I have a dataset like this
2 30JUN2018
3 31MAR2018
4 31DEC2017
5 30SEP2017
6 30JUN2017
7 31MAR2017
proc sql noprint;/*assign macro variable as_of_date*/
select catx('', quote(put(date, date9.)), 'd'),catx('', quote(put(date, date9.)), 'd'),n
into :dates1-,
:as_of_date separated by ',',
from z;
%let n=&n;
%let as_of_date=(&as_of_date);
%let dates=&dates;
I want to assign last obs n=7, date=31MAR2017. since last n will change, it's not a fix number, it can be any number, this example gives last n=7. So how can I assign last n return to corresponding date??
I believe you simply need to retrieve the macrovar &SQLOBS, produced by the proc sql.
I.e. simply use
%let n=&sqlobs;
I believe you simply need to retrieve the macrovar &SQLOBS, produced by the proc sql.
I.e. simply use
%let n=&sqlobs;
Or do it in a data step which is trivial. Use either END if you want the last observeration only or use LAST. if you need the last by each group.
data _null_;
set sashelp.stocks (where=(stock='IBM')) end=eof;
if eof then
call symputx('last_date', put(date, date9.));
%put &last_date.;
Note in the sashelp.stocks data set the dates are in reverse order, so the last date on record is actually the earliest date.
@jojozheng wrote:
I have a dataset like this
n date
1 31AUG20182 30JUN2018
3 31MAR2018
4 31DEC2017
5 30SEP2017
6 30JUN2017
7 31MAR2017proc sql noprint;/*assign macro variable as_of_date*/
select catx('', quote(put(date, date9.)), 'd'),catx('', quote(put(date, date9.)), 'd'),n
into :dates1-,
:as_of_date separated by ',',
from z;
%let n=&n;
%let as_of_date=(&as_of_date);
%let dates=&dates;
I want to assign last obs n=7, date=31MAR2017. since last n will change, it's not a fix number, it can be any number, this example gives last n=7. So how can I assign last n return to corresponding date??
You could separate the n/as of date from the other date query as
select n, date
into :n, :as_of_date
from z
where n = (select max(n) from z);
data have;
informat ID 8. date date9.;
input ID date;
1 31AUG2018
2 30JUN2018
3 31MAR2018
4 31DEC2017
5 30SEP2017
6 30JUN2017
7 31MAR2017
data want;
set have end=eof;
call symputx(catt('dates', put(_n_, 8. -l)), catt(quote(put(date, date9.)), 'd'));
if eof then do;
call symputx('n', put(_n_, 8. -l));
call symputx('as_of_date', catt(quote(put(date, date9.)), 'd'));
%put &dates1.;
%put &dates7.;
%put &n.;
%put &as_of_date.;
Full data step approach
@jojozheng wrote:
I have a dataset like this
n date
1 31AUG20182 30JUN2018
3 31MAR2018
4 31DEC2017
5 30SEP2017
6 30JUN2017
7 31MAR2017proc sql noprint;/*assign macro variable as_of_date*/
select catx('', quote(put(date, date9.)), 'd'),catx('', quote(put(date, date9.)), 'd'),n
into :dates1-,
:as_of_date separated by ',',
from z;
%let n=&n;
%let as_of_date=(&as_of_date);
%let dates=&dates;
I want to assign last obs n=7, date=31MAR2017. since last n will change, it's not a fix number, it can be any number, this example gives last n=7. So how can I assign last n return to corresponding date??
If you just need to access the last obs you can point to it directly.
34 data _null_;
35 set have point=nobs nobs=nobs;
36 put _all_;
37 stop;
38 run;
nobs=7 ID=7 date=31MAR2017 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
Deleted records disclaimer given.
I am not quite sure that I understand your requirements, but from your code it looks like you are trying to do something like this:
proc sql noprint;
select n,date into :n1-:n999,:date1-:date999
from have
order by n;
%let last=&sqlobs;
%let last_n=&&n&last;
%let as_of_date=&&date&last;
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