I'm not sure what you mean by macro code for titles and footnotes. SAS has some automatic macro variables that it creates and which you can use in a SAS title (or footnote) statement:
ods listing;
proc print data=sashelp.class;
title "Report Created on: &SYSDATE";
Depending on your time zone, when you run the above program, you should get a title in the output with the date supplied by the value for the automatic &SYSDATE macro variable. For example:
Report Created on: 15APR08
For more information about the automatic macro variables, look in the Macro facility documentation for these topics:
Macro Language Elements --> Automatic Macro Variables
On the other hand, I could make my own macro variable or macro variables to be used in a title -- so this code creates some macro variables:
%let myfave = Kermit;
%let myshow = Sesame Street;
and now I want to use them:
ods listing;
proc print data=sashelp.class;
title "My favorite Muppet is: &myfave";
title2 "On the &myshow show";
which results in:
My favorite Muppet is: Kermit
On the Sesame Street show
For more help on using Macro variables, you could read the Macro facility documentation. In addition, you could consult with Tech Support for help with a particular title or footnote need.