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Not applicable
When I run the following macro, it works perfectly, except that it will drop or overwrite (i'm not sure which) the first set of data, i.e. when i=1.
So, do I need an "if _N_=1..." statement?
Here is my code as it stands. Please advise!

%macro kf1m(infile, outfile);
%local i;
%do i=1 %to 147;
%mfreq(&infile, _temp0_, A_a01--D_a49, y_&i, weight=);

data _temp1_ (keep= to from count);
format from $5.;
set _temp0_;
where y_&i=nvalue=1;
rename _var_=to;
label to="To";
data &outfile;
format from to count;
set &outfile _temp1_;
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10 sbb
Lapis Lazuli | Level 10
In your last DATA step, it appears to be concatenating two files. But wait - where is the macro code for MFREQ - it's missing from your post?

You have not provided much supporting info about input SAS file _temp0_ -- you are asking a question about "should I use _N_=1" -- but without much direction on what you expect the resulting file to be.

Suggest you might add some PUTLOG _ALL_; commands in each DATA step to help you desk-check the processing of each input and output file for the program.

Scott Barry
SBBWorks, Inc.
Not applicable
Thanks for your comments. I will try to help out a bit.
First, the code for MFREQ:

* This macro computes freqs for multiple variables;
* varlist can be a conversional SAS variable list or a Perl regular expression;
* dsn = input data set;

%Macro Mfreq(dsn, outfile, varlist, bylist, weight=);
%local vnames v num namelen varlen len1 len2 type typelist Nlist Clist i;

%if &weight = %then %let weight_statement=;
%else %let weight_statement=%str(weight &weight;);

/* parse &varlist */
/* If an error occurs, exit the macro */
%let vnames = %parse(&dsn, &varlist, _NV_);
%if &vnames= %then %goto Exit;

/* Read the data into the work directory and discard unneeded vars to
speed up the program*/
data _tmp1_; set &dsn (keep=&vnames &bylist &weight); run;

%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(_tmp1_));

/* namelen = maximun length of the variable names.
varlen = maximun value of the variable lengths.
type = C for character or N for numeric.
typelist = type list corresponding to vars vnames (e.g., typelist=NCCN...).
Clist = type list for character vars.
Nlist = type list for numeric vars.
%let v1=%scan(&vnames, 1);
%let namelen=%length(&v1);
%let varlen=%sysfunc(varlen(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &v1))));

%do i=1 %to &_NV_;
%let v=%scan(&vnames, &i);
%let num=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &v));
%let type=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &num));
%let typelist=&typelist&type;
%if &type=N %then %let Nlist=&Nlist&type;
%else %let Clist=&Clist&type;

%let len1=%length(&v);
%let len2=%sysfunc(varlen(&dsid, &num));
%if &namelen < &len1 %then %let namelen=&len1;
%if &varlen < &len2 %then %let varlen=&len2;

%let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));

%if %scan(&bylist,1) ^= %then %do;
proc sort data=_tmp1_; by &bylist; run;

/* Initialize output file:
1. _Var_ character variable to hold the names of variables.
2. If &Nlist ^= null, the varlist contains numeric variables.
Create a numeric variable Nvalue to hold the values of these variables.
3. If &Clist ^= null, the varlist contains character variables.
Create a character variable Cvalue to hold the values of these variables.
4. count = frequqncies of the variables.
5. No observations are created.
data &outfile;
format _Var_ $&namelen..;
%if &Nlist ^= %then %do;
length Nvalue 8.;
%if &Clist ^= %then %do;
length Cvalue $&varlen;
length Count Percent 8.;
if _N_=0;

/* Inside the loop:
1. Extract each variable from &vnames.
2. Compute the frequency for the extracted variable using proc freq
and save the output to file tmp2.
3. Rename the variable as "Cvalue" or "Nvalue" depending on it's type.
4. Append the file tmp3 to the final output file.
%do i=1 %to &_NV_;
%let v=%scan(&vnames, &i);

/* Compute frequency for &v */
proc freq data=_tmp1_ noprint;
tables &v/out=_tmp2_;
by &bylist;

data _tmp3_; set _tmp2_;
_Var_ ="&v";
%let type=%substr(&typelist, &i, 1);
%if &type = C %then %do;
rename &v = Cvalue;
label &v = 'Character Values';
%else %do;
rename &v = Nvalue;
label &v = 'Numeric Values';

data &outfile; format &bylist _Var_; set &outfile _tmp3_; run;

