Good morning all,
Let me start out by letting you know that my SAS experience is minimal at best. So I need some help altering a macro written a few years ago by someone who left my firm long before I started.
Over the past few years we've been running a job (posted below) that takes one somewhat large data file ( and parses it into three files based on the frequencies of the data in the file (i.e. it creates three new SAS files - one for annual data, one for quarterly, and one for monthly).
I've gotten a request to add weekly and daily data to the original file. So I need to alter the SAS job to also parse and create new files for these data.
My first (and really only) thought was to just add two lines of code at the bottom, which were %process(weekly) and %process(daily). This did not work at all, and in fact caused the whole job to stop working altogether. So after restoring the affected folders back to the day before I started messing with them, I'm back to square one.
Any and all thoughts would be greatly appreciated! And here is the code:
options nocenter;
/*... is copied from g:\deptdata\research\haver\ .*/
filename haver 'g:\deptdata\research\Haver\dbupd\sashaver\';
/*... sas is a directory containing SAS data sets ..................*/
libname sas 'g:\deptdata\research\Haver\dbupd\sashaver\saslibrary';
%macro process(frequency);
%*==> This section creates SAS data sets from the Haver data ...........;
proc datasource filetype=haver