In case you are using SAS DI Studio for developing these ETLs then I can only recommend to upgrade as soon as possible.
The new SAS DIS 4x (which needs SAS9.2) is a huge improvement over the v3x versions for SAS9.1.
The DIS 4x version allows a much better and controlled way to develop and unit test flows. All transformations have been improved (i.e. the SCD2 loader allows now mixed SCD1 and SCD2 loading, or permanent storing of xref tables, all transformation have an option for pre- and postcode (huge reduction of user written code nodes), all transformations allow subsetting of data, and and and and...).
Development and Unit testing with DIS 4x is so much more efficient than with 3x that this alone easily justifies an upgrade to SAS 9.2
After beeing spoiled with the DIS 4x version I'm not sure if I still would accept project work where I have to use a 3x version.