%symdel _NV_;

%Mend Mfreq;

The original data contains a row for each student (this value differs when i'm looking at classrooms vs. schools vs. districts, etc), and a dummy value for 147 variables. I am computing the frequency of how many times each item was chosen with each other item. After computing these frequencies, I need to combine them into a list file where I have a column representing To (The "sending of a tie item") and a column representing the From (the "receiving of a tie item") and the count. That is what the last step is concatenating...all of the list files for each itemXitem.
When i run this macro as is, it will concatenate all list files except for the one representing the first variable, or A_a01.
Does this help?
Thanks again for your time!
Not applicable
The original data contains a row for each student (this value differs when i'm looking at classrooms vs. schools vs. districts, etc), and a dummy value for 147 variables. I am computing the frequency of how many times each item was chosen with each other item. After computing these frequencies, I need to combine them into a list file where I have a column representing To (The "sending of a tie item") and a column representing the From (the "receiving of a tie item") and the count. That is what the last step is concatenating...all of the list files for each itemXitem.
When i run this macro as is, it will concatenate all list files except for the one representing the first variable, or A_a01.
Does this help?
Thanks again for your time!
Not applicable
Sorry for the trouble posting...I must be new to the internet...either that or 4 years into my dissertation and brain dead.
* This macro computes freqs for multiple variables;
* varlist can be a conversional SAS variable list or a Perl regular expression;
* dsn = input data set;

%Macro Mfreq(dsn, outfile, varlist, bylist, weight=);
%local vnames v num namelen varlen len1 len2 type typelist Nlist Clist i;

%if &weight = %then %let weight_statement=;
%else %let weight_statement=%str(weight &weight;);

parse &varlist
If an error occurs, exit the macro
%let vnames = %parse(&dsn, &varlist, _NV_);
%if &vnames= %then %goto Exit;

Read the data into the work directory and discard unneeded vars to
speed up the program
data _tmp1_; set &dsn (keep=&vnames &bylist &weight); run;

%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(_tmp1_));

namelen = maximun length of the variable names.
varlen = maximun value of the variable lengths.
type = C for character or N for numeric.
typelist = type list corresponding to vars vnames (e.g., typelist=NCCN...).
Clist = type list for character vars.
Nlist = type list for numeric vars.

%let v1=%scan(&vnames, 1);
%let namelen=%length(&v1);
%let varlen=%sysfunc(varlen(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &v1))));

%do i=1 %to &_NV_;
%let v=%scan(&vnames, &i);
%let num=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &v));
%let type=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &num));
%let typelist=&typelist&type;
%if &type=N %then %let Nlist=&Nlist&type;
%else %let Clist=&Clist&type;

%let len1=%length(&v);
%let len2=%sysfunc(varlen(&dsid, &num));
%if &namelen < &len1 %then %let namelen=&len1;
%if &varlen < &len2 %then %let varlen=&len2;

%let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));

%if %scan(&bylist,1) ^= %then %do;
proc sort data=_tmp1_; by &bylist; run;

Initialize output file:
1. _Var_ character variable to hold the names of variables.
2. If &Nlist ^= null, the varlist contains numeric variables.
Create a numeric variable Nvalue to hold the values of these variables.
3. If &Clist ^= null, the varlist contains character variables.
Create a character variable Cvalue to hold the values of these variables.
4. count = frequqncies of the variables.
5. No observations are created.

data &outfile;
format _Var_ $&namelen..;
%if &Nlist ^= %then %do;
length Nvalue 8.;
%if &Clist ^= %then %do;
length Cvalue $&varlen;
length Count Percent 8.;
if _N_=0;

Inside the loop:
1. Extract each variable from &vnames.
2. Compute the frequency for the extracted variable using proc freq
and save the output to file tmp2.
3. Rename the variable as "Cvalue" or "Nvalue" depending on it's type.
4. Append the file tmp3 to the final output file.
%do i=1 %to &_NV_;
%let v=%scan(&vnames, &i);

Compute frequency for &v
proc freq data=_tmp1_ noprint;
tables &v/out=_tmp2_;
by &bylist;

data _tmp3_; set _tmp2_;
_Var_ ="&v";
%let type=%substr(&typelist, &i, 1);
%if &type = C %then %do;
rename &v = Cvalue;
label &v = 'Character Values';
%else %do;
rename &v = Nvalue;
label &v = 'Numeric Values';

data &outfile; format &bylist _Var_; set &outfile _tmp3_; run;

%symdel _NV_;

%Mend Mfreq;
Opal | Level 21
I would now have to ask: Where is the %parse macro.

