Hi, I have 2 datasets where dataset A contains the column headers and dataset B contains the raw data. Is there an efficient way to change the current (old) column header in dataset B according to the value in dataset A?
HAVE-Dataset A:
F1 | F2 | F3 | ... | F1000 |
account_id | name | age | ... | zip_code |
HAVE-Dataset B:
F1 | F2 | F3 | ... | F1000 |
10000 | John White | 34 | ... | M8DO0U |
10001 | Amy Power | 12 | ... | A7DG2E |
WANT-Dataset B:
account_id | name | age | ... | zip_code |
10000 | John White | 34 | ... | M8DO0U |
10001 | Amy Power | 12 | ... | A7DG2E |
My approach doesn't modify the data set at all, it just renames the data making more efficient but the best solution is always one you understand and can modify.
General idea is:
data headings;
input f1:$20. f2:$20. f3:$20. f1000:$20.;
account_id name age zip_code
data actualdata;
input f1:$20. f2 $10. f3:$20. f1000:$20.;
10000 John White 34 M8DO0U
10001 Amy Power 12 A7DG2E
data rename;
set headings;
array f(*) f:;;
*start proc datasets process to update data set;
call execute('proc datasets lib=work; modify actualdata; rename ');
do i=1 to dim(f);
str = catt(vname(f(i)), " = ", f(i));
call execute(str);
call execute(";quit;");
proc contents data=actualdata;
Log (selected) is generated from the data step dynamically it creates this text that is then executed via SAS:
NOTE: CALL EXECUTE generated line.
1 + proc datasets lib=work;
1 + modify actualdata;
1 + rename
2 + f1 =account_id
3 + f2 =name
4 + f3 =age
5 + f1000 =zip_code
6 + ;
NOTE: Renaming variable f1 to account_id.
NOTE: Renaming variable f2 to name.
NOTE: Renaming variable f3 to age.
NOTE: Renaming variable f1000 to zip_code.
6 + quit;
NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
user cpu time 0.04 seconds
system cpu time 0.00 seconds
memory 1421.31k
OS Memory 29612.00k
Timestamp 02/22/2022 10:52:29 PM
Step Count 37 Switch Count 0
Page Faults 0
Page Reclaims 130
Page Swaps 0
Voluntary Context Switches 0
Involuntary Context Switches 0
Block Input Operations 0
Block Output Operations 272
FYI - code in this post is modified slightly to be more dynamic and account for varying amounts of variables (F variables).
data rename;
set datasetA;
array f(1000) f1-f1000;
call execute('proc datasets lib=work; modify datasetB; rename ');
do i=1 to dim(f);
str = catt(vname(f(i)), " = ", f(i));
call execute(str);
call execute(";quit;");
Dynamically rename using PROC DATASETS and CALL EXECUTE.
A proc datasets typically looks like this:
proc datasets library=inputLibrary;
modify dataset2change;
rename originalVarName = NewVariableName
list of variables;
Using your first data set you can dynamically create that code by looping through the variables and generating the code and CALL EXECUTE executes the code for you.
Untested but general idea is there for you - if you need help debugging post the exact code and log please.
@newboy1218 wrote:
Hi, I have 2 datasets where dataset A contains the column headers and dataset B contains the raw data. Is there an efficient way to change the current (old) column header in dataset B according to the value in dataset A?
HAVE-Dataset A:
F1 F2 F3 ... F1000 account_id name age ... zip_code
HAVE-Dataset B:
F1 F2 F3 ... F1000 10000 John White 34 ... M8DO0U 10001 Amy Power 12 ... A7DG2E
WANT-Dataset B:
account_id name age ... zip_code 10000 John White 34 ... M8DO0U 10001 Amy Power 12 ... A7DG2E
If you don't understand/get Reeza's answer (I don't) try this:
data headings;
input f1:$20. f2:$20. f3:$20. f1000:$20.;
account_id name age zip_code
data actualdata;
input f1:$20. f2 $10. f3:$20. f1000:$20.;
10000 John White 34 M8DO0U
10001 Amy Power 12 A7DG2E
*smash the datasets together;
proc datasets;
append base=headings data=actualdata;
* cheat with a double transpose;
proc transpose data=headings out=wide ;
var _all_;
proc transpose data=wide(drop=_name_ rename=(col1=_name_)) out=want(drop=_name_ _label_);
var col:;
id _name_;
My approach doesn't modify the data set at all, it just renames the data making more efficient but the best solution is always one you understand and can modify.
