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Obsidian | Level 7



I would like to test Ho: a = g between 2 models with proc model.

I have no error messages but my OLS results do not show me anything from a to f. Did I make misspecification ? If yes, where ?

Can someone help me please ?



2559  options notes;
2560  options mprint;
2561  /*options nonotes nomprint;*/
2562  data work.model;
2563     set test;
2564     array f f1-f5;
2565     do i=1 to dim(f);
2566        label=vname(f[i]);
2567        value=f[i];
2568        output;
2569     end;
2570     keep rm zdy ztbl ztms zdfy rmrsq rm_zdy rm_ztbl rm_ztms rm_zdfy pred_mean rm_pred_mean label value;
2571  run;

NOTE: There were 360 observations read from the data set WORK.TEST.
NOTE: The data set WORK.MODEL has 1800 observations and 14 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement a utilisé (Durée totale du traitement) :
      real time           0.05 seconds
      cpu time            0.01 seconds

2573  proc model data=model outparms=dada;
2574   parm a b c d e f g h i;
2575   test a=g;
2577  value= a + b*rm + c*rm_zdy + d*rm_ztbl + e*rm_ztms + f*rm_zdfy;
2578  value=g + h*rm + i*rm_pred_mean;

2580  fit value / data=model;

NOTE: A l'itération OLS 1 CONVERGE=0.001 Criteria Met.
2581  solve value / data=model;
2582  run;

2582!     quit;

NOTE: The data set WORK.DADA has 1 observations and 9 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE MODEL a utilisé (Durée totale du traitement) :
      real time           1.48 seconds
      cpu time            0.67 seconds

Valeurs estimées OLS Paramètre non linéaires
Paramètre Estimation Err type approx. Valeur du test t Approx
Pr > |t|
a 0.0001 0 . .
b 0.0001 0 . .
c 0.0001 0 . .
d 0.0001 0 . .
e 0.0001 0 . .
f 0.0001 0 . .
g 0.501927 0.00703 71.45 <.0001
h -0.32195 0.7548 -0.43 0.6698
i 55.09007 154.5 0.36 0.7214

Résultats du test
Test Type Statistique Pr > khi-2 Libellé
Test0 Wald 5102.9 <.0001 a=g
Diamond | Level 26

Since we don't have your data, we can't really say what is happening.

Can you please provide (a portion of) your data by following these instructions: How to create a data step version of your data AKA generate sample data for forums

Paige Miller
Obsidian | Level 7

Here you are !

I hope it will be helpful !




2378  *data set you want to create demo data for;
2379  %let dataSetName = model;
2380  *number of observations you want to keep;
2381  %let obsKeep = 360;
2384  ******************************************************
2386  ******************************************************;
2388  %let source_path =
2388! 5b/;
2390  filename reprex url "&source_path";
2391  %include reprex;
2552    filename reprex;
NOTE: Fileref REPREX has been deassigned.
2554    option linesize=max;
2555    %data2datastep(dsn=&dataSetName, obs=&obsKeep);
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   option ls=max;
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   proc sql noprint;
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   select Name into :varlist separated by ' ' from dictionary.columns where libname="WORK" and memname="MODEL" ;
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   select case type when 'num' then case when missing(format) then cats(Name,':32.') else cats(Name,':',format) end else cats(Name,':$',length,'.') end into :inputlist separated by ' ' from dictionary.columns where libname="WORK" and
memname="MODEL" ;
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   select strip(catx('=',Name,put(label,$quote.))) into : lbllist separated by ' ' from dictionary.columns where libname="WORK" and memname="MODEL" and label is not null ;
NOTE: No rows were selected.
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   select memlabel into :memlabel trimmed from dictionary.tables where libname="WORK" and memname="MODEL" ;
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   select strip(catx(' ',Name,format)) into :fmtlist separated by ' ' from dictionary.columns where libname="WORK" and memname="MODEL" and format is not null and format not like '$%' ;
NOTE: No rows were selected.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL a utilisé (Durée totale du traitement) :
      real time           0.05 seconds
      cpu time            0.00 seconds

DATA2DATASTEP INPUTLIST zdy:32. ztbl:32. ztms:32. zdfy:32. pred_mean:32. rm:32. rmrsq:32. rm_zdy:32. rm_ztbl:32. rm_ztms:32. rm_zdfy:32. rm_pred_mean:32. label:$200. value:32.
DATA2DATASTEP VARLIST zdy ztbl ztms zdfy pred_mean rm rmrsq rm_zdy rm_ztbl rm_ztms rm_zdfy rm_pred_mean label value
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   data _null_;
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   *file "&file" dsd;
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   if _n_ =1 then do;
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   put @3 "infile datalines dsd truncover;";
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   put @3 "input zdy:32. ztbl:32. ztms:32. zdfy:32. pred_mean:32. rm:32. rmrsq:32. rm_zdy:32. rm_ztbl:32. rm_ztms:32. rm_zdfy:32. rm_pred_mean:32. label:$200. value:32.;";
WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference LBLLIST not resolved.
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   put "datalines;";
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   set WORK.MODEL(obs=360) end=last;
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   put zdy ztbl ztms zdfy pred_mean rm rmrsq rm_zdy rm_ztbl rm_ztms rm_zdfy rm_pred_mean label value @;
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   if last then do;
MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   put ';;;;';