I think what would help is to see a macro call.

Looking at the code you gave us I can't avoid the feeling that this could be done much easier.

Why don't you tell us what you have (some sample data) and what you want. May be someone comes up with a much easier approach.
And, when you post code, remember that characters like < and > in the code can cause posting issues. For information on how to post code and maintain the indenting levels, see this previous posting:毙

Not applicable
Here is a sample of my data:

I need the count of how many times each item is chosen with every other item, for all students. This lead me to use the following code:
data a;
set DataMatrix;
array x[147] A_a01--D_a49;
array y_[147];
do i=1 to 147;

%macro kf1m();
%local i;
%do i=1 %to 147;

%mfreq(a, _temp0_, A_a01--D_a49, y_&i, weight=);

data _temp1_ (keep= to from count);
format from $5.;
set _temp0_;
where y_&i=nvalue=1;
rename _var_=to;
label to="To";
data out;
format from to count;
set out _temp1_;
I am sure there is an easier way to do this, especially considering my total sample is 20,000 students. I also need to be able to run this for each school and district separately, so a macro is essential...
Below I'm posting the macros I call within my macro:
* This macro computes freqs for multiple variables;
* varlist can be a conversional SAS variable list or a Perl regular expression;
* dsn = input data set;

%Macro Mfreq(dsn, outfile, varlist, bylist, weight=);
%local vnames v num namelen varlen len1 len2 type typelist Nlist Clist i;

%if &weight = %then %let weight_statement=;
%else %let weight_statement=%str(weight &weight;);

/* parse &varlist */
/* If an error occurs, exit the macro */
%let vnames = %parse(&dsn, &varlist, _NV_);
%if &vnames= %then %goto Exit;

/* Read the data into the work directory and discard unneeded vars to
speed up the program*/
data _tmp1_; set &dsn (keep=&vnames &bylist &weight); run;

%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(_tmp1_));

/* namelen = maximun length of the variable names.
varlen = maximun value of the variable lengths.
type = C for character or N for numeric.
typelist = type list corresponding to vars vnames (e.g., typelist=NCCN...).
Clist = type list for character vars.
Nlist = type list for numeric vars.
%let v1=%scan(&vnames, 1);
%let namelen=%length(&v1);
%let varlen=%sysfunc(varlen(&dsid, %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &v1))));

%do i=1 %to &_NV_;
%let v=%scan(&vnames, &i);
%let num=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid, &v));
%let type=%sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &num));
%let typelist=&typelist&type;
%if &type=N %then %let Nlist=&Nlist&type;
%else %let Clist=&Clist&type;

%let len1=%length(&v);
%let len2=%sysfunc(varlen(&dsid, &num));
%if &namelen < &len1 %then %let namelen=&len1;
%if &varlen < &len2 %then %let varlen=&len2;

%let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));

%if %scan(&bylist,1) ^= %then %do;
proc sort data=_tmp1_; by &bylist; run;

/* Initialize output file:
1. _Var_ character variable to hold the names of variables.
2. If &Nlist ^= null, the varlist contains numeric variables.
Create a numeric variable Nvalue to hold the values of these variables.
3. If &Clist ^= null, the varlist contains character variables.
Create a character variable Cvalue to hold the values of these variables.
4. count = frequqncies of the variables.
5. No observations are created.
data &outfile;
format _Var_ $&namelen..;
%if &Nlist ^= %then %do;
length Nvalue 8.;
%if &Clist ^= %then %do;
length Cvalue $&varlen;
length Count Percent 8.;
if _N_=0;

/* Inside the loop:
1. Extract each variable from &vnames.
2. Compute the frequency for the extracted variable using proc freq
and save the output to file tmp2.
3. Rename the variable as "Cvalue" or "Nvalue" depending on it's type.
4. Append the file tmp3 to the final output file.
%do i=1 %to &_NV_;
%let v=%scan(&vnames, &i);

/* Compute frequency for &v */
proc freq data=_tmp1_ noprint;
tables &v/out=_tmp2_;
by &bylist;

data _tmp3_; set _tmp2_;
_Var_ ="&v";
%let type=%substr(&typelist, &i, 1);
%if &type = C %then %do;
rename &v = Cvalue;
label &v = 'Character Values';
%else %do;
rename &v = Nvalue;
label &v = 'Numeric Values';

data &outfile; format &bylist _Var_; set &outfile _tmp3_; run;

%symdel _NV_;

%Mend Mfreq;

AUTHOR: Jimmy Z. Zou
CREATED: 7/1/2003
MODIFIED: 5/30/2006 to make it work with SAS Perl regular expressions.

