Hi, the problem my code is having is that the min_yr and max_yr variables within the macro aren't resolving. Thanks in advance.
%let run_dt = %sysfunc(today(), yymmddn.) ;
%let issuer_ids = 80473/25768 ; /*This is used for the status file names.*/
libname wrk "/sasuser/mclevx1/workspace";
libname kb "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/med" ;
libname aca_enr "/au/test/aca/dat/enr";
libname ras_repc "/au/test/ras_repc/dat";
%let edg_sup = /sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/ ;
libname edg_sup "&edg_sup." ;
%let edg_med = /au/test/edge/dat/med/ ;
libname edg_med "&edg_med." ;
/* Filenames to import */
DATA fl_nms ;
input fl_nm $30. ;
datalines ;
%macro impt(nm) ;
DATA &nm. ;
infile "&edg_sup.&nm..txt" delimiter = '09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs = 2 ;
informat csr_nbr $9. ;
informat clm_nbr $13. ;
informat dos anydtdte10. ;
informat dx_code $10. ;
informat status $1. ;
format dos mmddyy10. ;
input csr_nbr
status ;
tmp = compress(tranwrd(dx_code,".","")) ; /*Remove periods from dx codes*/
drop dx_code ;
rename tmp = dx_code ;
/* Determine the year range */
PROC SQL noprint ;
select max(min(yrs),2016), max(yrs) /*2014 and 2015 claims will need to be manually reviewed*/
into :min_yr , :max_yr
select distinct year(dos) as yrs
from &nm.
where not(missing(dos))
) ;
%do i = &&min_yr. %to &&max_yr. ;
%let _len_j = %eval(%sysfunc(countc(&issuer_ids.,/)) + 1) ;
%do jj = 1 %to &_len_j. ;
%let issuer = %scan(&issuer_ids.,&jj.) ;
proc sql ;
create table tmp_&nm._&i._&issuer. as
select distinct a.*
from &nm. a
inner join kb.edg_med_&i._&issuer. b /*submitted edge data*/
on a.clm_nbr = b.edg_claim_id
where b.au_lst_adj = 'Y' and year(dos) = &i.
order by a.csr_nbr
,a.dx_code ;
quit ;
/*Prepare data to submit to RADA for FIU*/
DATA edg_sup.&nm._&i._&issuer. (keep = csr_nbr clm_nbr dos dx_code status)
edg_sup.&nm._fiu_&i._&issuer. (keep = region_code mrn dos clm_nbr purpose diagnosis_code rename = (clm_nbr = edg_claim_id) );
SET tmp_&nm._&i._&issuer. ;
region_code = 'WA' ;
mrn = input(csr_nbr,9.) ;
format purpose $5. ;
if status = "A" then do ;
purpose = "ADD" ;
end ;
else purpose = "DELDX" ;
diagnosis_code = dx_code ;
/*Export FIU data file*/
proc export data = edg_sup.&nm._&i._fiu_&issuer.
outfile = "&edg_sup.edge_&nm._&i._fiu_&issuer._&run_dt..txt"
replace ;
delimiter="|" ;
run ;
%end ;
%end ;
%mend ;
DATA _null_ ;
SET fl_nms ;
call execute('%impt('||fl_nm||')');
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINTTO used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
2 %let run_dt = %sysfunc(today(), yymmddn.) ;
3 %let issuer_ids = 80473/25768 ; /*This is used for the status file names.*/
5 libname wrk "/sasuser/mclevx1/workspace";
NOTE: Libref WRK was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: /sasuser/mclevx1/workspace
6 libname kb "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/med" ;
NOTE: Libref KB was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: /sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/med
8 libname aca_enr "/au/test/aca/dat/enr";
NOTE: Libref ACA_ENR was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: /au/test/aca/dat/enr
9 libname ras_repc "/au/test/ras_repc/dat";
NOTE: Libref RAS_REPC was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: /au/test/ras_repc/dat
12 %let edg_sup = /sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/ ;
13 libname edg_sup "&edg_sup." ;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable EDG_SUP resolves to /sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/
NOTE: Libref EDG_SUP was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: /sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup
15 %let edg_med = /au/test/edge/dat/med/ ;
16 libname edg_med "&edg_med." ;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable EDG_MED resolves to /au/test/edge/dat/med/
NOTE: Libref EDG_MED was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: /au/test/edge/dat/med
18 /* Filenames to import */
19 DATA fl_nms ;
20 input fl_nm $30. ;
21 datalines ;
NOTE: The data set WORK.FL_NMS has 4 observations and 1 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.FL_NMS increased size by 100.00 percent.
Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
26 ;
27 RUN ;
28 %macro impt(nm) ;
30 DATA &nm. ;
31 infile "&edg_sup.&nm..txt" delimiter = '09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs = 2 ;
32 informat csr_nbr $9. ;
33 informat clm_nbr $13. ;
34 informat dos anydtdte10. ;
35 informat dx_code $10. ;
36 informat status $1. ;
37 format dos mmddyy10. ;
38 input csr_nbr
39 clm_nbr
40 dos
41 dx_code
42 status ;
43 tmp = compress(tranwrd(dx_code,".","")) ; /*Remove periods from dx codes*/
44 drop dx_code ;
45 rename tmp = dx_code ;
46 RUN ;
48 /* Determine the year range */
49 PROC SQL noprint ;
50 select max(min(yrs),2016), max(yrs) /*2014 and 2015 claims will need to be manually reviewed*/
51 into :min_yr , :max_yr
52 from
53 (
54 select distinct year(dos) as yrs
55 from &nm.
56 where not(missing(dos))
57 ) ;
58 QUIT ;
60 %do i = &&min_yr. %to &&max_yr. ;
62 %let _len_j = %eval(%sysfunc(countc(&issuer_ids.,/)) + 1) ;
64 %do jj = 1 %to &_len_j. ;
66 %let issuer = %scan(&issuer_ids.,&jj.) ;
68 proc sql ;
69 create table tmp_&nm._&i._&issuer. as
70 select distinct a.*
71 from &nm. a
72 inner join kb.edg_med_&i._&issuer. b /*submitted edge data*/
73 on a.clm_nbr = b.edg_claim_id
74 where b.au_lst_adj = 'Y' and year(dos) = &i.
75 order by a.csr_nbr
76 ,a.clm_nbr
77 ,a.dos
78 ,a.dx_code ;
79 quit ;
81 /*Prepare data to submit to RADA for FIU*/
82 DATA edg_sup.&nm._&i._&issuer. (keep = csr_nbr clm_nbr dos dx_code status)
83 edg_sup.&nm._fiu_&i._&issuer. (keep = region_code mrn dos clm_nbr purpose diagnosis_code rename = (clm_nbr = edg_claim_id) );
84 SET tmp_&nm._&i._&issuer. ;
86 region_code = 'WA' ;
88 mrn = input(csr_nbr,9.) ;
90 format purpose $5. ;
91 if status = "A" then do ;
92 purpose = "ADD" ;
93 end ;
94 else purpose = "DELDX" ;
96 diagnosis_code = dx_code ;
98 RUN ;
100 /*Export FIU data file*/
101 proc export data = edg_sup.&nm._&i._fiu_&issuer.
102 outfile = "&edg_sup.edge_&nm._&i._fiu_&issuer._&run_dt..txt"
103 dbms=dlm
104 replace ;
105 delimiter="|" ;
106 run ;
108 %end ;
110 %end ;
112 %mend ;
114 DATA _null_ ;
115 SET fl_nms ;
116 call execute('%impt('||fl_nm||')');
117 RUN ;
NOTE: The macro IMPT is executing from memory.
44 instructions 2432 bytes.
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_thrombo
MPRINT(IMPT): DATA supp_thrombo ;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable EDG_SUP resolves to /sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_thrombo
MPRINT(IMPT): infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_thrombo.txt" delimiter = '09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs = 2 ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat csr_nbr $9. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat clm_nbr $13. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat dos anydtdte10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat dx_code $10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat status $1. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): format dos mmddyy10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): input csr_nbr clm_nbr dos dx_code status ;
MPRINT(IMPT): tmp = compress(tranwrd(dx_code,".","")) ;
MPRINT(IMPT): drop dx_code ;
MPRINT(IMPT): rename tmp = dx_code ;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_thrombo
MPRINT(IMPT): select max(min(yrs),2016), max(yrs) into :min_yr , :max_yr from ( select distinct year(dos) as yrs from supp_thrombo where not(missing(dos)) ) ;
SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &.