  infile datalines dsd truncover;
  input zdy:32. ztbl:32. ztms:32. zdfy:32. pred_mean:32. rm:32. rmrsq:32. rm_zdy:32. rm_ztbl:32. rm_ztms:32. rm_zdfy:32. rm_pred_mean:32. label:$200. value:32.;
-1.478553 0.0553 0.0236 0.0148 0.0056389376 0.130658 0.017072 -0.193184778 0.0072253874 0.0030835288 0.0019337384 0.0007367723 f1 0.4514198352
-1.478553 0.0553 0.0236 0.0148 0.0056389376 0.130658 0.017072 -0.193184778 0.0072253874 0.0030835288 0.0019337384 0.0007367723 f2 0.6499107157
-1.478553 0.0553 0.0236 0.0148 0.0056389376 0.130658 0.017072 -0.193184778 0.0072253874 0.0030835288 0.0019337384 0.0007367723 f3 0.0149831814
-1.478553 0.0553 0.0236 0.0148 0.0056389376 0.130658 0.017072 -0.193184778 0.0072253874 0.0030835288 0.0019337384 0.0007367723 f4 0.9864671244
-1.478553 0.0553 0.0236 0.0148 0.0056389376 0.130658 0.017072 -0.193184778 0.0072253874 0.0030835288 0.0019337384 0.0007367723 f5 0.4169442842
-1.465042 0.0543 0.0235 0.0136 0.0054392209 0.03712 0.001378 -0.054382359 0.002015616 0.00087232 0.000504832 0.0002019039 f1 0.6486608352
-1.465042 0.0543 0.0235 0.0136 0.0054392209 0.03712 0.001378 -0.054382359 0.002015616 0.00087232 0.000504832 0.0002019039 f2 0.3512488917
-1.465042 0.0543 0.0235 0.0136 0.0054392209 0.03712 0.001378 -0.054382359 0.002015616 0.00087232 0.000504832 0.0002019039 f3 0.804965401
-1.465042 0.0543 0.0235 0.0136 0.0054392209 0.03712 0.001378 -0.054382359 0.002015616 0.00087232 0.000504832 0.0002019039 f4 0.7966184741
-1.465042 0.0543 0.0235 0.0136 0.0054392209 0.03712 0.001378 -0.054382359 0.002015616 0.00087232 0.000504832 0.0002019039 f5 0.2634030447
-1.517754 0.0559 0.0204 0.0127 0.0052195006 0.021678 0.00047 -0.032901871 0.0012118002 0.0004422312 0.0002753106 0.0001131483 f1 0.7152042658
-1.517754 0.0559 0.0204 0.0127 0.0052195006 0.021678 0.00047 -0.032901871 0.0012118002 0.0004422312 0.0002753106 0.0001131483 f2 0.4090506567
-1.517754 0.0559 0.0204 0.0127 0.0052195006 0.021678 0.00047 -0.032901871 0.0012118002 0.0004422312 0.0002753106 0.0001131483 f3 0.4839264133
-1.517754 0.0559 0.0204 0.0127 0.0052195006 0.021678 0.00047 -0.032901871 0.0012118002 0.0004422312 0.0002753106 0.0001131483 f4 0.5735668366
-1.517754 0.0559 0.0204 0.0127 0.0052195006 0.021678 0.00047 -0.032901871 0.0012118002 0.0004422312 0.0002753106 0.0001131483 f5 0.6690473872
-1.532458 0.0559 0.0236 0.0125 0.005002563 -0.013745 0.000189 0.0210636352 -0.000768346 -0.000324382 -0.000171813 -0.00006876 f1 0.2610319272
-1.532458 0.0559 0.0236 0.0125 0.005002563 -0.013745 0.000189 0.0210636352 -0.000768346 -0.000324382 -0.000171813 -0.00006876 f2 0.1472747327
-1.532458 0.0559 0.0236 0.0125 0.005002563 -0.013745 0.000189 0.0210636352 -0.000768346 -0.000324382 -0.000171813 -0.00006876 f3 0.7546329865
-1.532458 0.0559 0.0236 0.0125 0.005002563 -0.013745 0.000189 0.0210636352 -0.000768346 -0.000324382 -0.000171813 -0.00006876 f4 0.7060750368
-1.532458 0.0559 0.0236 0.0125 0.005002563 -0.013745 0.000189 0.0210636352 -0.000768346 -0.000324382 -0.000171813 -0.00006876 f5 0.2728229693
-1.540657 0.0564 0.0295 0.0119 0.0044233349 0.004411 0.000019 -0.006795838 0.0002487804 0.0001301245 0.0000524909 0.0000195113 f1 0.3251193605
-1.540657 0.0564 0.0295 0.0119 0.0044233349 0.004411 0.000019 -0.006795838 0.0002487804 0.0001301245 0.0000524909 0.0000195113 f2 0.0298449365
-1.540657 0.0564 0.0295 0.0119 0.0044233349 0.004411 0.000019 -0.006795838 0.0002487804 0.0001301245 0.0000524909 0.0000195113 f3 0.948264875
-1.540657 0.0564 0.0295 0.0119 0.0044233349 0.004411 0.000019 -0.006795838 0.0002487804 0.0001301245 0.0000524909 0.0000195113 f4 0.5303066683
-1.540657 0.0564 0.0295 0.0119 0.0044233349 0.004411 0.000019 -0.006795838 0.0002487804 0.0001301245 0.0000524909 0.0000195113 f5 0.7114415056
-1.532565 0.0566 0.0314 0.0118 0.0051189713 0.045415 0.002063 -0.069601439 0.002570489 0.001426031 0.000535897 0.0002324781 f1 0.6523307602
-1.532565 0.0566 0.0314 0.0118 0.0051189713 0.045415 0.002063 -0.069601439 0.002570489 0.001426031 0.000535897 0.0002324781 f2 0.6001239198
-1.532565 0.0566 0.0314 0.0118 0.0051189713 0.045415 0.002063 -0.069601439 0.002570489 0.001426031 0.000535897 0.0002324781 f3 0.8622382571
-1.532565 0.0566 0.0314 0.0118 0.0051189713 0.045415 0.002063 -0.069601439 0.002570489 0.001426031 0.000535897 0.0002324781 f4 0.7346364687
-1.532565 0.0566 0.0314 0.0118 0.0051189713 0.045415 0.002063 -0.069601439 0.002570489 0.001426031 0.000535897 0.0002324781 f5 0.965074412
-1.532108 0.0567 0.031 0.012 0.0055411911 0.045101 0.002034 -0.069099603 0.0025572267 0.001398131 0.000541212 0.0002499133 f1 0.4780332853
-1.532108 0.0567 0.031 0.012 0.0055411911 0.045101 0.002034 -0.069099603 0.0025572267 0.001398131 0.000541212 0.0002499133 f2 0.0072908383
-1.532108 0.0567 0.031 0.012 0.0055411911 0.045101 0.002034 -0.069099603 0.0025572267 0.001398131 0.000541212 0.0002499133 f3 0.8173511433
-1.532108 0.0567 0.031 0.012 0.0055411911 0.045101 0.002034 -0.069099603 0.0025572267 0.001398131 0.000541212 0.0002499133 f4 0.3370460013
-1.532108 0.0567 0.031 0.012 0.0055411911 0.045101 0.002034 -0.069099603 0.0025572267 0.001398131 0.000541212 0.0002499133 f5 0.568171473
-1.550062 0.0569 0.0338 0.0119 0.0055286697 0.034075 0.001161 -0.052818363 0.0019388675 0.001151735 0.0004054925 0.0001883894 f1 0.1771195667
-1.550062 0.0569 0.0338 0.0119 0.0055286697 0.034075 0.001161 -0.052818363 0.0019388675 0.001151735 0.0004054925 0.0001883894 f2 0.0111325006
-1.550062 0.0569 0.0338 0.0119 0.0055286697 0.034075 0.001161 -0.052818363 0.0019388675 0.001151735 0.0004054925 0.0001883894 f3 0.8168642618
-1.550062 0.0569 0.0338 0.0119 0.0055286697 0.034075 0.001161 -0.052818363 0.0019388675 0.001151735 0.0004054925 0.0001883894 f4 0.0229171352
-1.550062 0.0569 0.0338 0.0119 0.0055286697 0.034075 0.001161 -0.052818363 0.0019388675 0.001151735 0.0004054925 0.0001883894 f5 0.9097481379
-1.568156 0.0604 0.0332 0.0113 0.0052581205 -0.027273 0.000744 0.0427683186 -0.001647289 -0.000905464 -0.000308185 -0.000143405 f1 0.8774017258
-1.568156 0.0604 0.0332 0.0113 0.0052581205 -0.027273 0.000744 0.0427683186 -0.001647289 -0.000905464 -0.000308185 -0.000143405 f2 0.5694861866
-1.568156 0.0604 0.0332 0.0113 0.0052581205 -0.027273 0.000744 0.0427683186 -0.001647289 -0.000905464 -0.000308185 -0.000143405 f3 0.8095250441
-1.568156 0.0604 0.0332 0.0113 0.0052581205 -0.027273 0.000744 0.0427683186 -0.001647289 -0.000905464 -0.000308185 -0.000143405 f4 0.7043368973
-1.568156 0.0604 0.0332 0.0113 0.0052581205 -0.027273 0.000744 0.0427683186 -0.001647289 -0.000905464 -0.000308185 -0.000143405 f5 0.1756782798
-1.580733 0.064 0.0352 0.0113 0.0045513778 -0.220903 0.048798 0.3491886619 -0.014137792 -0.007775786 -0.002496204 -0.001005413 f1 0.9627734059
-1.580733 0.064 0.0352 0.0113 0.0045513778 -0.220903 0.048798 0.3491886619 -0.014137792 -0.007775786 -0.002496204 -0.001005413 f2 0.4295038732
-1.580733 0.064 0.0352 0.0113 0.0045513778 -0.220903 0.048798 0.3491886619 -0.014137792 -0.007775786 -0.002496204 -0.001005413 f3 0.8201677468
-1.580733 0.064 0.0352 0.0113 0.0045513778 -0.220903 0.048798 0.3491886619 -0.014137792 -0.007775786 -0.002496204 -0.001005413 f4 0.7864974974
-1.580733 0.064 0.0352 0.0113 0.0045513778 -0.220903 0.048798 0.3491886619 -0.014137792 -0.007775786 -0.002496204 -0.001005413 f5 0.8745459569
-1.567608 0.0613 0.0313 0.011 0.0051239901 -0.086616 0.007502 0.1357799345 -0.005309561 -0.002711081 -0.000952776 -0.00044382 f1 0.4731746653
-1.567608 0.0613 0.0313 0.011 0.0051239901 -0.086616 0.007502 0.1357799345 -0.005309561 -0.002711081 -0.000952776 -0.00044382 f2 0.251543292
-1.567608 0.0613 0.0313 0.011 0.0051239901 -0.086616 0.007502 0.1357799345 -0.005309561 -0.002711081 -0.000952776 -0.00044382 f3 0.3853695418
-1.567608 0.0613 0.0313 0.011 0.0051239901 -0.086616 0.007502 0.1357799345 -0.005309561 -0.002711081 -0.000952776 -0.00044382 f4 0.6934008066
-1.567608 0.0613 0.0313 0.011 0.0051239901 -0.086616 0.007502 0.1357799345 -0.005309561 -0.002711081 -0.000952776 -0.00044382 f5 0.1662515612
-1.458534 0.0569 0.0362 0.0122 0.0046474209 0.069114 0.004777 -0.100805119 0.0039325866 0.0025019268 0.0008431908 0.0003212018 f1 0.7489646071
-1.458534 0.0569 0.0362 0.0122 0.0046474209 0.069114 0.004777 -0.100805119 0.0039325866 0.0025019268 0.0008431908 0.0003212018 f2 0.2143482436
-1.458534 0.0569 0.0362 0.0122 0.0046474209 0.069114 0.004777 -0.100805119 0.0039325866 0.0025019268 0.0008431908 0.0003212018 f3 0.9192034416
-1.458534 0.0569 0.0362 0.0122 0.0046474209 0.069114 0.004777 -0.100805119 0.0039325866 0.0025019268 0.0008431908 0.0003212018 f4 0.2035216224
