Dear Fellow AB Members,
I see that on this page:
…the Advisory Board members are all listed, which is just and proper. However, I do not see anybody’s company affiliation listed. I think this is a mistake. My own company “happily” allows me to donate my time during work hours to participate in SASCommmunity activities. I am sure that other people have the same amount of support. I think it is a small thing to list each person’s affiliation. If you did, then I would send the link to my boss; without it, I wouldn't. Other people may be in the same situation.
Again; think of motivation. Consultants, company men, university staff, or whatever on the AB should have their company affiliation listed to help justify their—away from the paying job—efforts to those they report to. It’s good advertising, and perhaps some of the companies will list that the staff member is a member of the SASCommunity AB in proposals or whatever, driving other people to the site.
(aka Michael A. Raithel)
Best of luck in all your SAS endeavors!
(aka Michael A. Raithel)
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