As I improve my programming but still leverage the existing program code from the prgms I received, I attached a new var(s) to similar code, but it is not tight enough, therefore I need to add another condition, which I think should be something along the lines of first.obs. Here is a bit of the code. Please direct me if you know of a keyword for a tutorial. Thank you.[as i learn and improve, I am shameless in sharing my inefficient code].
So I want the first obs to count using pers07 for those who received earned income in this unit.
do i=1 to 16; | |
| if first.affil(i)=1 then do; |
| | if 5<erned(i)<=3000 then do;/* EARNED INCOME */ |
| | pers07+wght; |
| end; |
| | end; |