-1.458534 0.0569 0.0362 0.0122 0.0046474209 0.069114 0.004777 -0.100805119 0.0039325866 0.0025019268 0.0008431908 0.0003212018 f5 0.6505407755
-1.417318 0.0577 0.0343 0.0118 0.0049056172 0.03787 0.001434 -0.053673833 0.002185099 0.001298941 0.000446866 0.0001857757 f1 0.3253429501
-1.417318 0.0577 0.0343 0.0118 0.0049056172 0.03787 0.001434 -0.053673833 0.002185099 0.001298941 0.000446866 0.0001857757 f2 0.7325578545
-1.417318 0.0577 0.0343 0.0118 0.0049056172 0.03787 0.001434 -0.053673833 0.002185099 0.001298941 0.000446866 0.0001857757 f3 0.8955283355
-1.417318 0.0577 0.0343 0.0118 0.0049056172 0.03787 0.001434 -0.053673833 0.002185099 0.001298941 0.000446866 0.0001857757 f4 0.1699969997
-1.417318 0.0577 0.0343 0.0118 0.0049056172 0.03787 0.001434 -0.053673833 0.002185099 0.001298941 0.000446866 0.0001857757 f5 0.2680122621
-1.445567 0.0581 0.0271 0.0119 0.0046603034 0.042728 0.001826 -0.061766187 0.0024824968 0.0011579288 0.0005084632 0.0001991254 f1 0.738105947
-1.445567 0.0581 0.0271 0.0119 0.0046603034 0.042728 0.001826 -0.061766187 0.0024824968 0.0011579288 0.0005084632 0.0001991254 f2 0.9659941094
-1.445567 0.0581 0.0271 0.0119 0.0046603034 0.042728 0.001826 -0.061766187 0.0024824968 0.0011579288 0.0005084632 0.0001991254 f3 0.0271218256
-1.445567 0.0581 0.0271 0.0119 0.0046603034 0.042728 0.001826 -0.061766187 0.0024824968 0.0011579288 0.0005084632 0.0001991254 f4 0.173806836
-1.445567 0.0581 0.0271 0.0119 0.0046603034 0.042728 0.001826 -0.061766187 0.0024824968 0.0011579288 0.0005084632 0.0001991254 f5 0.8157283211
-1.460499 0.0566 0.0288 0.0122 0.0048237028 -0.035597 0.001267 0.0519893829 -0.00201479 -0.001025194 -0.000434283 -0.000171709 f1 0.7406171899
-1.460499 0.0566 0.0288 0.0122 0.0048237028 -0.035597 0.001267 0.0519893829 -0.00201479 -0.001025194 -0.000434283 -0.000171709 f2 0.9155467916
-1.460499 0.0566 0.0288 0.0122 0.0048237028 -0.035597 0.001267 0.0519893829 -0.00201479 -0.001025194 -0.000434283 -0.000171709 f3 0.867587082
-1.460499 0.0566 0.0288 0.0122 0.0048237028 -0.035597 0.001267 0.0519893829 -0.00201479 -0.001025194 -0.000434283 -0.000171709 f4 0.8823737013
-1.460499 0.0566 0.0288 0.0122 0.0048237028 -0.035597 0.001267 0.0519893829 -0.00201479 -0.001025194 -0.000434283 -0.000171709 f5 0.5786429507
-1.47602 0.057 0.0331 0.0118 0.0042514594 0.005591 0.000031 -0.008252428 0.000318687 0.0001850621 0.0000659738 0.0000237699 f1 0.9674688806
-1.47602 0.057 0.0331 0.0118 0.0042514594 0.005591 0.000031 -0.008252428 0.000318687 0.0001850621 0.0000659738 0.0000237699 f2 0.1789891162
-1.47602 0.057 0.0331 0.0118 0.0042514594 0.005591 0.000031 -0.008252428 0.000318687 0.0001850621 0.0000659738 0.0000237699 f3 0.7304435492
-1.47602 0.057 0.0331 0.0118 0.0042514594 0.005591 0.000031 -0.008252428 0.000318687 0.0001850621 0.0000659738 0.0000237699 f4 0.1848556763
-1.47602 0.057 0.0331 0.0118 0.0042514594 0.005591 0.000031 -0.008252428 0.000318687 0.0001850621 0.0000659738 0.0000237699 f5 0.4422609189
-1.456787 0.0591 0.0338 0.0123 0.004107187 0.002795 8E-6 -0.00407172 0.0001651845 0.000094471 0.0000343785 0.0000114796 f1 0.5949691616
-1.456787 0.0591 0.0338 0.0123 0.004107187 0.002795 8E-6 -0.00407172 0.0001651845 0.000094471 0.0000343785 0.0000114796 f2 0.7902872231
-1.456787 0.0591 0.0338 0.0123 0.004107187 0.002795 8E-6 -0.00407172 0.0001651845 0.000094471 0.0000343785 0.0000114796 f3 0.44375911
-1.456787 0.0591 0.0338 0.0123 0.004107187 0.002795 8E-6 -0.00407172 0.0001651845 0.000094471 0.0000343785 0.0000114796 f4 0.2543230836
-1.456787 0.0591 0.0338 0.0123 0.004107187 0.002795 8E-6 -0.00407172 0.0001651845 0.000094471 0.0000343785 0.0000114796 f5 0.9887888934
-1.456401 0.0626 0.0326 0.0114 0.0043551586 0.042293 0.001789 -0.061595567 0.0026475418 0.0013787518 0.0004821402 0.0001841927 f1 0.576536923
-1.456401 0.0626 0.0326 0.0114 0.0043551586 0.042293 0.001789 -0.061595567 0.0026475418 0.0013787518 0.0004821402 0.0001841927 f2 0.1514373786
-1.456401 0.0626 0.0326 0.0114 0.0043551586 0.042293 0.001789 -0.061595567 0.0026475418 0.0013787518 0.0004821402 0.0001841927 f3 0.7482624495
-1.456401 0.0626 0.0326 0.0114 0.0043551586 0.042293 0.001789 -0.061595567 0.0026475418 0.0013787518 0.0004821402 0.0001841927 f4 0.334265493
-1.456401 0.0626 0.0326 0.0114 0.0043551586 0.042293 0.001789 -0.061595567 0.0026475418 0.0013787518 0.0004821402 0.0001841927 f5 0.3073571652
-1.453365 0.0646 0.0271 0.0114 0.0048288314 -0.010066 0.000101 0.0146295721 -0.000650264 -0.000272789 -0.000114752 -0.000048607 f1 0.3274500632
-1.453365 0.0646 0.0271 0.0114 0.0048288314 -0.010066 0.000101 0.0146295721 -0.000650264 -0.000272789 -0.000114752 -0.000048607 f2 0.6963396118
-1.453365 0.0646 0.0271 0.0114 0.0048288314 -0.010066 0.000101 0.0146295721 -0.000650264 -0.000272789 -0.000114752 -0.000048607 f3 0.603051185
-1.453365 0.0646 0.0271 0.0114 0.0048288314 -0.010066 0.000101 0.0146295721 -0.000650264 -0.000272789 -0.000114752 -0.000048607 f4 0.5566325502
-1.453365 0.0646 0.0271 0.0114 0.0048288314 -0.010066 0.000101 0.0146295721 -0.000650264 -0.000272789 -0.000114752 -0.000048607 f5 0.8037531459
-1.468163 0.0673 0.0274 0.0115 0.0040875721 -0.038371 0.001472 0.0563348825 -0.002582368 -0.001051365 -0.000441267 -0.000156844 f1 0.108525808
-1.468163 0.0673 0.0274 0.0115 0.0040875721 -0.038371 0.001472 0.0563348825 -0.002582368 -0.001051365 -0.000441267 -0.000156844 f2 0.2501259312
-1.468163 0.0673 0.0274 0.0115 0.0040875721 -0.038371 0.001472 0.0563348825 -0.002582368 -0.001051365 -0.000441267 -0.000156844 f3 0.8988104751
-1.468163 0.0673 0.0274 0.0115 0.0040875721 -0.038371 0.001472 0.0563348825 -0.002582368 -0.001051365 -0.000441267 -0.000156844 f4 0.4343392879
-1.468163 0.0673 0.0274 0.0115 0.0040875721 -0.038371 0.001472 0.0563348825 -0.002582368 -0.001051365 -0.000441267 -0.000156844 f5 0.3361733497
-1.462244 0.0706 0.0244 0.011 0.0041621625 0.036706 0.001347 -0.053673128 0.0025914436 0.0008956264 0.000403766 0.0001527763 f1 0.7875120569
-1.462244 0.0706 0.0244 0.011 0.0041621625 0.036706 0.001347 -0.053673128 0.0025914436 0.0008956264 0.000403766 0.0001527763 f2 0.073545801
-1.462244 0.0706 0.0244 0.011 0.0041621625 0.036706 0.001347 -0.053673128 0.0025914436 0.0008956264 0.000403766 0.0001527763 f3 0.2623995297
-1.462244 0.0706 0.0244 0.011 0.0041621625 0.036706 0.001347 -0.053673128 0.0025914436 0.0008956264 0.000403766 0.0001527763 f4 0.4584354616
-1.462244 0.0706 0.0244 0.011 0.0041621625 0.036706 0.001347 -0.053673128 0.0025914436 0.0008956264 0.000403766 0.0001527763 f5 0.1839836054
-1.441614 0.0724 0.0193 0.0108 0.004284233 0.020766 0.000431 -0.029936556 0.0015034584 0.0004007838 0.0002242728 0.0000889664 f1 0.3099260709
-1.441614 0.0724 0.0193 0.0108 0.004284233 0.020766 0.000431 -0.029936556 0.0015034584 0.0004007838 0.0002242728 0.0000889664 f2 0.1920238129
-1.441614 0.0724 0.0193 0.0108 0.004284233 0.020766 0.000431 -0.029936556 0.0015034584 0.0004007838 0.0002242728 0.0000889664 f3 0.6224639456
-1.441614 0.0724 0.0193 0.0108 0.004284233 0.020766 0.000431 -0.029936556 0.0015034584 0.0004007838 0.0002242728 0.0000889664 f4 0.5554410944
-1.441614 0.0724 0.0193 0.0108 0.004284233 0.020766 0.000431 -0.029936556 0.0015034584 0.0004007838 0.0002242728 0.0000889664 f5 0.6538041526
-1.454119 0.0735 0.0154 0.009 0.0043205022 -0.020822 0.000434 0.0302776658 -0.001530417 -0.000320659 -0.000187398 -0.000089961 f1 0.0778219672
-1.454119 0.0735 0.0154 0.009 0.0043205022 -0.020822 0.000434 0.0302776658 -0.001530417 -0.000320659 -0.000187398 -0.000089961 f2 0.9861879274
-1.454119 0.0735 0.0154 0.009 0.0043205022 -0.020822 0.000434 0.0302776658 -0.001530417 -0.000320659 -0.000187398 -0.000089961 f3 0.2239934933
-1.454119 0.0735 0.0154 0.009 0.0043205022 -0.020822 0.000434 0.0302776658 -0.001530417 -0.000320659 -0.000187398 -0.000089961 f4 0.5873291812
-1.454119 0.0735 0.0154 0.009 0.0043205022 -0.020822 0.000434 0.0302776658 -0.001530417 -0.000320659 -0.000187398 -0.000089961 f5 0.2922225945
-1.46088 0.0776 0.0147 0.0103 0.003944149 0.011828 0.00014 -0.017279289 0.0009178528 0.0001738716 0.0001218284 0.0000466514 f1 0.8997583636
-1.46088 0.0776 0.0147 0.0103 0.003944149 0.011828 0.00014 -0.017279289 0.0009178528 0.0001738716 0.0001218284 0.0000466514 f2 0.6174048565
-1.46088 0.0776 0.0147 0.0103 0.003944149 0.011828 0.00014 -0.017279289 0.0009178528 0.0001738716 0.0001218284 0.0000466514 f3 0.6735348658
-1.46088 0.0776 0.0147 0.0103 0.003944149 0.011828 0.00014 -0.017279289 0.0009178528 0.0001738716 0.0001218284 0.0000466514 f4 0.149379884
