
 108               format Age best12. ;
 109               format Sequence $2. ;
 110               format Period best12. ;
 111               format Treatment $1. ;
 112               format Baseline best12. ;
 113               format After best12. ;
 114               format Difference best12. ;
 115            input
 116                        Subject
 117                        Gender  $
 118                        BMI
 119                        Age
 120                        Sequence  $
 121                        Period
 122                        Treatment  $
 123                        Baseline
 124                        After
 125                        Difference
 126            ;
 127            if _ERROR_ then call symputx('_EFIERR_',1);  /* set ERROR detection macro variable */
 128            run;
 NOTE: The infile REFFILE is:
       Owner Name=u44908311,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=10Sep2024:15:42:38,
       File Size (bytes)=887
 NOTE: 26 records were read from the infile REFFILE.
       The minimum record length was 26.
       The maximum record length was 31.
 NOTE: The data set WORK.IMPORT has 26 observations and 10 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.01 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              9295.50k
       OS Memory           31260.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2024 10:44:10 AM
       Step Count                        70  Switch Count  2
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     138
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        15
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           264
 26 rows created in WORK.IMPORT from REFFILE.
 NOTE: WORK.IMPORT data set was successfully created.
 NOTE: The data set WORK.IMPORT has 26 observations and 10 variables.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE IMPORT used (Total process time):
       real time           0.03 seconds
       user cpu time       0.03 seconds
       system cpu time     0.01 seconds
       memory              9295.50k
       OS Memory           31520.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2024 10:44:10 AM
       Step Count                        70  Switch Count  8
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     1367
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        75
       Involuntary Context Switches      1
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           320
 NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time):
       real time           0.02 seconds
       user cpu time       0.03 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              1750.96k
       OS Memory           26028.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2024 10:44:10 AM
       Step Count                        71  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     95
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        3
       Involuntary Context Switches      3
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           8
 133        %web_open_table(WORK.IMPORT);
 69         Data CrossOver;
 70           infile "/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/";
 71           input Subject Gender $ BMI Age Sequence $ Period Treatment $ Baseline After Difference;
 72         run;
 NOTE: The infile "/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/" is:
       Owner Name=u44908311,Group Name=oda,
       Access Permission=-rw-r--r--,
       Last Modified=27Sep2024:11:43:57,
       File Size (bytes)=814
 NOTE: Invalid data for Subject in line 1 1-4.
 NOTE: Invalid data for BMI in line 2 3-8.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Age in line 2 10-75.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Period in line 3 9-15.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Baseline in line 3 24-24.
 NOTE: Invalid data for After in line 3 26-28.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Difference in line 3 30-32.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 3           input Subject Gender $ BMI Age Sequence $ Period Treatment $ Baseline After Difference; 89
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/"' occurred outside the printed 
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 Subject=. Gender=CrossOve BMI=. Age=. Sequence=input Period=. Treatment=Gender Baseline=. After=. Difference=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=1
 NOTE: Invalid data for Subject in line 4 1-4.
 NOTE: Invalid data for BMI in line 6 6-10.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Age in line 6 12-15.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Period in line 6 19-28.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Baseline in line 9 1-4.
 NOTE: Invalid data for After in line 9 6-10.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Difference in line 9 12-15.
 9         Proc Mixed data = CrossOver; 28
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/"' occurred outside the printed 
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 Subject=. Gender=proc BMI=. Age=. Sequence== Period=. Treatment=run; Baseline=. After=. Difference=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=2
 NOTE: Invalid data for Subject in line 10 3-7.
 NOTE: Invalid data for BMI in line 10 17-22.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Age in line 10 24-31.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Period in line 10 40-49.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Baseline in line 11 9-18.
 NOTE: Invalid data for After in line 11 20-20.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Difference in line 11 22-27.
 11          model Difference = Gender BMI Age Period Treatment Baseline; 62
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/"' occurred outside the printed 
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 Subject=. Gender=Subject BMI=. Age=. Sequence=Period Period=. Treatment=model Baseline=. After=. Difference=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=3
 NOTE: Invalid data for Subject in line 12 3-8.
 NOTE: Invalid data for BMI in line 13 3-9.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Age in line 13 11-19.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Period in line 13 23-28.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Baseline in line 17 1-4.
 NOTE: Invalid data for After in line 17 6-22.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Difference in line 18 3-8.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 18          infile "CrossOverMissing"; 28
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/"' occurred outside the printed 
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 Subject=. Gender=Subject; BMI=. Age=. Sequence=/ Period=. Treatment=run; Baseline=. After=. Difference=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=4
 NOTE: Invalid data for Subject in line 19 3-7.
 NOTE: Invalid data for BMI in line 19 17-22.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Age in line 19 24-24.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Period in line 19 30-32.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Baseline in line 19 43-43.
 NOTE: Invalid data for After in line 19 45-50.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Difference in line 19 52-60.
