I tried to add to my where clause a calculated date like Today()-1, but I got always the error that the datatypes differs.
The format from the salesday are YYYYMMDD and numeric.
PROC SQL; CREATE TABLE WORK.NG_Export AS SELECT T1.SAS_ID__c, T1.Salesday__c, FROM APPG.KOPIE_V_APP_NG T1 WHERE T1.Salesday__c = PUT(INTNX('Day', TODAY(), -1, 'SAME'), yymmddn8.); QUIT;
Could you help me plase.
Are you saying that variable SALESDAY__C is numeric with value 20200722 ?
That's a silly way to code dates. Change this if you can.
For that value, you can compare two strings:
where put(T1.SALESDAY__C,8.) = put(intnx('day', today(), -1) , yymmddn8.);
This line:
T1.Salesday__c = PUT(INTNX('Day', TODAY(), -1, 'SAME'), yymmddn8.)
T1.Salesday__c is numeric, PUT(...) is character, you can't have that, you can only compare a numeric to a numeric.
Since I don't have your data, it may be (or may not be) that this works
T1.Salesday__c = INTNX('Day', TODAY(), -1, 'SAME')
Thanks for your response.
But it doesn't work, because the value of
INTNX('Day', TODAY(), -1, 'SAME')
is 22118.
But I need the format YYYYMMDD like 20200722.
The values of salesday also have this format.
The format is just the way the value is displayed.
The test uses the actual value, regardless of the format. otherwise two dates formatted differently wouldn't match, which is silly.
Also, the parameter 'same' has no effect here and can be removed.
Ok, but what should I do now?
The result is the same, I got the value 22118.
The structure of today should be 20200722 numeric, how can I convert the date to this format?
Are you saying that variable SALESDAY__C is numeric with value 20200722 ?
That's a silly way to code dates. Change this if you can.
For that value, you can compare two strings:
where put(T1.SALESDAY__C,8.) = put(intnx('day', today(), -1) , yymmddn8.);
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