This macro function is used to parse a variable list for any given SAS data set. The variable list
is either a conventional SAS variable list (like those used in data steps and proc steps) or a
Perl regular expression.

The function returns a complete list of variable names corresponding to
the variable list. If an error occurs, the function returns a missing value (null character). Optionally,
the function saves the number of variables in the list to a global variable that is specified by
the user.

%Parse(dsn, varlist<,nvars>)

dsn - a SAS data set name.

varlist - a variable list to be parsed, in either one of the following two forms:
(1) A conventional SAS variable list such as
varlist = cd b03-b50 t -- f xy: _NUMERIC_ r-character-z
(2) A Perl regular expression using /.../ as delimiter such as varlist=/^xy/.

Note: The two forms are not allowed to be mixed together in the same variable list.

nvars - optional parameter to specify the name of a global variable to hold the number of variables
returned by the function.


data Example;
length name $10 sex $1;
length ID age month1-month5 b001-b020 8.;
length State region ck1-ck5 $2;

* Parse conventional variable lists;
%let varlist=month3-month5 b006-b010 name region--check2 s:;
%put The variable names are: %Parse(Example, &varlist, n);
%put The number of variables in the list is: &n;

%put All variables in the data set are: %Parse(Example, _ALL_);
%put All numeric variables in the data set are: %Parse(Example, _NUMERIC_);
%put All character variables between age and region are: %Parse(Example, age-character-region);

* Parse Perl regular expressions;
%put The variables starting with s are (case sensitive): %parse(Example, /^s/);
%put The variables starting with s (case insensitive) are: %parse(Example, /^s/i);

%put The variables ending with e are: %parse(Example, /e$/);
%put The variables containing a digit 2 are: %parse(Example, /2/);
%put Variables that has two consecutive digits: %parse(Example, /\d\d/);
%put Variables that has two consecutive non_digits(letters or underscores): %parse(Example, /\D\D/);
%put Variables with a length of 3: %parse(Example, /^...\b/);
%put Variables with a length of 3: %parse(Example, /^.{3}$/);


%Macro Parse(dsn, varlist, nvars);
%local i j k _n_ word upword count d p p1 p2 name name1 name2 suffix1 suffix2 prefix namelist;

%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&dsn));

%if not &dsid %then %do;
%put %sysfunc(sysmsg());
%goto Exit;

/* Get the total number of variables in dsn */
%let _n_=%sysfunc(attrn(&dsid, nvars));
%let count=0;

/* If varlist is not a Perl regular expression... */
%if not %index(&varlist, /) %then %do;
Standardize the varlist:
Removing extra blanks in the varlist and group the variables into words.
For example, if the input varlist is
varlist = cd b003 - b152 t -- f xy: _NUMERIC_ r -character- z
After the following steps, it will become
varlist = cd b003-b15 t--f xy: _NUMERIC_ r-character-z
/* %let varlist=%cmpres(&varlist);*/
%let varlist=%sysfunc(compbl(&varlist));
%let varlist=%sysfunc(tranwrd(&varlist, %str( )-, -));
%let varlist=%sysfunc(tranwrd(&varlist, -%str( ), -));

Divide and Conquer:
Set up a loop to extract the words in varlist one by one.
Then parse each word to get the variable names.
%let i=1;
%do %until (%qscan(&varlist, &i, %str( ))=%str());
%let word=%qscan(&varlist, &i, %str( ));
%let upword=%upcase(&word);
%let p=%index(&word, --);