General idea is:
data headings;
input f1:$20. f2:$20. f3:$20. f1000:$20.;
account_id name age zip_code
data actualdata;
input f1:$20. f2 $10. f3:$20. f1000:$20.;
10000 John White 34 M8DO0U
10001 Amy Power 12 A7DG2E
data rename;
set headings;
array f(*) f:;;
*start proc datasets process to update data set;
call execute('proc datasets lib=work; modify actualdata; rename ');
do i=1 to dim(f);
str = catt(vname(f(i)), " = ", f(i));
call execute(str);
call execute(";quit;");
proc contents data=actualdata;
Log (selected) is generated from the data step dynamically it creates this text that is then executed via SAS:
NOTE: CALL EXECUTE generated line.
1 + proc datasets lib=work;
1 + modify actualdata;
1 + rename
2 + f1 =account_id
3 + f2 =name
4 + f3 =age
5 + f1000 =zip_code
6 + ;
NOTE: Renaming variable f1 to account_id.
NOTE: Renaming variable f2 to name.
NOTE: Renaming variable f3 to age.
NOTE: Renaming variable f1000 to zip_code.
6 + quit;
NOTE: PROCEDURE DATASETS used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
user cpu time 0.04 seconds
system cpu time 0.00 seconds
memory 1421.31k
OS Memory 29612.00k
Timestamp 02/22/2022 10:52:29 PM
Step Count 37 Switch Count 0
Page Faults 0
Page Reclaims 130
Page Swaps 0
Voluntary Context Switches 0
Involuntary Context Switches 0
Block Input Operations 0
Block Output Operations 272
FYI - code in this post is modified slightly to be more dynamic and account for varying amounts of variables (F variables).
Take your dataset with the new names and transpose it.
data have;
input (F1-F3 F1000) (:$32.);
account_id name age zip_code
proc transpose data=have(obs=1) out=names;
var _all_;
Now you instead of a dataset with 1 observation and N variables you one with N observations and 2 variables, _NAME_ and COL1.
So use that to generate the OLD=NEW pairs needed by the RENAME statement.
Let's create a text file with the RENAME statement in it.
filename rename temp;
data _null_;
set names end=eof;
length old new $51 ;
file rename ;
if _n_=1 then put 'rename';
put old '=' new ;
if eof then put ';' ;
Now we can use %INCLUDE to add the RENAME statement to our code.
So if you wanted to make new dataset named NEW that is a copy of the existing dataset named B with the new names you would use.
data new;
set b;
%include rename / source2;
If you wanted to just modify B then use PROC DATASETS instead
proc datasets lib=WORK nolist;
modify b;
%include rename / source2;
How did you read that data into SAS in the first place?
The appearance for both data sets is odd, at least to me. If you were using a data step to read the information then you need to think ahead a bit more in the code. If using Proc Import I have a hard time seeing where you get sequentially numbered F variables, at least from most sources.
If you are going to have multiple data sets of the same structure I would address the reading step to avoid later "fixes".
Could do it with proc IML.
To use mixed data types in a matrix you would need SAS/IML 15.1 that was released as part of SAS 9.4m6.
data headings;
input f1:$20. f2:$20. f3:$20. f1000:$20.;
account_id name age zip_code
data actualdata;
input f1:$20. f2 $10. f3:$20. f1000:$20.;
10000 John White 34 M8DO0U
10001 Amy Power 12 A7DG2E
proc iml;
use headings;
read all var _CHAR_ into varNames;
close headings;
use actualdata;
read all var _ALL_ into mat;
close actualdata;
print varNames, mat;
create want from mat [colname=varNames];
append from mat;
proc print data=want;
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