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference MIN_YR not resolved.
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: &&min_yr.
ERROR: The %FROM value of the %DO I loop is invalid.
SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &.
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference MAX_YR not resolved.
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: &&max_yr.
ERROR: The %TO value of the %DO I loop is invalid.
ERROR: The macro IMPT will stop executing.
NOTE: The macro IMPT is executing from memory.
44 instructions 2432 bytes.
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_mdaudit
MPRINT(IMPT): DATA supp_mdaudit ;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable EDG_SUP resolves to /sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_mdaudit
MPRINT(IMPT): infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_mdaudit.txt" delimiter = '09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs = 2 ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat csr_nbr $9. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat clm_nbr $13. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat dos anydtdte10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat dx_code $10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat status $1. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): format dos mmddyy10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): input csr_nbr clm_nbr dos dx_code status ;
MPRINT(IMPT): tmp = compress(tranwrd(dx_code,".","")) ;
MPRINT(IMPT): drop dx_code ;
MPRINT(IMPT): rename tmp = dx_code ;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_mdaudit
MPRINT(IMPT): select max(min(yrs),2016), max(yrs) into :min_yr , :max_yr from ( select distinct year(dos) as yrs from supp_mdaudit where not(missing(dos)) ) ;
SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &.
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference MIN_YR not resolved.
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: &&min_yr.
ERROR: The %FROM value of the %DO I loop is invalid.
SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &.
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference MAX_YR not resolved.
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: &&max_yr.
ERROR: The %TO value of the %DO I loop is invalid.
ERROR: The macro IMPT will stop executing.
NOTE: The macro IMPT is executing from memory.
44 instructions 2432 bytes.
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_immuno
MPRINT(IMPT): DATA supp_immuno ;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable EDG_SUP resolves to /sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_immuno
MPRINT(IMPT): infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_immuno.txt" delimiter = '09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs = 2 ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat csr_nbr $9. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat clm_nbr $13. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat dos anydtdte10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat dx_code $10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat status $1. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): format dos mmddyy10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): input csr_nbr clm_nbr dos dx_code status ;
MPRINT(IMPT): tmp = compress(tranwrd(dx_code,".","")) ;
MPRINT(IMPT): drop dx_code ;
MPRINT(IMPT): rename tmp = dx_code ;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_immuno
MPRINT(IMPT): select max(min(yrs),2016), max(yrs) into :min_yr , :max_yr from ( select distinct year(dos) as yrs from supp_immuno where not(missing(dos)) ) ;
SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &.
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference MIN_YR not resolved.
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: &&min_yr.
ERROR: The %FROM value of the %DO I loop is invalid.
SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &.
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference MAX_YR not resolved.
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: &&max_yr.
ERROR: The %TO value of the %DO I loop is invalid.
ERROR: The macro IMPT will stop executing.
NOTE: The macro IMPT is executing from memory.
44 instructions 2432 bytes.
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_deact_imo
MPRINT(IMPT): DATA supp_deact_imo ;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable EDG_SUP resolves to /sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_deact_imo
MPRINT(IMPT): infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_deact_imo.txt" delimiter = '09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs = 2 ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat csr_nbr $9. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat clm_nbr $13. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat dos anydtdte10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat dx_code $10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): informat status $1. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): format dos mmddyy10. ;
MPRINT(IMPT): input csr_nbr clm_nbr dos dx_code status ;
MPRINT(IMPT): tmp = compress(tranwrd(dx_code,".","")) ;
MPRINT(IMPT): drop dx_code ;
MPRINT(IMPT): rename tmp = dx_code ;
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable NM resolves to supp_deact_imo
MPRINT(IMPT): select max(min(yrs),2016), max(yrs) into :min_yr , :max_yr from ( select distinct year(dos) as yrs from supp_deact_imo where not(missing(dos)) ) ;
SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &.