/* Parse a word like t--f (name range variable list):
1. Extract the beginning and ending variable names (name1 and name2 in the code below).
2. Get the position numbers for name1 and name2 (p1 and p2 in the code below).
3. Check errors.
4. Update the counter (count)
5. Get the names of the variables between name1 and name2:
%sysfunc(varname(&dsid, j)) p1<= j <=p2
6. Add the names to the namelist using a loop.
%if &p %then %do;
%let name1=%substr(&word, 1, &p-1);
%let name2=%substr(&word, &p+2);
%let p1=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&name1));
%let p2=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&name2));
%if &p1=0 | &p2=0 | (&p1 > &p2) %then %do;
%put ERROR: Invalid variable list &word;
%goto Exit;
%let count=%eval(&count+&p2-&p1+1);
%do j=&p1 %to &p2;
%let namelist=&namelist %sysfunc(varname(&dsid, &j));

/* Parse a word like ab: (name prefix variable list):
1. Extract the prefix.
2. Using a loop to compare the prefix with each variable name in the data set.
3. If a name matches the prefix, add it to the namelist.
%else %if %index(&word, 🙂 %then %do;
%let prefix=%sysfunc(compress(&word, :));
%do j=1 %to &_n_;
%let name=%sysfunc(varname(&dsid, &j));
%if (%length(&name) >= %length(&prefix)) & (%sysfunc(compare(&prefix, &name, :i))=0) %then %do;
%let count=%eval(&count + 1);
%let namelist=&namelist &name;

/* Parse special SAS Name lists: _ALL_, _NUMERIC_, or _CHARACTER_:
Loop through all the variables in the data set dsn and select the names based on
the special keywords:
1. _ALL_ - select all variables.
2. _NUMERIC_ - select all numeric variables. %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &j))=N if the jth
variable is numeric, and %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &j))=C if character.
3. _CHARACTER_ - select all character variables.
%else %if %sysfunc(indexw(_ALL_ _NUMERIC_ _CHARACTER_, &upword)) %then %do;
%do j=1 %to &_n_;
%if &upword=_ALL_ %then %do;
%let namelist=&namelist %sysfunc(varname(&dsid, &j));
%let count=%eval(&count + 1);
%else %if %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &j))=%substr(&upword,2,1) %then %do;
%let namelist=&namelist %sysfunc(varname(&dsid, &j));
%let count=%eval(&count + 1);

/* Parse a word like x-numeric-b or x-character-b:
1. Use function %index to return the positions (p & q) of keywords -NUMERIC-
and -CHARACTER-(the original word was converted to upper case) in upword.
2. Extract the names (name1 & name2) of the beginning and ending variables
in the word.
3. Get the position numbers (p1 & p2) for name1 and name2.
4. Check for error conditions.
5. Using the position number to loop through variables between name1 and name2
and check their variable types. Select those variables whose variable type
matches the keyword (-NUMERIC- or -CHARACTER-).
%else %if %index(&upword, -NUMERIC-) | %index(&upword, -CHARACTER-) %then %do;
%let p=%index(&upword, -NUMERIC-);
%let q=%index(&upword, -CHARACTER-);

%if &p %then %do;
%let name1=%substr(&upword, 1, &p-1);
%let name2=%substr(&upword, &p+9);
%let type=N;
%else %do;
%let name1=%substr(&upword, 1, &q-1);
%let name2=%substr(&upword, &q+11);
%let type=C;

%let p1=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&name1));
%let p2=%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&name2));

%if &p1=0 | &p2=0 | (&p1 > &P2) %then %do;
%put ERROR: Invalid variable list &word;
%goto Exit;

%do j=&p1 %to &p2;
%if %sysfunc(vartype(&dsid, &j))=&type %then %do;
%let namelist=&namelist %sysfunc(varname(&dsid, &j));
%let count=%eval(&count + 1);

/* Parse a word like a1-a20 or b003-b152 (numbered range variables):
There are two variations of this variable list - one is that the suffixes can have different
lengths and in the other all name suffixes must have the same length by padding leading 0s
to smaller suffixes such as b003-b010. Both are valid SAS variable lists to be used in data setps.
1. Get the position of the dash "-" in the word: p=%index(&word, -).
2. Extract the names (name1 & name2) of the beginning and ending variables
in the word.
3. k is the position of the suffix for name1.
4. Use this position and name1 to extract the prefix of the name list.
5. Extract the suffixes (suffix1 & suffix2) for name1 and name2.
6. Check for error conditions (invalid name1 or name2, or suffix1>suffix2).
7. All variable names prefixj where suffix1<= j <=suffix2 are supposed to be in the list.
8. If j has fewer digits than suffix1, pad j with leading 0s.
%else %if %index(&word, -) %then %do;
%let p=%index(&word, -);
%let name1=%substr(&word, 1, &p-1);
%let name2=%substr(&word, &p+1);
%let k=%eval(%sysfunc(notdigit(&name1, -%length(&name1))) + 1);
%let prefix=%substr(&name1,1, &k-1);
%let suffix1=%substr(&name1,&k);
%let suffix2=%substr(&name2,&k);
%if %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&name1))=0 | %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&name2))=0 | (&suffix1>&suffix2) %then %do;
%put ERROR: Invalid variable list &word;
%goto Exit;