-1.46088 0.0776 0.0147 0.0103 0.003944149 0.011828 0.00014 -0.017279289 0.0009178528 0.0001738716 0.0001218284 0.0000466514 f5 0.4711080834
-1.44827 0.0807 0.0111 0.0108 0.0044133809 0.065411 0.004279 -0.094732789 0.0052786677 0.0007260621 0.0007064388 0.0002886837 f1 0.429838848
-1.44827 0.0807 0.0111 0.0108 0.0044133809 0.065411 0.004279 -0.094732789 0.0052786677 0.0007260621 0.0007064388 0.0002886837 f2 0.1996569653
-1.44827 0.0807 0.0111 0.0108 0.0044133809 0.065411 0.004279 -0.094732789 0.0052786677 0.0007260621 0.0007064388 0.0002886837 f3 0.0143672731
-1.44827 0.0807 0.0111 0.0108 0.0044133809 0.065411 0.004279 -0.094732789 0.0052786677 0.0007260621 0.0007064388 0.0002886837 f4 0.6886042485
-1.44827 0.0807 0.0111 0.0108 0.0044133809 0.065411 0.004279 -0.094732789 0.0052786677 0.0007260621 0.0007064388 0.0002886837 f5 0.6669221915
-1.450744 0.0827 0.0076 0.0103 0.0042556235 -0.032139 0.001033 0.0466254614 -0.002657895 -0.000244256 -0.000331032 -0.000136771 f1 0.8307388391
-1.450744 0.0827 0.0076 0.0103 0.0042556235 -0.032139 0.001033 0.0466254614 -0.002657895 -0.000244256 -0.000331032 -0.000136771 f2 0.9547457192
-1.450744 0.0827 0.0076 0.0103 0.0042556235 -0.032139 0.001033 0.0466254614 -0.002657895 -0.000244256 -0.000331032 -0.000136771 f3 0.3905433744
-1.450744 0.0827 0.0076 0.0103 0.0042556235 -0.032139 0.001033 0.0466254614 -0.002657895 -0.000244256 -0.000331032 -0.000136771 f4 0.2021368925
-1.450744 0.0827 0.0076 0.0103 0.0042556235 -0.032139 0.001033 0.0466254614 -0.002657895 -0.000244256 -0.000331032 -0.000136771 f5 0.2310994208
-1.476756 0.0853 0.0082 0.0097 0.003718782 0.015688 0.000246 -0.023167348 0.0013381864 0.0001286416 0.0001521736 0.0000583403 f1 0.0629419675
-1.476756 0.0853 0.0082 0.0097 0.003718782 0.015688 0.000246 -0.023167348 0.0013381864 0.0001286416 0.0001521736 0.0000583403 f2 0.190904548
-1.476756 0.0853 0.0082 0.0097 0.003718782 0.015688 0.000246 -0.023167348 0.0013381864 0.0001286416 0.0001521736 0.0000583403 f3 0.0347518986
-1.476756 0.0853 0.0082 0.0097 0.003718782 0.015688 0.000246 -0.023167348 0.0013381864 0.0001286416 0.0001521736 0.0000583403 f4 0.4082359301
-1.476756 0.0853 0.0082 0.0097 0.003718782 0.015688 0.000246 -0.023167348 0.0013381864 0.0001286416 0.0001521736 0.0000583403 f5 0.7522148745
-1.46021 0.0882 0.0047 0.0087 0.0035982168 0.044499 0.00198 -0.064977885 0.0039248118 0.0002091453 0.0003871413 0.0001601171 f1 0.7155990599
-1.46021 0.0882 0.0047 0.0087 0.0035982168 0.044499 0.00198 -0.064977885 0.0039248118 0.0002091453 0.0003871413 0.0001601171 f2 0.2652217887
-1.46021 0.0882 0.0047 0.0087 0.0035982168 0.044499 0.00198 -0.064977885 0.0039248118 0.0002091453 0.0003871413 0.0001601171 f3 0.2782974468
-1.46021 0.0882 0.0047 0.0087 0.0035982168 0.044499 0.00198 -0.064977885 0.0039248118 0.0002091453 0.0003871413 0.0001601171 f4 0.2178096721
-1.46021 0.0882 0.0047 0.0087 0.0035982168 0.044499 0.00198 -0.064977885 0.0039248118 0.0002091453 0.0003871413 0.0001601171 f5 0.4721786247
-1.464021 0.0865 0.0053 0.0082 0.0038404952 0.033997 0.001156 -0.049772322 0.0029407405 0.0001801841 0.0002787754 0.0001305653 f1 0.8289827019
-1.464021 0.0865 0.0053 0.0082 0.0038404952 0.033997 0.001156 -0.049772322 0.0029407405 0.0001801841 0.0002787754 0.0001305653 f2 0.0542774066
-1.464021 0.0865 0.0053 0.0082 0.0038404952 0.033997 0.001156 -0.049772322 0.0029407405 0.0001801841 0.0002787754 0.0001305653 f3 0.0993375043
-1.464021 0.0865 0.0053 0.0082 0.0038404952 0.033997 0.001156 -0.049772322 0.0029407405 0.0001801841 0.0002787754 0.0001305653 f4 0.3923654758
-1.464021 0.0865 0.0053 0.0082 0.0038404952 0.033997 0.001156 -0.049772322 0.0029407405 0.0001801841 0.0002787754 0.0001305653 f5 0.3453584906
-1.480176 0.0843 0.0035 0.0089 0.0043315968 -0.012403 0.000154 0.0183586229 -0.001045573 -0.000043411 -0.000110387 -0.000053725 f1 0.3794982808
-1.480176 0.0843 0.0035 0.0089 0.0043315968 -0.012403 0.000154 0.0183586229 -0.001045573 -0.000043411 -0.000110387 -0.000053725 f2 0.7844410831
-1.480176 0.0843 0.0035 0.0089 0.0043315968 -0.012403 0.000154 0.0183586229 -0.001045573 -0.000043411 -0.000110387 -0.000053725 f3 0.710553578
-1.480176 0.0843 0.0035 0.0089 0.0043315968 -0.012403 0.000154 0.0183586229 -0.001045573 -0.000043411 -0.000110387 -0.000053725 f4 0.174568331
-1.480176 0.0843 0.0035 0.0089 0.0043315968 -0.012403 0.000154 0.0183586229 -0.001045573 -0.000043411 -0.000110387 -0.000053725 f5 0.7362332194
-1.49016 0.0815 0.0006 0.0093 0.0044600919 0.083486 0.00697 -0.124407498 0.006804109 0.0000500916 0.0007764198 0.0003723552 f1 0.8771440251
-1.49016 0.0815 0.0006 0.0093 0.0044600919 0.083486 0.00697 -0.124407498 0.006804109 0.0000500916 0.0007764198 0.0003723552 f2 0.8036460922
-1.49016 0.0815 0.0006 0.0093 0.0044600919 0.083486 0.00697 -0.124407498 0.006804109 0.0000500916 0.0007764198 0.0003723552 f3 0.9535739925
-1.49016 0.0815 0.0006 0.0093 0.0044600919 0.083486 0.00697 -0.124407498 0.006804109 0.0000500916 0.0007764198 0.0003723552 f4 0.7347526028
-1.49016 0.0815 0.0006 0.0093 0.0044600919 0.083486 0.00697 -0.124407498 0.006804109 0.0000500916 0.0007764198 0.0003723552 f5 0.8901377581
-1.481624 0.0788 0.0013 0.0094 0.0047460155 0.01327 0.000176 -0.01966115 0.001045676 0.000017251 0.000124738 0.0000629796 f1 0.7233618105
-1.481624 0.0788 0.0013 0.0094 0.0047460155 0.01327 0.000176 -0.01966115 0.001045676 0.000017251 0.000124738 0.0000629796 f2 0.5899322976
-1.481624 0.0788 0.0013 0.0094 0.0047460155 0.01327 0.000176 -0.01966115 0.001045676 0.000017251 0.000124738 0.0000629796 f3 0.8019134625
-1.481624 0.0788 0.0013 0.0094 0.0047460155 0.01327 0.000176 -0.01966115 0.001045676 0.000017251 0.000124738 0.0000629796 f4 0.3335554378
-1.481624 0.0788 0.0013 0.0094 0.0047460155 0.01327 0.000176 -0.01966115 0.001045676 0.000017251 0.000124738 0.0000629796 f5 0.4620902322
-1.513379 0.079 0.0051 0.0092 0.0043025547 -0.010462 0.000109 0.0158329711 -0.000826498 -0.000053356 -0.00009625 -0.000045013 f1 0.010986344
-1.513379 0.079 0.0051 0.0092 0.0043025547 -0.010462 0.000109 0.0158329711 -0.000826498 -0.000053356 -0.00009625 -0.000045013 f2 0.8000367772
-1.513379 0.079 0.0051 0.0092 0.0043025547 -0.010462 0.000109 0.0158329711 -0.000826498 -0.000053356 -0.00009625 -0.000045013 f3 0.2478244357
-1.513379 0.079 0.0051 0.0092 0.0043025547 -0.010462 0.000109 0.0158329711 -0.000826498 -0.000053356 -0.00009625 -0.000045013 f4 0.4546201799
-1.513379 0.079 0.0051 0.0092 0.0043025547 -0.010462 0.000109 0.0158329711 -0.000826498 -0.000053356 -0.00009625 -0.000045013 f5 0.6839760471
-1.515102 0.0775 0.0072 0.009 0.0045039182 -0.030006 0.0009 0.0454621506 -0.002325465 -0.000216043 -0.000270054 -0.000135145 f1 0.0899740039
-1.515102 0.0775 0.0072 0.009 0.0045039182 -0.030006 0.0009 0.0454621506 -0.002325465 -0.000216043 -0.000270054 -0.000135145 f2 0.6970357218
-1.515102 0.0775 0.0072 0.009 0.0045039182 -0.030006 0.0009 0.0454621506 -0.002325465 -0.000216043 -0.000270054 -0.000135145 f3 0.3742396563
-1.515102 0.0775 0.0072 0.009 0.0045039182 -0.030006 0.0009 0.0454621506 -0.002325465 -0.000216043 -0.000270054 -0.000135145 f4 0.6263286656
-1.515102 0.0775 0.0072 0.009 0.0045039182 -0.030006 0.0009 0.0454621506 -0.002325465 -0.000216043 -0.000270054 -0.000135145 f5 0.1615615227
-1.507943 0.0764 0.0046 0.0089 0.0041593964 0.014071 0.000198 -0.021218266 0.0010750244 0.0000647266 0.0001252319 0.0000585269 f1 0.252519467
-1.507943 0.0764 0.0046 0.0089 0.0041593964 0.014071 0.000198 -0.021218266 0.0010750244 0.0000647266 0.0001252319 0.0000585269 f2 0.1197389523
-1.507943 0.0764 0.0046 0.0089 0.0041593964 0.014071 0.000198 -0.021218266 0.0010750244 0.0000647266 0.0001252319 0.0000585269 f3 0.0697945496
-1.507943 0.0764 0.0046 0.0089 0.0041593964 0.014071 0.000198 -0.021218266 0.0010750244 0.0000647266 0.0001252319 0.0000585269 f4 0.8555927858
-1.507943 0.0764 0.0046 0.0089 0.0041593964 0.014071 0.000198 -0.021218266 0.0010750244 0.0000647266 0.0001252319 0.0000585269 f5 0.3172402854
-1.492604 0.0769 0.0039 0.0092 0.0046153316 0.016299 0.000266 -0.024327953 0.0012533931 0.0000635661 0.0001499508 0.0000752253 f1 0.1303800243
-1.492604 0.0769 0.0039 0.0092 0.0046153316 0.016299 0.000266 -0.024327953 0.0012533931 0.0000635661 0.0001499508 0.0000752253 f2 0.4130356328
-1.492604 0.0769 0.0039 0.0092 0.0046153316 0.016299 0.000266 -0.024327953 0.0012533931 0.0000635661 0.0001499508 0.0000752253 f3 0.3037782527
-1.492604 0.0769 0.0039 0.0092 0.0046153316 0.016299 0.000266 -0.024327953 0.0012533931 0.0000635661 0.0001499508 0.0000752253 f4 0.6429216199