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference MIN_YR not resolved.
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: &&min_yr.
ERROR: The %FROM value of the %DO I loop is invalid.
SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &.
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference MAX_YR not resolved.
ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: &&max_yr.
ERROR: The %TO value of the %DO I loop is invalid.
ERROR: The macro IMPT will stop executing.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: There were 4 observations read from the data set WORK.FL_NMS.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
NOTE: CALL EXECUTE generated line.
1 + DATA supp_thrombo ; infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_thrombo.txt" delimiter = '09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs = 2 ; informat csr_nbr $9.
; informat clm_nbr $13. ; informat dos anydtdte10. ; informat dx_code $10. ;
2 + informat status $1. ; format dos mmddyy10. ; input csr_nbr clm_nbr dos dx_code status ; tmp = compress(tranwrd(dx_code,".","")) ; drop
dx_code ; rename tmp = dx_code ; RUN ;
NOTE: The infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_thrombo.txt" is:
Owner Name=bailkx4,Group Name=sasuser,
Access Permission=-rw-r-----,
Last Modified=14Apr2021:17:29:04,
File Size (bytes)=17740
NOTE: 421 records were read from the infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_thrombo.txt".
The minimum record length was 39.
The maximum record length was 42.
NOTE: The data set WORK.SUPP_THROMBO has 421 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.SUPP_THROMBO increased size by 100.00 percent.
Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.02 seconds
cpu time 0.03 seconds
2 +
PROC SQL noprint ; select max(min(yrs),2016), max
3 +(yrs) into :min_yr , :max_yr from ( select distinct year(dos) as yrs from supp_thrombo where not(missing(dos)) ) ;
3 + QUIT ;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
cpu time 0.03 seconds
4 + DATA supp_mdaudit ; infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_mdaudit.txt" delimiter = '09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs = 2 ; informat csr_nbr $9.
; informat clm_nbr $13. ; informat dos anydtdte10. ; informat dx_code $10. ;
5 + informat status $1. ; format dos mmddyy10. ; input csr_nbr clm_nbr dos dx_code status ; tmp = compress(tranwrd(dx_code,".","")) ; drop
dx_code ; rename tmp = dx_code ; RUN ;
NOTE: The infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_mdaudit.txt" is:
Owner Name=bailkx4,Group Name=sasuser,
Access Permission=-rw-------,
Last Modified=14Apr2021:12:13:06,
File Size (bytes)=1727
NOTE: 42 records were read from the infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_mdaudit.txt".
The minimum record length was 39.
The maximum record length was 40.
NOTE: The data set WORK.SUPP_MDAUDIT has 42 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.SUPP_MDAUDIT increased size by 100.00 percent.
Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
5 +
PROC SQL noprint ; select max(min(yrs),2016), max
6 +(yrs) into :min_yr , :max_yr from ( select distinct year(dos) as yrs from supp_mdaudit where not(missing(dos)) ) ;
6 + QUIT ;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.02 seconds
cpu time 0.03 seconds
7 + DATA supp_immuno ; infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_immuno.txt" delimiter = '09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs = 2 ; informat csr_nbr $9. ;
informat clm_nbr $13. ; informat dos anydtdte10. ; informat dx_code $10. ; informat
8 + status $1. ; format dos mmddyy10. ; input csr_nbr clm_nbr dos dx_code status ; tmp = compress(tranwrd(dx_code,".","")) ; drop dx_code ;
rename tmp = dx_code ; RUN ;
NOTE: The infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_immuno.txt" is:
Owner Name=bailkx4,Group Name=sasuser,
Access Permission=-rw-r-----,
Last Modified=14Apr2021:12:22:30,
File Size (bytes)=18009
NOTE: 428 records were read from the infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_immuno.txt".
The minimum record length was 39.
The maximum record length was 41.
NOTE: The data set WORK.SUPP_IMMUNO has 428 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.SUPP_IMMUNO increased size by 100.00 percent.
Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.02 seconds
8 +
PROC SQL noprint ; select max(min(yrs),2016), max(yrs)
9 + into :min_yr , :max_yr from ( select distinct year(dos) as yrs from supp_immuno where not(missing(dos)) ) ;
9 + QUIT ;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.02 seconds
cpu time 0.02 seconds
10 + DATA supp_deact_imo ; infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_deact_imo.txt" delimiter = '09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs = 2 ; informat csr_nbr
$9. ; informat clm_nbr $13. ; informat dos anydtdte10. ; informat dx_code $10. ;
11 + informat status $1. ; format dos mmddyy10. ; input csr_nbr clm_nbr dos dx_code status ; tmp = compress(tranwrd(dx_code,".","")) ; drop
dx_code ; rename tmp = dx_code ; RUN ;
NOTE: The infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_deact_imo.txt" is:
Owner Name=bailkx4,Group Name=sasuser,
Access Permission=-rw-r-----,
Last Modified=14Apr2021:13:56:12,
File Size (bytes)=463
NOTE: 10 records were read from the infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_deact_imo.txt".
The minimum record length was 40.
The maximum record length was 42.
NOTE: The data set WORK.SUPP_DEACT_IMO has 10 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.SUPP_DEACT_IMO increased size by 100.00 percent.
Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
11 +
PROC SQL noprint ; select max(min(yrs),2016), max
12 +(yrs) into :min_yr , :max_yr from ( select distinct year(dos) as yrs from supp_deact_imo where not(missing(dos)) ) ;
12 + QUIT ;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.02 seconds
CALL EXECUTE presents some tough timing issues. It attempts to run all macro statements right away, but has to wait until the DATA step is over to execute the SAS language statements. That throws off your logic, as the %do jj=1 %to .... executes before SQL creates your macro variables.
You can fix the issue (delaying the execution of macro statements within the code called by CALL EXECUTE) with one change:
call execute('%nrstr(%impt('||fl_nm||'))');
SYMBOLGEN: && resolves to &. WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference MIN_YR not resolved. ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was: &&min_yr. ERROR: The %FROM value of the %DO I loop is invalid.
It doesn't like &&MIN_YR. I don't know, as I haven't gone through your code in detail, why you need a && instead of &. Why do you use a &&?
CALL EXECUTE presents some tough timing issues. It attempts to run all macro statements right away, but has to wait until the DATA step is over to execute the SAS language statements. That throws off your logic, as the %do jj=1 %to .... executes before SQL creates your macro variables.
You can fix the issue (delaying the execution of macro statements within the code called by CALL EXECUTE) with one change:
call execute('%nrstr(%impt('||fl_nm||'))');
Thank you much. I was having a similar issue with another macro that was supposed to create a dataset if it didn't already exist (if not(exist(data)) then create data), except the dataset was created with each loop. In that project I was able to create the dataset only when _n_=1 since the exist function wasn't working as intended.
This line in your macro:
%do i = &&min_yr. %to &&max_yr. ;
Is trying to reference macro variables created by the earlier PROC SQL code:
select max(min(yrs),2016), max(yrs) into :min_yr , :max_yr
But that code has not yet run because your data step is still running.
So just use %NRSTR() to prevent the macro from running while the CALL EXECUTE() statement is running.
call execute(cats('%nrstr(%impt)(',fl_nm,')'));
In addition to fixing the timing issue it will also make your SAS log more readable. Instead of this gibberish:
NOTE: CALL EXECUTE generated line. 1 + DATA supp_thrombo ; infile "/sasuser/bailkx4/wrk/edge/dat/sup/supp_thrombo.txt" delimiter = '09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs = 2 ; informat csr_nbr $9. ; informat clm_nbr $13. ; informat dos anydtdte10. ; informat dx_code $10. ; 2 + informat status $1. ; format dos mmddyy10. ; input csr_nbr clm_nbr dos dx_code status ; tmp = compress(tranwrd(dx_code,".","")) ; drop dx_code ; rename tmp = dx_code ; RUN ;
You will see:
NOTE: CALL EXECUTE generated line. 1 + %impt(supp_thrombo)
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