%let len=%length(&suffix1);
%do j=&suffix1 %to &suffix2;
%let d=%eval(&len-%length(&j));
%if &d <=0 & %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&prefix&j)) %then %do;
%let namelist=&namelist &prefix&j;
%let count=%eval(&count + 1);
/* if &d>0 pad j with d leading 0s and save as jj */
%else %do;
%let jj=&j;
%do k=1 %to &d;
%let jj=0&jj;
%if %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&prefix&jj)) %then %do;
%let namelist=&namelist &prefix&jj;
%let count=%eval(&count + 1);

/* Parse a word like cd - just add it to the namelist */
%else %if %sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&word)) %then %do;
%let count = %eval(&count + 1);
%let namelist=&namelist &word;

/* An unrecognized word */
%else %do;
%put ERROR: Invalid variable name or list &word;
%goto Exit;

%let i=%eval(&i+1);

/* Parse a Perl regular expression:
1. Pass Perl regular expression &varlist to function prxparse. Prxparse parses the expression
and returns a pattern id (pid). If an error occurs, it returns a missing value "." and issues
an error message.
2. If the expression is parsed successfully (pid>0), set up a loop to match the pattern againt
each variable name in data set dsn using prxmatch function: %sysfunc(prxmatch(&pid, &name)).
If a match is found, prxmatch returns the position at which the pattern (pid) is first found in
in the name string. If there is no match, prxmatch returns a 0.
3. Once pid matches a name, add the name to the namelist and increase the counter.
4. %syscall prxfree(pid) frees the resources that were allocated to the Perl regular expression (pid).
%else %do;
%local pid;
%let pid =%sysfunc(prxparse(&varlist));
%if &pid=. %then %goto Exit;
%else %if &pid %then %do j=1 %to &_n_;
%let name=%sysfunc(varname(&dsid, &j));
%if %sysfunc(prxmatch(&pid, &name)) %then %do;
%let namelist=&namelist &name;
%let count=%eval(&count + 1);
%syscall prxfree(pid);

%let rc= %sysfunc(close(&dsid));

%if &nvars ^= %then %do;
%global &nvars;
%let &nvars = &count;

%Mend Parse;

Thanks for any help you can provide!!

Rhodochrosite | Level 12
In your first post make sure that the WHERE construction gives you the result that you are expecting. It could be perfectly fine (just what you want), but many users get in trouble with this non-standard syntax.
[pre]where y_&i=nvalue=1;[/pre]

the WHERE is true when:
y_&i=1 and nvalue=1
y_&i=0 and nvalue^=1
Opal | Level 21
Hi Leslie

Sure, it will be possible to count in any way you need it.

I don't fully understand how the result data set should look like (and I'm honestly too lazy to try and understand the last bit of the macros you've posted).
Can you give an example of the desired output? (variables and eventually one line of example data as illustration).

In case this is about correlations or the like:
SAS offers a great set of procedures and you might want to free your head of any code you've already written and just ask in the "statistical procedures" forum some advise of how to get the desired end result with the data you have (may be there is no intermediate counting step needed - see code below).


