I want to add a topline above "TRT" row for the table. I tried style(report) and style(header), they both did not add the line in the correct position. Here is my program:
ods rtf file='c:\temp\temp.rtf' startpage=no style=journal bodytitle; proc report data=final nowindows headline headskip split = '|' missing style(report)={FONTSIZE = 10pt} ; column trt tptn tpt ("(*ESC*)S={borderbottomcolor=black borderbottomwidth=2} TRT" n3 mean3 sd3 median3 min3 max3 GeomMean3 CV3); define trt/group noprint; define tptn/order order=internal noprint; define tpt/group "Time Point" style=[just=l cellwidth=15%]; ..... run; ods rtf close.
and my table looks like
What I want is
How should I modify the program? Thank you.
data class;
set sashelp.class;
length agegr1 $7;
if age<13 then agegr1 = '<13';
else if age < 15 then agegr1 = '13-<15';
else agegr1='>=15';
proc sort data=class;
by agegr1;
data final;
set class;
by agegr1;
if first.agegr1 then page+1;
ods rtf file="./temp.rtf" style=RTFStyle;
PROC REPORT data=final headline headskip nowd split="~" spacing=0 missing
style(header) = {vjust = middle font_size = 8pt font_face="Courier New"}
style(column) = {just=l vjust = middle font_size = 8pt font_face="Courier New"}
style(report) = {rules = groups frame = void cellpadding = 1 font_face="Courier New"}
style(lines) = {font_size = 8pt} ;
column page name sex ("^S={borderbottomcolor=black borderbottomwidth=1} Baseline Characteristics" age height weight) agegr1;
define name / order order = internal style(header)=[just=l] style(column)=[just=l cellwidth=20%];
define page / order order = internal noprint;
define agegr1 / noprint;
define sex / style(header)=[just=l] style(column)=[just = l cellwidth=19%];
define age /style(column) = {just=c cellwidth = 20%};
define height / style(column) = {just=c cellwidth = 20%};
define weight / style(column) = {just=c cellwidth = 20%};
compute before _page_ /style=[borderbottomcolor=black borderbottomwidth=1];
line @1 "Age Group: " agegr1 $varying.len;
break after page / page;
ods rtf close;
Can you try adding a style to the compute before _page_ block?
That would be better if you could post some test data.
And I could not replicate your problem by your code.
And the following code is an alternative way to get what you want.
ods rtf file='c:\temp\temp.rtf' startpage=no style=journal bodytitle;
proc report data=sashelp.heart(obs=10) nowindows headline headskip split = '|' missing
style(report)={FONTSIZE = 10pt outputwidth=100%}
column status sex bp_status
("(*ESC*)R'\brdrb\brdrs\brdrw15' TRT" weight height ageatstart);
define status/group noprint;
define sex/order order=internal noprint;
define bp_status/group "Time Point" style=[just=l cellwidth=15%];
ods rtf close;
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