>Obviously it works to place PROC SQL inside a data step, but to me it seems a little odd.
Hi. That is not insert proc sql, I forget RUN; and thank SAS to intelligently identify data-step and proc sql.
'b.*' stands for select any variable from idprod,not for the new alias.
I am not sure why there is different result for Me and Art.acctually i do not understand art's code totally.
the following is the code i change a little bit.
Indeed,You can use 'merge idprod index; by...' and 'where .....' to instead of proc sql.
data idprod;
input id DATE1 :YYMMdd10. DATE2 :YYMMdd10. PROD OUTC $;
format date1 date2 yymmddn8.;
17 20041016 20041107 1010 N
17 20041016 20050131 1010 Y
17 20050718 20050919 1010 N
17 20050718 20060221 1010 Y
17 20070206 20070314 1227 N
17 20070206 20071021 1227 N
17 20080714 20081027 1624 Y
proc sort data=idprod;
by id prod date2;
data index(where=(count eq 1 and outc eq 'Y'));
set idprod;
by id prod;
if first.prod then count=0;
if outc='Y' then count+1; * to identify the first occurrence of 'Y';
proc sql feedback;
create table selected_records as
select b.id as _id,b.prod as _prod,b.date1 as _date1,b.date2 as _date2,b.outc as _outc
from index as a left join idprod as b
on a.id = b.id and a.prod = b.prod
where b.date2 le a.date2;
proc print noobs;run;