data have;
infile datalines dsd truncover dlm=',';
input student_id
A_a01 B_a01 D_a01 A_a02 C_a02 D_a02 A_a03 B_a03 C_a03 A_a04 B_a04 D_a04 A_a05 B_a05 C_a05 A_a06 B_a06 D_a06 B_a07 C_a07 D_a07 A_a08 B_a08 C_a08 A_a09 B_a09 D_a09
A_a10 C_a10 D_a10 A_a11 B_a11 D_a11 A_a12 C_a12 D_a12 A_a13 B_a13 C_a13 A_a14 B_a14 C_a14 A_a15 B_a15 C_a15 A_a16 B_a16 D_a16 A_a17 C_a17 D_a17 A_a18 B_a18 C_a18
A_a19 C_a19 D_a19 A_a20 B_a20 D_a20 A_a21 B_a21 D_a21 A_a22 B_a22 D_a22 A_a23 B_a23 C_a23 A_a24 B_a24 C_a24 A_a25 B_a25 C_a25 B_a26 C_a26 D_a26 B_a27 C_a27 D_a27
A_a28 B_a28 D_a28 A_a29 B_a29 C_a29 B_a30 C_a30 D_a30 A_a31 B_a31 C_a31 A_a32 B_a32 C_a32 B_a33 C_a33 D_a33 A_a34 B_a34 C_a34 A_a35 B_a35 D_a35 A_a36 C_a36 D_a36
A_a37 B_a37 C_a37 A_a38 C_a38 D_a38 A_a39 B_a39 C_a39 B_a40 C_a40 D_a40 A_a41 B_a41 D_a41 A_a42 C_a42 D_a42 A_a43 B_a43 D_a43 B_a44 C_a44 D_a44 A_a45 C_a45 D_a45
A_a46 B_a46 C_a46 A_a47 B_a47 D_a47 A_a48 B_a48 C_a48 A_a49 B_a49 D_a49;

proc sq;
creat view sorted as
select *
from have
order by school_id student_id

proc corr data=have;
by school_id;
var A_a01 -- d_a49;
with A_a01 -- d_a49;

/* just as an idea how this count could work */
/* creates one obs for each combination where both items are chosen */
data ChosenCombinations(keep=school_id student_id Item_Name_1 Item_Name_2);
set have;
array vars {*} A_a01 -- D_a49;
do i=1 to dim(vars)-1;
do j=2 to dim(vars);
if sum(vars(i),vars(j))=2 then
output ChosenCombinations;

options ls=max ps=max missing='0';
proc tabulate data=ChosenCombinations format=8.0;
by school_id;
class Item_Name_1 Item_Name_2;
table Item_Name_1, Item_Name_2
run; added code to tabulate chosen combinations

Message was edited by: Patrick
Not applicable
Thanks for taking all of this time to help me out.
I am going to play around with the code you sent and see if I can't make it work.

To answer fully your question (sorry it's like pulling teeth for me to explain what I have, and what I need...but it's a good learning experience for me...sorry for frustrating you...thanks for your patience.)

I provided you a list of what I have, what I'm looking for, is a list file that would look like the following:
School_ID, District_id, Item_Sender, Item_Receiver, Count
0001, 001, A_a01, A_a01, 100
0001, 001, A_a01, B_a01, 54
0001, 001, A_a01, D_a49, 99
0002, 001, A_a01, A_a01, 219

I am going to play around and see if I can't figure it out. I think I was having problems defining my arrays (which is why I did it outside of the macro), and then combining all of the datasets.
I welcome any additional comments or suggestions.

Again, thanks for your time and patience...I've been using SAS for 7 years...and it never ceases to amaze much I have yet to learn and discover about this amazing software.

Cheers...Dr. P
Opal | Level 21
Hi Dr. P

I just realised that I've got it wrong with the inner loop when creating this n*(n-1)/2 combinations.

I believe the following should be correct:

do i=1 to dim(vars)-1;
do j=i+1 to dim(vars); instead of: do j=2 to dim(vars);

I believe the code below gives you the desired result (I've added a variable district_id to the have data set):

/* creates one obs for each combination where both items are chosen */
data want(keep=district_id school_id student_id Item_Sender Item_Receiver);
set Have;
array vars {*} A_a01 -- D_a49;
do i=1 to dim(vars)-1;
do j=i+1 to dim(vars);
if sum(vars(i),vars(j))=2 then
Item_Sender = vname(vars{i});
Item_Receiver = vname(vars{j});

proc sql;
create view Summary as
select district_id, school_id, Item_Sender, Item_Receiver, count(*) as count
from want
group by district_id, school_id, Item_Sender, Item_Receiver
/* having count>1*/

proc print data=Summary;


P.S: Isn't it amazing how much simpler this code became since we've started. I just love the power of macro coding but I also believe it should only be used if a problem can't be solved using Base SAS language. Message was edited by: Patrick

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