If I just had numeric columns I could do something like this using proc means:
proc means data = x ;
var _numeric_ ;
run ;
I am guessing that proc FREQ might be the best but thought I would check and see what other come up with on this board.
The following articles provides you with your answer: http://blogs.sas.com/content/iml/2011/09/19/count-the-number-of-missing-values-for-each-variable.htm...
Art, CEO, AnalystFinder.com
Function NMISS() work for both numeric and character variable in SQL.
data class;
set sashelp.class;
if _n_ in (1 4 7 9) then call missing (sex,age);
if _n_ in (10 12) then call missing (sex);
proc sql;
select nmiss(sex) as n_missing_sex,
nmiss(age) as n_missing_age
from class;
Proc tabulate seems the fastest, and as a bonus it produces an output data set.
data HAVE;
length VAR1-VAR20 $16 VAR21-VAR50 8;
do i=1 to 1e7;
VAR1=ifc(ranuni(0)>.5,' ','A');
proc format;
value $missfmt ' '='Missing' other='Not Missing';
proc freq data=HAVE; * FREQ real time = cpu time = 9 seconds ;
format _CHAR_ $missfmt.;
tables _CHAR_ / missing ;
proc means data=HAVE(keep=_CHAR_) missing; * MEANS real time=7s CPU time=35s;
format _CHAR_ $missfmt.;
class _CHAR_;
ways 1;
output out=MEANS;
run ;
proc iml; * IML real time = cpu time = 9 seconds ;
use HAVE;
read all var _CHAR_ into x[colname=cNames];
close HAVE;
c = countn(x,"col");
cmiss = countmiss(x,"col");
rNames = {" Missing", "Not Missing"};
cnt = (cmiss // c) ;
print cnt[r=rNames c=cNames label=""];
proc contents data=HAVE out=NAMES noprint;run;
data _null_; * SQL real time = CPU time = 17s ;
if _N_=1 then call execute('proc sql; select ');
set NAMES(where =(TYPE=2)) end=LASTOBS;
call execute(ifc(_N_ > 1, ',', ' '));
call execute(cat('sum(missing(',NAME,')) as ',trim(NAME),'_MISS'));
call execute(cat(',sum(^missing(',NAME,')) as ',NAME));
if LASTOBS then call execute('from HAVE; quit;');
proc tabulate data=HAVE out=TAB missing; * TABULATE real time=6s CPU time=17s ;
class _CHAR_;
format _CHAR_ $missfmt.;
table _CHAR_, n;
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