-1.492604 0.0769 0.0039 0.0092 0.0046153316 0.016299 0.000266 -0.024327953 0.0012533931 0.0000635661 0.0001499508 0.0000752253 f5 0.5383633345
-1.495505 0.0763 0.0053 0.0096 0.0043840068 -0.074028 0.00548 0.1107092441 -0.005648336 -0.000392348 -0.000710669 -0.000324539 f1 0.5260097415
-1.495505 0.0763 0.0053 0.0096 0.0043840068 -0.074028 0.00548 0.1107092441 -0.005648336 -0.000392348 -0.000710669 -0.000324539 f2 0.8014027303
-1.495505 0.0763 0.0053 0.0096 0.0043840068 -0.074028 0.00548 0.1107092441 -0.005648336 -0.000392348 -0.000710669 -0.000324539 f3 0.4215628549
-1.495505 0.0763 0.0053 0.0096 0.0043840068 -0.074028 0.00548 0.1107092441 -0.005648336 -0.000392348 -0.000710669 -0.000324539 f4 0.8297399626
-1.495505 0.0763 0.0053 0.0096 0.0043840068 -0.074028 0.00548 0.1107092441 -0.005648336 -0.000392348 -0.000710669 -0.000324539 f5 0.1101349127
-1.501277 0.0764 0.0101 0.0095 0.0030355405 0.006931 0.000048 -0.010405351 0.0005295284 0.0000700031 0.0000658445 0.0000210393 f1 0.2191729239
-1.501277 0.0764 0.0101 0.0095 0.0030355405 0.006931 0.000048 -0.010405351 0.0005295284 0.0000700031 0.0000658445 0.0000210393 f2 0.678049506
-1.501277 0.0764 0.0101 0.0095 0.0030355405 0.006931 0.000048 -0.010405351 0.0005295284 0.0000700031 0.0000658445 0.0000210393 f3 0.7194629925
-1.501277 0.0764 0.0101 0.0095 0.0030355405 0.006931 0.000048 -0.010405351 0.0005295284 0.0000700031 0.0000658445 0.0000210393 f4 0.0996366479
-1.501277 0.0764 0.0101 0.0095 0.0030355405 0.006931 0.000048 -0.010405351 0.0005295284 0.0000700031 0.0000658445 0.0000210393 f5 0.4569945952
-1.466909 0.0774 0.0102 0.0092 0.0040822677 0.020005 0.0004 -0.029345515 0.001548387 0.000204051 0.000184046 0.0000816658 f1 0.1568250601
-1.466909 0.0774 0.0102 0.0092 0.0040822677 0.020005 0.0004 -0.029345515 0.001548387 0.000204051 0.000184046 0.0000816658 f2 0.9126759152
-1.466909 0.0774 0.0102 0.0092 0.0040822677 0.020005 0.0004 -0.029345515 0.001548387 0.000204051 0.000184046 0.0000816658 f3 0.0306228232
-1.466909 0.0774 0.0102 0.0092 0.0040822677 0.020005 0.0004 -0.029345515 0.001548387 0.000204051 0.000184046 0.0000816658 f4 0.7361900801
-1.466909 0.0774 0.0102 0.0092 0.0040822677 0.020005 0.0004 -0.029345515 0.001548387 0.000204051 0.000184046 0.0000816658 f5 0.7597131383
-1.467224 0.079 0.0099 0.0084 0.0039833155 -0.030979 0.00096 0.0454531323 -0.002447341 -0.000306692 -0.000260224 -0.000123399 f1 0.8149394574
-1.467224 0.079 0.0099 0.0084 0.0039833155 -0.030979 0.00096 0.0454531323 -0.002447341 -0.000306692 -0.000260224 -0.000123399 f2 0.8300335691
-1.467224 0.079 0.0099 0.0084 0.0039833155 -0.030979 0.00096 0.0454531323 -0.002447341 -0.000306692 -0.000260224 -0.000123399 f3 0.7848462778
-1.467224 0.079 0.0099 0.0084 0.0039833155 -0.030979 0.00096 0.0454531323 -0.002447341 -0.000306692 -0.000260224 -0.000123399 f4 0.705721686
-1.467224 0.079 0.0099 0.0084 0.0039833155 -0.030979 0.00096 0.0454531323 -0.002447341 -0.000306692 -0.000260224 -0.000123399 f5 0.900403432
-1.473242 0.0777 0.0147 0.0084 0.0042416413 0.090969 0.008275 -0.134019351 0.0070682913 0.0013372443 0.0007641396 0.0003858579 f1 0.4563525605
-1.473242 0.0777 0.0147 0.0084 0.0042416413 0.090969 0.008275 -0.134019351 0.0070682913 0.0013372443 0.0007641396 0.0003858579 f2 0.3490197469
-1.473242 0.0777 0.0147 0.0084 0.0042416413 0.090969 0.008275 -0.134019351 0.0070682913 0.0013372443 0.0007641396 0.0003858579 f3 0.3651735011
-1.473242 0.0777 0.0147 0.0084 0.0042416413 0.090969 0.008275 -0.134019351 0.0070682913 0.0013372443 0.0007641396 0.0003858579 f4 0.6701833781
-1.473242 0.0777 0.0147 0.0084 0.0042416413 0.090969 0.008275 -0.134019351 0.0070682913 0.0013372443 0.0007641396 0.0003858579 f5 0.5192894132
-1.457059 0.0774 0.0109 0.0094 0.0049024375 -0.013196 0.000174 0.0192273506 -0.00102137 -0.000143836 -0.000124042 -0.000064693 f1 0.9110573693
-1.457059 0.0774 0.0109 0.0094 0.0049024375 -0.013196 0.000174 0.0192273506 -0.00102137 -0.000143836 -0.000124042 -0.000064693 f2 0.9454726879
-1.457059 0.0774 0.0109 0.0094 0.0049024375 -0.013196 0.000174 0.0192273506 -0.00102137 -0.000143836 -0.000124042 -0.000064693 f3 0.4082412228
-1.457059 0.0774 0.0109 0.0094 0.0049024375 -0.013196 0.000174 0.0192273506 -0.00102137 -0.000143836 -0.000124042 -0.000064693 f4 0.0367834722
-1.457059 0.0774 0.0109 0.0094 0.0049024375 -0.013196 0.000174 0.0192273506 -0.00102137 -0.000143836 -0.000124042 -0.000064693 f5 0.7439411505
-1.490974 0.0773 0.0091 0.0096 0.0041736818 -0.010804 0.000117 0.0161084831 -0.000835149 -0.000098316 -0.000103718 -0.000045092 f1 0.6682848002
-1.490974 0.0773 0.0091 0.0096 0.0041736818 -0.010804 0.000117 0.0161084831 -0.000835149 -0.000098316 -0.000103718 -0.000045092 f2 0.6033007962
-1.490974 0.0773 0.0091 0.0096 0.0041736818 -0.010804 0.000117 0.0161084831 -0.000835149 -0.000098316 -0.000103718 -0.000045092 f3 0.1527096956
-1.490974 0.0773 0.0091 0.0096 0.0041736818 -0.010804 0.000117 0.0161084831 -0.000835149 -0.000098316 -0.000103718 -0.000045092 f4 0.2785359064
-1.490974 0.0773 0.0091 0.0096 0.0041736818 -0.010804 0.000117 0.0161084831 -0.000835149 -0.000098316 -0.000103718 -0.000045092 f5 0.3302647184
-1.48498 0.0762 0.0098 0.0096 0.004104017 -0.097009 0.009411 0.1440564248 -0.007392086 -0.000950688 -0.000931286 -0.000398127 f1 0.2623989723
-1.48498 0.0762 0.0098 0.0096 0.004104017 -0.097009 0.009411 0.1440564248 -0.007392086 -0.000950688 -0.000931286 -0.000398127 f2 0.0582393846
-1.48498 0.0762 0.0098 0.0096 0.004104017 -0.097009 0.009411 0.1440564248 -0.007392086 -0.000950688 -0.000931286 -0.000398127 f3 0.9877909711
-1.48498 0.0762 0.0098 0.0096 0.004104017 -0.097009 0.009411 0.1440564248 -0.007392086 -0.000950688 -0.000931286 -0.000398127 f4 0.7202316819
-1.48498 0.0762 0.0098 0.0096 0.004104017 -0.097009 0.009411 0.1440564248 -0.007392086 -0.000950688 -0.000931286 -0.000398127 f5 0.6918452972
-1.480598 0.0745 0.0175 0.01 0.0029505963 -0.055092 0.003035 0.081569105 -0.004104354 -0.00096411 -0.00055092 -0.000162554 f1 0.4641782401
-1.480598 0.0745 0.0175 0.01 0.0029505963 -0.055092 0.003035 0.081569105 -0.004104354 -0.00096411 -0.00055092 -0.000162554 f2 0.3304534412
-1.480598 0.0745 0.0175 0.01 0.0029505963 -0.055092 0.003035 0.081569105 -0.004104354 -0.00096411 -0.00055092 -0.000162554 f3 0.7077338927
-1.480598 0.0745 0.0175 0.01 0.0029505963 -0.055092 0.003035 0.081569105 -0.004104354 -0.00096411 -0.00055092 -0.000162554 f4 0.6428297524
-1.480598 0.0745 0.0175 0.01 0.0029505963 -0.055092 0.003035 0.081569105 -0.004104354 -0.00096411 -0.00055092 -0.000162554 f5 0.3827385564
-1.435479 0.0736 0.0178 0.0108 0.0039078597 -0.009572 0.000092 0.013740405 -0.000704499 -0.000170382 -0.000103378 -0.000037406 f1 0.5438312271
-1.435479 0.0736 0.0178 0.0108 0.0039078597 -0.009572 0.000092 0.013740405 -0.000704499 -0.000170382 -0.000103378 -0.000037406 f2 0.8630001991
-1.435479 0.0736 0.0178 0.0108 0.0039078597 -0.009572 0.000092 0.013740405 -0.000704499 -0.000170382 -0.000103378 -0.000037406 f3 0.2192083961
-1.435479 0.0736 0.0178 0.0108 0.0039078597 -0.009572 0.000092 0.013740405 -0.000704499 -0.000170382 -0.000103378 -0.000037406 f4 0.3867682723
-1.435479 0.0736 0.0178 0.0108 0.0039078597 -0.009572 0.000092 0.013740405 -0.000704499 -0.000170382 -0.000103378 -0.000037406 f5 0.1974664317
-1.409589 0.0717 0.0181 0.0121 0.0042930007 0.058678 0.003443 -0.082711863 0.0042072126 0.0010620718 0.0007100038 0.0002519047 f1 0.1159773102
-1.409589 0.0717 0.0181 0.0121 0.0042930007 0.058678 0.003443 -0.082711863 0.0042072126 0.0010620718 0.0007100038 0.0002519047 f2 0.408204796
-1.409589 0.0717 0.0181 0.0121 0.0042930007 0.058678 0.003443 -0.082711863 0.0042072126 0.0010620718 0.0007100038 0.0002519047 f3 0.1547965706
-1.409589 0.0717 0.0181 0.0121 0.0042930007 0.058678 0.003443 -0.082711863 0.0042072126 0.0010620718 0.0007100038 0.0002519047 f4 0.5840706265
-1.409589 0.0717 0.0181 0.0121 0.0042930007 0.058678 0.003443 -0.082711863 0.0042072126 0.0010620718 0.0007100038 0.0002519047 f5 0.0121166548
-1.40362 0.0706 0.0152 0.0132 0.0051544659 0.02237 0.0005 -0.031398979 0.001579322 0.000340024 0.000295284 0.0001153054 f1 0.8848675736
-1.40362 0.0706 0.0152 0.0132 0.0051544659 0.02237 0.0005 -0.031398979 0.001579322 0.000340024 0.000295284 0.0001153054 f2 0.86945356
-1.40362 0.0706 0.0152 0.0132 0.0051544659 0.02237 0.0005 -0.031398979 0.001579322 0.000340024 0.000295284 0.0001153054 f3 0.5885742035
-1.40362 0.0706 0.0152 0.0132 0.0051544659 0.02237 0.0005 -0.031398979 0.001579322 0.000340024 0.000295284 0.0001153054 f4 0.2414659305
-1.40362 0.0706 0.0152 0.0132 0.0051544659 0.02237 0.0005 -0.031398979 0.001579322 0.000340024 0.000295284 0.0001153054 f5 0.1456896989
