I don't know where is the problem ?
this is my code
/* Inputing values of multi-dimensional matrix incost in a table form first*/
Data incost;
infile datalines dsd delimiter='09'x;
input Product $ Plant $ DC $ incost;
P1 Barranqu Bogotá 130
P1 Barranqu Medellín 90.6
P1 Barranqu Cali 142
P1 Santander Bogotá 53.6
P1 Santander Medellín 41.6
P1 Santander Cali 88.8
P2 Barranqu Bogotá 130
P2 Barranqu Medellín 90.6
P2 Barranqu Cali 142
P2 Santander Bogotá 53.6
P2 Santander Medellín 41.6
P2 Santander Cali 88.8
proc optmodel;
set Product = {'P1','P2'};
set Plant = {'Barranqu','Santander'};
set DC = {'Bogotá','Medellín','Cali'};
number PlCapacity{Plant} = [610 350 ];
number incost{Product,Plant,DC};
Read data inCost into [Product Plant DC] inCost;
number Demand{Product,DC} = [
276 210.4 137.6
69 52.6 34.4
var inflow{Product,Plant,DC} >= 0;
/* Minimize Total Transport cost = Inbound transport cost + Outbound transport cost */
minimize Z=sum{l in Product,i in Plant,k in DC}(inflow[l,i,k]*incost[l,i,k]);
con PlantCon{i in Plant}: sum{l in Product,k in DC}(inflow[l,i,k])<=PlCapacity[i];
con DCCon{l in Product,k in DC}: sum{i in Plant}(inflow[l,i,k])>=Demand[l,k];
print z inflow ;