 19          input Subject Gender $ BMI Age Sequence $ Period Treatment $ Baseline After Difference; 89
 Subject=. Gender=Subject BMI=. Age=. Sequence=BMI Period=. Treatment=Sequence Baseline=. After=. Difference=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=5
 NOTE: Invalid data for Subject in line 20 1-4.
 NOTE: Invalid data for BMI in line 22 6-10.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Age in line 22 12-15.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Period in line 22 19-35.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Baseline in line 25 1-4.
 NOTE: Invalid data for After in line 25 6-10.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Difference in line 25 12-15.
 25        Proc Mixed data = CrossOverMissing; 35
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/"' occurred outside the printed 
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 Subject=. Gender=proc BMI=. Age=. Sequence== Period=. Treatment=run; Baseline=. After=. Difference=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=6
 NOTE: Invalid data for Subject in line 26 3-7.
 NOTE: Invalid data for BMI in line 26 17-22.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Age in line 26 24-31.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Period in line 26 40-49.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Baseline in line 27 9-18.
 NOTE: Invalid data for After in line 27 20-20.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Difference in line 27 22-27.
 27          model Difference = Gender BMI Age Period Treatment Baseline; 62
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/"' occurred outside the printed 
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 Subject=. Gender=Subject BMI=. Age=. Sequence=Period Period=. Treatment=model Baseline=. After=. Difference=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=7
 NOTE: Invalid data for Subject in line 28 3-8.
 NOTE: Invalid data for BMI in line 29 3-9.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Age in line 29 11-19.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Period in line 29 23-28.
 NOTE: Invalid data errors for file '"/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/"' occurred outside the printed 
 NOTE: Increase available buffer lines with the INFILE n= option.
 Subject=. Gender=Subject; BMI=. Age=. Sequence=/ Period=. Treatment=run; Baseline=. After=. Difference=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=8
 NOTE: 34 records were read from the infile "/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/".
       The minimum record length was 0.
       The maximum record length was 89.
 NOTE: SAS went to a new line when INPUT statement reached past the end of a line.
 NOTE: The data set WORK.CROSSOVER has 7 observations and 10 variables.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.00 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              789.03k
       OS Memory           25256.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2024 10:44:00 AM
       Step Count                        58  Switch Count  2
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     87
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        15
       Involuntary Context Switches      1
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           288
 74         proc print data = CrossOver;
 75         run;
 NOTE: There were 7 observations read from the data set WORK.CROSSOVER.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
       real time           0.01 seconds
       user cpu time       0.01 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              1230.03k
       OS Memory           25256.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2024 10:44:00 AM
       Step Count                        59  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     63
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        0
       Involuntary Context Switches      1
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           8
 77         Proc Mixed data = CrossOver;
 78           class Subject Gender Sequence Period Treatment;
 79           model Difference = Gender BMI Age Period Treatment Baseline;
 80           random Subject;
 81           lsmeans treatment / pdiff;
 82         run;
 ERROR: Invalid or missing data.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE MIXED used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.01 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              786.81k
       OS Memory           25256.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2024 10:44:00 AM
       Step Count                        60  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     89
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        3
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           0
 85         Data CrossOverMissing;
 86           infile "CrossOverMissing";
 87           input Subject Gender $ BMI Age Sequence $ Period Treatment $ Baseline After Difference;
 88         run;
 ERROR: Physical file does not exist, /pbr/biconfig/940/Lev1/SASApp/CrossOverMissing.
 NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
 WARNING: The data set WORK.CROSSOVERMISSING may be incomplete.  When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 10 
 WARNING: Data set WORK.CROSSOVERMISSING was not replaced because this step was stopped.
 NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.00 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              677.78k
       OS Memory           25256.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2024 10:44:00 AM
       Step Count                        61  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     55
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        0
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           8
 90         proc print data = CrossOverMissing;
 91         run;
 NOTE: No observations in data set WORK.CROSSOVERMISSING.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.01 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              635.15k
       OS Memory           25256.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2024 10:44:00 AM
       Step Count                        62  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     50
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        0
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           0
 93         Proc Mixed data = CrossOverMissing;
 94           class Subject Gender Sequence Period Treatment;
 95           model Difference = Gender BMI Age Period Treatment Baseline;
 96           random Subject;
 97           lsmeans treatment / pdiff;
 98         run;
 ERROR: Invalid or missing data.
 NOTE: PROCEDURE MIXED used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.00 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              595.15k
       OS Memory           25256.00k
       Timestamp           09/27/2024 10:44:00 AM
       Step Count                        63  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     59
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        3
       Involuntary Context Switches      1
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           0
Fluorite | Level 6

