When I tried to invoke the macro function below, it throws an error saying
"%SYSEVALF function has no expression to evaluate...."
%macro concat_ctrl(contstr=,i=);
%do %while(&i < 32);
%let contstr = %sysfunc(cats(&contstr,%sysfunc(byte(&i))));
%put &contstr &i;
%let i=%eval(&i+1);
%mend concat_ctrl;
%concat_ctrl(contstr=%sysfunc(byte(0)), i=1);
But I am able to invoke the macro function above with difference values as below...
%macro concat_ctrl(contstr=,i=);
%do %while(&i < 72);
%let contstr = %sysfunc(cats(&contstr,%sysfunc(byte(&i))));
%put &contstr &i;
%let i=%eval(&i+1);
%mend concat_ctrl;
%concat_ctrl(contstr=%sysfunc(byte(65)), i=66);
Could you help me out to overcome this issue?