-1.42587 0.0674 0.017 0.0138 0.005474171 0.039818 0.001585 -0.056775292 0.0026837332 0.000676906 0.0005494884 0.0002179705 f1 0.8707452365
-1.42587 0.0674 0.017 0.0138 0.005474171 0.039818 0.001585 -0.056775292 0.0026837332 0.000676906 0.0005494884 0.0002179705 f2 0.7527254432
-1.42587 0.0674 0.017 0.0138 0.005474171 0.039818 0.001585 -0.056775292 0.0026837332 0.000676906 0.0005494884 0.0002179705 f3 0.7057296353
-1.42587 0.0674 0.017 0.0138 0.005474171 0.039818 0.001585 -0.056775292 0.0026837332 0.000676906 0.0005494884 0.0002179705 f4 0.3964328647
-1.42587 0.0674 0.017 0.0138 0.005474171 0.039818 0.001585 -0.056775292 0.0026837332 0.000676906 0.0005494884 0.0002179705 f5 0.8408174407
-1.436233 0.0622 0.0215 0.0141 0.004769121 0.066615 0.004438 -0.095674661 0.004143453 0.0014322225 0.0009392715 0.000317695 f1 0.7497489982
-1.436233 0.0622 0.0215 0.0141 0.004769121 0.066615 0.004438 -0.095674661 0.004143453 0.0014322225 0.0009392715 0.000317695 f2 0.5594487235
-1.436233 0.0622 0.0215 0.0141 0.004769121 0.066615 0.004438 -0.095674661 0.004143453 0.0014322225 0.0009392715 0.000317695 f3 0.3477901264
-1.436233 0.0622 0.0215 0.0141 0.004769121 0.066615 0.004438 -0.095674661 0.004143453 0.0014322225 0.0009392715 0.000317695 f4 0.0529270303
-1.436233 0.0622 0.0215 0.0141 0.004769121 0.066615 0.004438 -0.095674661 0.004143453 0.0014322225 0.0009392715 0.000317695 f5 0.1085222033
-1.453613 0.0594 0.0247 0.0124 0.005278819 0.019429 0.000377 -0.028242247 0.0011540826 0.0004798963 0.0002409196 0.0001025622 f1 0.4548729386
-1.453613 0.0594 0.0247 0.0124 0.005278819 0.019429 0.000377 -0.028242247 0.0011540826 0.0004798963 0.0002409196 0.0001025622 f2 0.4420626198
-1.453613 0.0594 0.0247 0.0124 0.005278819 0.019429 0.000377 -0.028242247 0.0011540826 0.0004798963 0.0002409196 0.0001025622 f3 0.3943858502
-1.453613 0.0594 0.0247 0.0124 0.005278819 0.019429 0.000377 -0.028242247 0.0011540826 0.0004798963 0.0002409196 0.0001025622 f4 0.3312594901
-1.453613 0.0594 0.0247 0.0124 0.005278819 0.019429 0.000377 -0.028242247 0.0011540826 0.0004798963 0.0002409196 0.0001025622 f5 0.6619567972
-1.481605 0.0591 0.0253 0.0116 0.0051893318 -0.00244 6E-6 0.0036151162 -0.000144204 -0.000061732 -0.000028304 -0.000012662 f1 0.8975813705
-1.481605 0.0591 0.0253 0.0116 0.0051893318 -0.00244 6E-6 0.0036151162 -0.000144204 -0.000061732 -0.000028304 -0.000012662 f2 0.0606201799
-1.481605 0.0591 0.0253 0.0116 0.0051893318 -0.00244 6E-6 0.0036151162 -0.000144204 -0.000061732 -0.000028304 -0.000012662 f3 0.6328091163
-1.481605 0.0591 0.0253 0.0116 0.0051893318 -0.00244 6E-6 0.0036151162 -0.000144204 -0.000061732 -0.000028304 -0.000012662 f4 0.7284267292
-1.481605 0.0591 0.0253 0.0116 0.0051893318 -0.00244 6E-6 0.0036151162 -0.000144204 -0.000061732 -0.000028304 -0.000012662 f5 0.0182501287
-1.4907 0.0565 0.0272 0.0108 0.0051545359 0.03838 0.001473 -0.057213066 0.00216847 0.001043936 0.000414504 0.0001978311 f1 0.8469689674
-1.4907 0.0565 0.0272 0.0108 0.0051545359 0.03838 0.001473 -0.057213066 0.00216847 0.001043936 0.000414504 0.0001978311 f2 0.3407572542
-1.4907 0.0565 0.0272 0.0108 0.0051545359 0.03838 0.001473 -0.057213066 0.00216847 0.001043936 0.000414504 0.0001978311 f3 0.43008078
-1.4907 0.0565 0.0272 0.0108 0.0051545359 0.03838 0.001473 -0.057213066 0.00216847 0.001043936 0.000414504 0.0001978311 f4 0.5779951748
-1.4907 0.0565 0.0272 0.0108 0.0051545359 0.03838 0.001473 -0.057213066 0.00216847 0.001043936 0.000414504 0.0001978311 f5 0.756140231
-1.490409 0.0546 0.0299 0.01 0.0049831898 -0.049999 0.0025 0.0745189596 -0.002729945 -0.00149497 -0.00049999 -0.000249155 f1 0.4077114395
-1.490409 0.0546 0.0299 0.01 0.0049831898 -0.049999 0.0025 0.0745189596 -0.002729945 -0.00149497 -0.00049999 -0.000249155 f2 0.9361343286
-1.490409 0.0546 0.0299 0.01 0.0049831898 -0.049999 0.0025 0.0745189596 -0.002729945 -0.00149497 -0.00049999 -0.000249155 f3 0.8420561626
-1.490409 0.0546 0.0299 0.01 0.0049831898 -0.049999 0.0025 0.0745189596 -0.002729945 -0.00149497 -0.00049999 -0.000249155 f4 0.1554226415
-1.490409 0.0546 0.0299 0.01 0.0049831898 -0.049999 0.0025 0.0745189596 -0.002729945 -0.00149497 -0.00049999 -0.000249155 f5 0.5050572993
-1.506406 0.0557 0.0303 0.0095 0.0045946649 0.041876 0.001754 -0.063082258 0.0023324932 0.0012688428 0.000397822 0.0001924062 f1 0.9782691174
-1.506406 0.0557 0.0303 0.0095 0.0045946649 0.041876 0.001754 -0.063082258 0.0023324932 0.0012688428 0.000397822 0.0001924062 f2 0.4684456636
-1.506406 0.0557 0.0303 0.0095 0.0045946649 0.041876 0.001754 -0.063082258 0.0023324932 0.0012688428 0.000397822 0.0001924062 f3 0.3819934294
-1.506406 0.0557 0.0303 0.0095 0.0045946649 0.041876 0.001754 -0.063082258 0.0023324932 0.0012688428 0.000397822 0.0001924062 f4 0.0576555748
-1.506406 0.0557 0.0303 0.0095 0.0045946649 0.041876 0.001754 -0.063082258 0.0023324932 0.0012688428 0.000397822 0.0001924062 f5 0.3448285006
-1.483569 0.0558 0.0292 0.0089 0.0051183045 0.019443 0.000378 -0.028845032 0.0010849194 0.0005677356 0.0001730427 0.0000995152 f1 0.1554681361
-1.483569 0.0558 0.0292 0.0089 0.0051183045 0.019443 0.000378 -0.028845032 0.0010849194 0.0005677356 0.0001730427 0.0000995152 f2 0.1631663461
-1.483569 0.0558 0.0292 0.0089 0.0051183045 0.019443 0.000378 -0.028845032 0.0010849194 0.0005677356 0.0001730427 0.0000995152 f3 0.6756995156
-1.483569 0.0558 0.0292 0.0089 0.0051183045 0.019443 0.000378 -0.028845032 0.0010849194 0.0005677356 0.0001730427 0.0000995152 f4 0.9033262869
-1.483569 0.0558 0.0292 0.0089 0.0051183045 0.019443 0.000378 -0.028845032 0.0010849194 0.0005677356 0.0001730427 0.0000995152 f5 0.3702480688
-1.50111 0.0533 0.0285 0.009 0.0050380477 -0.021211 0.00045 0.0318400442 -0.001130546 -0.000604514 -0.000190899 -0.000106862 f1 0.7079104924
-1.50111 0.0533 0.0285 0.009 0.0050380477 -0.021211 0.00045 0.0318400442 -0.001130546 -0.000604514 -0.000190899 -0.000106862 f2 0.7726219249
-1.50111 0.0533 0.0285 0.009 0.0050380477 -0.021211 0.00045 0.0318400442 -0.001130546 -0.000604514 -0.000190899 -0.000106862 f3 0.6777056631
-1.50111 0.0533 0.0285 0.009 0.0050380477 -0.021211 0.00045 0.0318400442 -0.001130546 -0.000604514 -0.000190899 -0.000106862 f4 0.9127940824
-1.50111 0.0533 0.0285 0.009 0.0050380477 -0.021211 0.00045 0.0318400442 -0.001130546 -0.000604514 -0.000190899 -0.000106862 f5 0.5022660124
-1.508048 0.0522 0.0268 0.009 0.0047448059 0.0093 0.000086 -0.014024846 0.00048546 0.00024924 0.0000837 0.0000441267 f1 0.388851138
-1.508048 0.0522 0.0268 0.009 0.0047448059 0.0093 0.000086 -0.014024846 0.00048546 0.00024924 0.0000837 0.0000441267 f2 0.9752749838
-1.508048 0.0522 0.0268 0.009 0.0047448059 0.0093 0.000086 -0.014024846 0.00048546 0.00024924 0.0000837 0.0000441267 f3 0.3339874904
-1.508048 0.0522 0.0268 0.009 0.0047448059 0.0093 0.000086 -0.014024846 0.00048546 0.00024924 0.0000837 0.0000441267 f4 0.543397968
-1.508048 0.0522 0.0268 0.009 0.0047448059 0.0093 0.000086 -0.014024846 0.00048546 0.00024924 0.0000837 0.0000441267 f5 0.5436740543
-1.500503 0.0499 0.0292 0.0094 0.0048628152 -0.044014 0.001937 0.066043139 -0.002196299 -0.001285209 -0.000413732 -0.000214032 f1 0.1866584337
-1.500503 0.0499 0.0292 0.0094 0.0048628152 -0.044014 0.001937 0.066043139 -0.002196299 -0.001285209 -0.000413732 -0.000214032 f2 0.0553695383
-1.500503 0.0499 0.0292 0.0094 0.0048628152 -0.044014 0.001937 0.066043139 -0.002196299 -0.001285209 -0.000413732 -0.000214032 f3 0.2880311586
-1.500503 0.0499 0.0292 0.0094 0.0048628152 -0.044014 0.001937 0.066043139 -0.002196299 -0.001285209 -0.000413732 -0.000214032 f4 0.410287081
-1.500503 0.0499 0.0292 0.0094 0.0048628152 -0.044014 0.001937 0.066043139 -0.002196299 -0.001285209 -0.000413732 -0.000214032 f5 0.2842805545
-1.506475 0.0456 0.0333 0.0097 0.0046371065 0.110697 0.012254 -0.166762263 0.0050477832 0.0036862101 0.0010737609 0.0005133138 f1 0.1014523898
-1.506475 0.0456 0.0333 0.0097 0.0046371065 0.110697 0.012254 -0.166762263 0.0050477832 0.0036862101 0.0010737609 0.0005133138 f2 0.5664001333
-1.506475 0.0456 0.0333 0.0097 0.0046371065 0.110697 0.012254 -0.166762263 0.0050477832 0.0036862101 0.0010737609 0.0005133138 f3 0.8036342728
-1.506475 0.0456 0.0333 0.0097 0.0046371065 0.110697 0.012254 -0.166762263 0.0050477832 0.0036862101 0.0010737609 0.0005133138 f4 0.2336267686
-1.506475 0.0456 0.0333 0.0097 0.0046371065 0.110697 0.012254 -0.166762263 0.0050477832 0.0036862101 0.0010737609 0.0005133138 f5 0.9429719462
-1.487819 0.0407 0.0323 0.0095 0.0058038616 -0.021515 0.000463 0.0320104258 -0.000875661 -0.000694935 -0.000204393 -0.00012487 f1 0.5496005982
