Any help would be appreciated. I’m running SAS ondemand for academics using PROC ADAPTIVEREG. When I run model 1:
proc adaptivereg data=temp11 plots=fit;
model numtoday = date factor1;
I get results 1 as attached. When I run model 2 with an additional factor being considered:
proc adaptivereg data=temp11 plots=fit;
model numtoday = date factor1 compound;
I get results 2 as attached. The contour plot in results 2 looks completely different from that in results 1 and seem interpretable, even though the final models have the same factors retained with some difference in basis functions.
I am interested that the "compound" factor gets dropped when running the model 2 statements but the strange plot makes me question the results. Can anyone shed light on why there's a discrepancy in the plots and what that means?