thanks for your support. 

Super User

Start addressing problems starting at the top of a program.

The first problem I see is a bunch of invalid data  messages. Those occur when you try to read incompatible data from the instructions you have provided on the INPUT statement and Informats. Such as trying to read "abc" as a numeric value or reading a date that looks like 01JAN2020 with a YYMMDD informat that expects values like 20200101.

So since your data step

69         Data CrossOver;
 70           infile "/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/";
 71           input Subject Gender $ BMI Age Sequence $ Period Treatment $ Baseline After Difference;
 72         run;

it looks like you are trying to read a PROGRAM file, not data.

Lets examine the first "invalid data message" and describe how to read and interpret what it shows.

Please see in the first few lines where it has one of the Variable names from the INPUT statement and some details. First indicator is that there are different LINES mentioned. Those are lines in the source file.

So Subject was read from the first line starting at column 1 through 4 and was invalid. Your Input statement indicates subject should contain a numeric value so something not valid as a number was encountered.

BMI was read from line 2, columns 3 through 8. Again BMI on the input statement expects numeric values and ran into something else, as did Age

And Period, but that was reading at line 3 as were Baseline, After and Difference.

Now for a very important diagnostic. The part that says Rule is to help identify columns the + are values like 5, 15, 25, 35, etc. the 1, 2,3 are columns 10, 20,30.

The line in the log that starts with 3 shows the TEXT of the line. Which shows program code, not values.

So, why are you attempting to read a file containing CODE into a DATA set?????

The multiple lines are because your INFILE statement has no restriction to read on a single line, typically MISSOVER as used in the Proc Import generated code or TRUNCOVER.

NOTE: Invalid data for Subject in line 1 1-4.
 NOTE: Invalid data for BMI in line 2 3-8.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Age in line 2 10-75.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Period in line 3 9-15.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Baseline in line 3 24-24.
 NOTE: Invalid data for After in line 3 26-28.
 NOTE: Invalid data for Difference in line 3 30-32.
 RULE:     ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0                      
 3           input Subject Gender $ BMI Age Sequence $ Period Treatment $ Baseline After Difference; 89

Because so many of the variables in the resultant Crossover data set are missing code using it will likely not perform very well. Which is not surprising. So read a proper file containing data though it looks like the WORK.IMPORT is what you wanted.

So for the Data Crossover Infile statement read REFFILE, using a file reference, or '/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/SBP_n13.csv' instead of "/home/u44908311/food_crossover_project/".  ADD delimiter=',' because the file is comma delimited and one of MISSOVER or TRUNCOVER (just in case one of the lines is short)


I see that you did a Proc Print data=crossover; Did you actually look at any of the results? Most of the variables would have been missing, which is what your proc mixed complains about, and the rest should have looked pretty odd for variables with names like Gender Sequence and Treatment.


So, READ the right file, the right way before attempting any analysis.


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