-1.487819 0.0407 0.0323 0.0095 0.0058038616 -0.021515 0.000463 0.0320104258 -0.000875661 -0.000694935 -0.000204393 -0.00012487 f2 0.6669448641
-1.487819 0.0407 0.0323 0.0095 0.0058038616 -0.021515 0.000463 0.0320104258 -0.000875661 -0.000694935 -0.000204393 -0.00012487 f3 0.4733009061
-1.487819 0.0407 0.0323 0.0095 0.0058038616 -0.021515 0.000463 0.0320104258 -0.000875661 -0.000694935 -0.000204393 -0.00012487 f4 0.6042220563
-1.487819 0.0407 0.0323 0.0095 0.0058038616 -0.021515 0.000463 0.0320104258 -0.000875661 -0.000694935 -0.000204393 -0.00012487 f5 0.4361825587
-1.53233 0.038 0.0396 0.0093 0.0048827103 0.009665 0.000093 -0.014809969 0.00036727 0.000382734 0.0000898845 0.0000471914 f1 0.0627816292
-1.53233 0.038 0.0396 0.0093 0.0048827103 0.009665 0.000093 -0.014809969 0.00036727 0.000382734 0.0000898845 0.0000471914 f2 0.1390131321
-1.53233 0.038 0.0396 0.0093 0.0048827103 0.009665 0.000093 -0.014809969 0.00036727 0.000382734 0.0000898845 0.0000471914 f3 0.2078240445
-1.53233 0.038 0.0396 0.0093 0.0048827103 0.009665 0.000093 -0.014809969 0.00036727 0.000382734 0.0000898845 0.0000471914 f4 0.303866021
-1.53233 0.038 0.0396 0.0093 0.0048827103 0.009665 0.000093 -0.014809969 0.00036727 0.000382734 0.0000898845 0.0000471914 f5 0.5730442542
-1.522172 0.0384 0.0393 0.0094 0.0049894624 -0.022837 0.000522 0.034761842 -0.000876941 -0.000897494 -0.000214668 -0.000113944 f1 0.8295779721
-1.522172 0.0384 0.0393 0.0094 0.0049894624 -0.022837 0.000522 0.034761842 -0.000876941 -0.000897494 -0.000214668 -0.000113944 f2 0.8110457681
-1.522172 0.0384 0.0393 0.0094 0.0049894624 -0.022837 0.000522 0.034761842 -0.000876941 -0.000897494 -0.000214668 -0.000113944 f3 0.5174819396
-1.522172 0.0384 0.0393 0.0094 0.0049894624 -0.022837 0.000522 0.034761842 -0.000876941 -0.000897494 -0.000214668 -0.000113944 f4 0.9970415919
-1.522172 0.0384 0.0393 0.0094 0.0049894624 -0.022837 0.000522 0.034761842 -0.000876941 -0.000897494 -0.000214668 -0.000113944 f5 0.1938985764
-1.524883 0.0404 0.0393 0.009 0.0042817425 0.025489 0.00065 -0.038867743 0.0010297556 0.0010017177 0.000229401 0.0001091373 f1 0.367669292
-1.524883 0.0404 0.0393 0.009 0.0042817425 0.025489 0.00065 -0.038867743 0.0010297556 0.0010017177 0.000229401 0.0001091373 f2 0.0067816544
-1.524883 0.0404 0.0393 0.009 0.0042817425 0.025489 0.00065 -0.038867743 0.0010297556 0.0010017177 0.000229401 0.0001091373 f3 0.9059032187
-1.524883 0.0404 0.0393 0.009 0.0042817425 0.025489 0.00065 -0.038867743 0.0010297556 0.0010017177 0.000229401 0.0001091373 f4 0.2496752717
-1.524883 0.0404 0.0393 0.009 0.0042817425 0.025489 0.00065 -0.038867743 0.0010297556 0.0010017177 0.000229401 0.0001091373 f5 0.0831377888
-1.515343 0.0375 0.0428 0.0088 0.0049616288 0.001825 3E-6 -0.002765501 0.0000684375 0.00007811 0.00001606 9.0549726E-6 f1 0.0967515903
-1.515343 0.0375 0.0428 0.0088 0.0049616288 0.001825 3E-6 -0.002765501 0.0000684375 0.00007811 0.00001606 9.0549726E-6 f2 0.7699289749
-1.515343 0.0375 0.0428 0.0088 0.0049616288 0.001825 3E-6 -0.002765501 0.0000684375 0.00007811 0.00001606 9.0549726E-6 f3 0.9288949999
-1.515343 0.0375 0.0428 0.0088 0.0049616288 0.001825 3E-6 -0.002765501 0.0000684375 0.00007811 0.00001606 9.0549726E-6 f4 0.8443284579
-1.515343 0.0375 0.0428 0.0088 0.0049616288 0.001825 3E-6 -0.002765501 0.0000684375 0.00007811 0.00001606 9.0549726E-6 f5 0.1517471039
-1.527338 0.0363 0.0418 0.0085 0.0052134111 -0.01808 0.000327 0.027614271 -0.000656304 -0.000755744 -0.00015368 -0.000094258 f1 0.9023282057
-1.527338 0.0363 0.0418 0.0085 0.0052134111 -0.01808 0.000327 0.027614271 -0.000656304 -0.000755744 -0.00015368 -0.000094258 f2 0.4417065184
-1.527338 0.0363 0.0418 0.0085 0.0052134111 -0.01808 0.000327 0.027614271 -0.000656304 -0.000755744 -0.00015368 -0.000094258 f3 0.448066374
-1.527338 0.0363 0.0418 0.0085 0.0052134111 -0.01808 0.000327 0.027614271 -0.000656304 -0.000755744 -0.00015368 -0.000094258 f4 0.148449339
-1.527338 0.0363 0.0418 0.0085 0.0052134111 -0.01808 0.000327 0.027614271 -0.000656304 -0.000755744 -0.00015368 -0.000094258 f5 0.2189555379
-1.527804 0.0366 0.0399 0.0083 0.0045496056 0.038249 0.001463 -0.058436975 0.0013999134 0.0015261351 0.0003174667 0.0001740179 f1 0.0466917576
-1.527804 0.0366 0.0399 0.0083 0.0045496056 0.038249 0.001463 -0.058436975 0.0013999134 0.0015261351 0.0003174667 0.0001740179 f2 0.2940694361
-1.527804 0.0366 0.0399 0.0083 0.0045496056 0.038249 0.001463 -0.058436975 0.0013999134 0.0015261351 0.0003174667 0.0001740179 f3 0.9193520387
-1.527804 0.0366 0.0399 0.0083 0.0045496056 0.038249 0.001463 -0.058436975 0.0013999134 0.0015261351 0.0003174667 0.0001740179 f4 0.6091775445
-1.527804 0.0366 0.0399 0.0083 0.0045496056 0.038249 0.001463 -0.058436975 0.0013999134 0.0015261351 0.0003174667 0.0001740179 f5 0.6605922024
-1.519318 0.0321 0.0405 0.0077 0.0050797472 -0.023223 0.000539 0.0352831219 -0.000745458 -0.000940532 -0.000178817 -0.000117967 f1 0.2596591223
-1.519318 0.0321 0.0405 0.0077 0.0050797472 -0.023223 0.000539 0.0352831219 -0.000745458 -0.000940532 -0.000178817 -0.000117967 f2 0.4342839515
-1.519318 0.0321 0.0405 0.0077 0.0050797472 -0.023223 0.000539 0.0352831219 -0.000745458 -0.000940532 -0.000178817 -0.000117967 f3 0.4941511133
-1.519318 0.0321 0.0405 0.0077 0.0050797472 -0.023223 0.000539 0.0352831219 -0.000745458 -0.000940532 -0.000178817 -0.000117967 f4 0.2650763724
-1.519318 0.0321 0.0405 0.0077 0.0050797472 -0.023223 0.000539 0.0352831219 -0.000745458 -0.000940532 -0.000178817 -0.000117967 f5 0.3519559793
-1.535211 0.0313 0.0412 0.007 0.0045094609 0.008915 0.000079 -0.013686406 0.0002790395 0.000367298 0.000062405 0.0000402018 f1 0.8837748579
-1.535211 0.0313 0.0412 0.007 0.0045094609 0.008915 0.000079 -0.013686406 0.0002790395 0.000367298 0.000062405 0.0000402018 f2 0.7376973488
-1.535211 0.0313 0.0412 0.007 0.0045094609 0.008915 0.000079 -0.013686406 0.0002790395 0.000367298 0.000062405 0.0000402018 f3 0.0794031718
-1.535211 0.0313 0.0412 0.007 0.0045094609 0.008915 0.000079 -0.013686406 0.0002790395 0.000367298 0.000062405 0.0000402018 f4 0.9228640305
-1.535211 0.0313 0.0412 0.007 0.0045094609 0.008915 0.000079 -0.013686406 0.0002790395 0.000367298 0.000062405 0.0000402018 f5 0.1378342878
-1.523785 0.0291 0.0419 0.007 0.0046070722 0.002413 6E-6 -0.003676893 0.0000702183 0.0001011047 0.000016891 0.0000111169 f1 0.3991535424
-1.523785 0.0291 0.0419 0.007 0.0046070722 0.002413 6E-6 -0.003676893 0.0000702183 0.0001011047 0.000016891 0.0000111169 f2 0.1858481593
-1.523785 0.0291 0.0419 0.007 0.0046070722 0.002413 6E-6 -0.003676893 0.0000702183 0.0001011047 0.000016891 0.0000111169 f3 0.7507880683
-1.523785 0.0291 0.0419 0.007 0.0046070722 0.002413 6E-6 -0.003676893 0.0000702183 0.0001011047 0.000016891 0.0000111169 f4 0.4482737223
-1.523785 0.0291 0.0419 0.007 0.0046070722 0.002413 6E-6 -0.003676893 0.0000702183 0.0001011047 0.000016891 0.0000111169 f5 0.7266520028
-1.527839 0.0286 0.0455 0.0085 0.0043488197 0.031186 0.000973 -0.047647187 0.0008919196 0.001418963 0.000265081 0.0001356223 f1 0.4119945189
-1.527839 0.0286 0.0455 0.0085 0.0043488197 0.031186 0.000973 -0.047647187 0.0008919196 0.001418963 0.000265081 0.0001356223 f2 0.6142343048
-1.527839 0.0286 0.0455 0.0085 0.0043488197 0.031186 0.000973 -0.047647187 0.0008919196 0.001418963 0.000265081 0.0001356223 f3 0.5446867508
-1.527839 0.0286 0.0455 0.0085 0.0043488197 0.031186 0.000973 -0.047647187 0.0008919196 0.001418963 0.000265081 0.0001356223 f4 0.3504164197
-1.527839 0.0286 0.0455 0.0085 0.0043488197 0.031186 0.000973 -0.047647187 0.0008919196 0.001418963 0.000265081 0.0001356223 f5 0.5196430825
-1.528869 0.0313 0.0435 0.0086 0.0049209857 0.010697 0.000114 -0.016354312 0.0003348161 0.0004653195 0.0000919942 0.0000526398 f1 0.7978746648
-1.528869 0.0313 0.0435 0.0086 0.0049209857 0.010697 0.000114 -0.016354312 0.0003348161 0.0004653195 0.0000919942 0.0000526398 f2 0.3549209933
-1.528869 0.0313 0.0435 0.0086 0.0049209857 0.010697 0.000114 -0.016354312 0.0003348161 0.0004653195 0.0000919942 0.0000526398 f3 0.5688917775
-1.528869 0.0313 0.0435 0.0086 0.0049209857 0.010697 0.000114 -0.016354312 0.0003348161 0.0004653195 0.0000919942 0.0000526398 f4 0.0485482835
-1.528869 0.0313 0.0435 0.0086 0.0049209857 0.010697 0.000114 -0.016354312 0.0003348161 0.0004653195 0.0000919942 0.0000526398 f5 0.9802277009
NOTE: There were 360 observations read from the data set WORK.MODEL.
NOTE: DATA statement a utilisé (Durée totale du traitement) :
      real time           0.02 seconds
      cpu time            0.03 seconds

