When I use the sgplot procedure in sas viya and get a lot of graphs generated due to a "by" statement for example, the output will open in a new browser tab.
That's convenient because I can save as a html page by right-click. This preserves mouseover feature and so on.
But when I have few graphs output, they are displayed within the sas studio window and the option to save as html vanishes. I can only save each individual plot but it's not tip-able anymore.
How can I force ods to output always in a new brower tab?
I attach the code of sgplot without data. I suppose a response here does not require a working example.
ods graphics on / width=20cm;
proc sgplot data=CASUSER.want1 ;
/* by _CLUSTER_ID_; */
format diff_venta _o_opcionales_valor euro9.0;
by cluster_description;
band y=diff_venta lower=-5000 upper= 0 / fillattrs=(color = lightgrey transparency=0.9);
ellipse y=diff_venta x=_o_opcionales_valor / fill fillattrs=(transparency=0.8 color=liy);
reg y=diff_venta x=_o_opcionales_valor / nomarkers lineattrs=(color=lightred);
/* reg y=diff_venta x=_o_opcionales_valor / degree=2 nomarkers lineattrs=(color=orange) transparency=0.5; */
text y=diff_venta x=diff_venta text=txt / textattrs=(size=12 color=firebrick) ;
scatter y=diff_venta x=_o_opcionales_valor / group=model dataskin=sheen markerattrs=(symbol=plus size=7)
tip=(_o_opcionales_valor valor_venta_reparado _o_pff _o_actual_mileage meses_efectivos ) ;
/* inset "Intercept = &Int" "Slope = &Slope" / */
/* border title="Parameter Estimates" position=topleft; */
xaxis grid;
yaxis grid;
/* xaxis values=(-5000 to 10000 by 5000); */
lineparm x=0 y=0 slope=1 / lineattrs=(color=lib pattern=4 thickness=2);