MPRINT(DATA2DATASTEP):   option linesize=256;
Obsidian | Level 7

How can I do automatically this test by label (imagine I have 100 labels instead of 5) ?

Obsidian | Level 7

I try this test by label but I have now error messages. Can someone help me please ?


2459  options notes;
2460  options mprint;
2461  /*options nonotes nomprint;*/
2462  data work.model;
2463     set test;
2464     array f f1-f5;
2465     do i=1 to dim(f);
2466        label=vname(f[i]);
2467        value=f[i];
2468        output;
2469     end;
2470     keep rm zdy ztbl ztms zdfy rmrsq rm_zdy rm_ztbl rm_ztms rm_zdfy pred_mean rm_pred_mean label value;
2471  run;

NOTE: There were 360 observations read from the data set WORK.TEST.
NOTE: The data set WORK.MODEL has 1800 observations and 14 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement a utilisé (Durée totale du traitement) :
      real time           0.00 seconds
      cpu time            0.01 seconds

2473  proc model data=model outparms=dada;
2474   parm a b c d e f g h i;
2476  value= a + b*rm + c*rm_zdy + d*rm_ztbl + e*rm_ztms + f*rm_zdfy;
2477  value= g + h*rm + i*rm_pred_mean;

2479  fit value / data=model;
2480  test a=g;
2481  by label;

ERROR: A l'itération OLS 0 there are 1 nonmissing observations available. At least 9 are needed to compute the next
NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group:
ERROR: A l'itération OLS 0 there are 1 nonmissing observations available. At least 9 are needed to compute the next
NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group:
ERROR: A l'itération OLS 0 there are 1 nonmissing observations available. At least 9 are needed to compute the next
NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group:
ERROR: A l'itération OLS 0 there are 1 nonmissing observations available. At least 9 are needed to compute the next
NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group:
ERROR: Data set WORK.MODEL is not sorted in croissant sequence. The current BY group has label = f5 and the next BY group
       has label = f1.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
WARNING: The data set WORK.DADA may be incomplete.  When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 0 variables.
WARNING: Data set WORK.DADA was not replaced because cette étape a été interrompue.
NOTE: PROCEDURE MODEL a utilisé (Durée totale du traitement) :
      real time           0.04 seconds
      cpu time            0.01 seconds

2483  solve value / data=model;
2484  run;quit;

Obsidian | Level 7

I tried to put test statement after the solve statement but always error message ! Please help me !


2533  data work.model;
2534     set test;
2535     array f f1-f5;
2536     do i=1 to dim(f);
2537        label=vname(f[i]);
2538        value=f[i];
2539        output;
2540     end;
2541     keep rm zdy ztbl ztms zdfy rmrsq rm_zdy rm_ztbl rm_ztms rm_zdfy pred_mean rm_pred_mean label value;
2542  run;

NOTE: There were 360 observations read from the data set WORK.TEST.
NOTE: The data set WORK.MODEL has 1800 observations and 14 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement a utilisé (Durée totale du traitement) :
      real time           0.01 seconds
      cpu time            0.01 seconds

2544  proc model data=model outparms=dada;
2545   parm a b c d e f g h i;
2547  value= a + b*rm + c*rm_zdy + d*rm_ztbl + e*rm_ztms + f*rm_zdfy;
2548  value= g + h*rm + i*rm_pred_mean;

2550  fit value / data=model;

NOTE: A l'itération OLS 1 CONVERGE=0.001 Criteria Met.
2551  solve value / data=model;
2553  test a=g;
2554  by label;
2555  run;

WARNING: The following TEST statements will be ignored because they were erroneously applied to a SOLVE statement:
test a=g;
ERROR: Data set WORK.MODEL is not sorted in croissant sequence. The current BY group has label = f5 and the next BY group
       has label = f1.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
WARNING: The data set WORK.DADA may be incomplete.  When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 0 variables.
WARNING: Data set WORK.DADA was not replaced because cette étape a été interrompue.
NOTE: PROCEDURE MODEL a utilisé (Durée totale du traitement) :
      real time           1.51 seconds
      cpu time            0.93 seconds

2555!     quit;
Super User

Any procedure that uses BY group processing will require the data to be sorted by the variables as indicated on the BY statement.

Obsidian | Level 7

Is it not the case here ?

Super User

@pmorel3 wrote:

Is it not the case here ?

Not sure what that question means.

Your data is NOT sorted. That is this error message:

ERROR: Data set WORK.MODEL is not sorted in croissant sequence. The current BY group has label = f5 and the next BY group
       has label = f1.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.

So you would need to run something like


Proc sort data=model;

   by label;



Before the procedure so the data is in the By order you specify.

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