Hi Everyone,
Good day.
I'm having some trouble in applying a style format for my BY Variable in Proc Report.
I'm using Proc Template to style my output in Proc Report.
My input dataset has 3 variables (name, age, address).
I want to print the output in an RTF file using Proc Report and ODS statements.
I want the output to be sorted by the "name" variable and it should appear as a header in each page.
I want to apply styles to the RTF file using Proc Template.
Here is my code:
proc template;
define style def_temp;
class header / backgroundcolor = #ff944d fontsize = 10;
class systemtitle / backgroundcolor = #3399ff fontsize = 25;
class data / backgroundcolor = #4dff4d fontsize = 15;
/*Supposedly Background and Fontsize for BY VARIABLE, but it doesn't work*/
class systemtitle1 / backgroundcolor = #3399ff fontsize = 20;
ods rtf file = "C:...\SAS Test Outputs\out.rtf" style = def_temp;
proc report data = tester1 headline headskip style = def_temp;
column name age address;
by name;
define name / order noprint;
ods rtf close;
Below is a screenshot of the RTF output file:
So far, I was able to apply some styles to the page header ("The SAS System"), to the column names, and also to the dataset values.
How do I apply some styles to the variable "name", which is the second header in the RTF output?
It's the only one that doesn't have any color/formats. The tiny gray text ("name=A") above the "address" column.
Thank you very much in advance.
Typically, the BYLINE is controlled by the BYLINE style element. So, just as you have
class systemtitle /
For the BYLINE, you explicitly need:
BYLINE has it's own STYLE element and does not use SYSTEMTITLE. If you WANT it to use SYSTEMTITLE, then you need to do:
like this:
Typically, the BYLINE is controlled by the BYLINE style element. So, just as you have
class systemtitle /
For the BYLINE, you explicitly need:
BYLINE has it's own STYLE element and does not use SYSTEMTITLE. If you WANT it to use SYSTEMTITLE, then you need to do:
like this:
Hi Cynthia,
Thank you very much for your reply. This solves my problem.
Some SAS Help files/documents are not very clear when explaining how a certain code works.
Your explanation is very nice.
If you are intending to modify an existing style and change a few appearance items then you should use the PARENT statement to indicate which inheritances to use.
Otherwise your style is missing many options. For example the source code for the style DEFAULT in SAS 9.4M4 looks like:
define style Styles.Default; style GraphComponent / abstract = on; class fonts "Fonts used in the default style" / 'TitleFont2' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold italic) 'TitleFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",5,bold italic) 'StrongFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold) 'EmphasisFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",3,italic) 'FixedEmphasisFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2,italic) 'FixedStrongFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2,bold) 'FixedHeadingFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2) 'BatchFixedFont' = ("SAS Monospace, <monospace>, Courier, monospace",2) 'FixedFont' = ("<monospace>, Courier",2) 'headingEmphasisFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold italic) 'headingFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",4,bold) 'docFont' = ("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif",3); class GraphFonts "Fonts used in graph styles" / 'NodeDetailFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",7pt) 'NodeLinkLabelFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",9pt) 'NodeInputLabelFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",9pt) 'NodeLabelFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",9pt) 'NodeTitleFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",9pt) 'GraphDataFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",7pt) 'GraphUnicodeFont' = ("<MTsans-serif-unicode>",9pt) 'GraphValueFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",9pt) 'GraphLabel2Font' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",10pt) 'GraphLabelFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",10pt,bold) 'GraphFootnoteFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",10pt) 'GraphTitleFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",11pt,bold) 'GraphTitle1Font' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",14pt,bold) 'GraphAnnoFont' = ("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",10pt); class color_list "Colors used in the default style" / 'fgB2' = cx0066AA 'fgB1' = cx004488 'fgA4' = cxAAFFAA 'bgA4' = cx880000 'bgA3' = cxD3D3D3 'fgA2' = cx0033AA 'bgA2' = cxB0B0B0 'fgA1' = cx000000 'bgA1' = cxF0F0F0 'fgA' = cx002288 'bgA' = cxE0E0E0; class colors "Abstract colors used in the default style" / 'headerfgemph' = color_list('fgA2') 'headerbgemph' = color_list('bgA2') 'headerfgstrong' = color_list('fgA2') 'headerbgstrong' = color_list('bgA2') 'headerfg' = color_list('fgA2') 'headerbg' = color_list('bgA2') 'datafgemph' = color_list('fgA1') 'databgemph' = color_list('bgA3') 'datafgstrong' = color_list('fgA1') 'databgstrong' = color_list('bgA3') 'datafg' = color_list('fgA1') 'databg' = color_list('bgA3') 'batchfg' = color_list('fgA1') 'batchbg' = color_list('bgA3') 'tableborder' = color_list('fgA1') 'tablebg' = color_list('bgA1') 'notefg' = color_list('fgA') 'notebg' = color_list('bgA') 'bylinefg' = color_list('fgA2') 'bylinebg' = color_list('bgA2') 'captionfg' = color_list('fgA1') 'captionbg' = color_list('bgA') 'proctitlefg' = color_list('fgA') 'proctitlebg' = color_list('bgA') 'titlefg' = color_list('fgA') 'titlebg' = color_list('bgA') 'systitlefg' = color_list('fgA') 'systitlebg' = color_list('bgA') 'Conentryfg' = color_list('fgA2') 'Confolderfg' = color_list('fgA') 'Contitlefg' = color_list('fgA') 'link2' = color_list('fgB2') 'link1' = color_list('fgB1') 'contentfg' = color_list('fgA2') 'contentbg' = color_list('bgA2') 'docfg' = color_list('fgA') 'docbg' = color_list('bgA'); class GraphColors "Abstract colors used in graph styles" / 'gncdata12' = cxF9DA04 'gncdata11' = cxB38EF3 'gncdata10' = cx47A82A 'gncdata9' = cxD17800 'gncdata8' = cxB26084 'gncdata7' = cx2597FA 'gncdata6' = cx7F8E1F 'gncdata5' = cx9D3CDB 'gncdata4' = cx543005 'gncdata3' = cx01665E 'gncdata2' = cxB2182B 'gncdata1' = cx2A25D9 'gncdata' = cx808080 'gndata12' = cxDED9B3 'gndata11' = cxCDC9E7 'gndata10' = cxB7D5AE 'gndata9' = cxD8BF9C 'gndata8' = cxD7B2C3 'gndata7' = cxBDD0E0 'gndata6' = cxCECFA4 'gndata5' = cxCDB8D7 'gndata4' = cxC7B7A4 'gndata3' = cxA9C5C3 'gndata2' = cxDFB3AD 'gndata1' = cxB3BED6 'gndata' = cxB3BED6 'gofill' = cxE0E0E0 'goffill' = cx666666 'govbline' = cx848b93 'gobline' = cx848b93 'gnclink' = cx969696 'gnlink' = cxC4C4C4 'gntext' = cx111111 'gblockheader' = cxd8dae5 'gcphasebox' = cx000000 'gphasebox' = cxC2C9D8 'gczonec' = cxB7C2DA 'gzonec' = cxCBD3E3 'gczoneb' = cxC0CBE4 'gzoneb' = cxD2D9E9 'gzonea' = cxDBE2F1 'gcunder' = cx8EB778 'gunder' = cx8EB778 'gcover' = cxEFDF28 'gover' = cxEFDF28 'gcfinal' = cxC28262 'gfinal' = cxC28262 'gcinitial' = cxEFC328 'ginitial' = cxEFC328 'gcother' = cxEFDF28 'gother' = cxEFDF28 'gcmiss' = cx979797 'gmiss' = cxD7D0CC 'gablock' = cxF1F0F6 'gblock' = cxD7DFEF 'gcclipping' = cxDC531F 'gclipping' = cxE7774F 'gcstars' = cx000000 'gstars' = cxB9CFE7 'gcruntest' = cxBF4D4D 'gruntest' = cxCAE3FF 'gccontrollim' = cxBFC7D9 'gcontrollim' = cxE6F2FF 'gcerror' = cx000000 'gerror' = cxB9CFE7 'gcpredictlim' = cx003178 'gpredictlim' = cxB9CFE7 'gcpredict' = cx003178 'gpredict' = cx003178 'gcconfidence2' = cx780000 'gcconfidence' = cx003178 'gconfidence2' = cxE7B9B9 'gconfidence' = cxB9CFE7 'gcfit2' = cx780000 'gcfit' = cx003178 'gfit2' = cx780000 'gfit' = cx003178 'gcoutlier' = cx000000 'goutlier' = cxB9CFE7 'gcdata' = cx000000 'gdata' = cxB9CFE7 'greferencelines' = cx808080 'gheader' = colors('docbg') 'gconramp3cend' = cxFF0000 'gconramp3cneutral' = cxFF00FF 'gconramp3cstart' = cx0000FF 'gramp3cend' = cxDD6060 'gramp3cneutral' = cxFFFFFF 'gramp3cstart' = cx6497EB 'gconramp2cend' = cx6497EB 'gconramp2cstart' = cxF3F7FE 'gramp2cend' = cx5E528B 'gramp2cstart' = cxEDEBF6 'gtext' = cx000000 'glabel' = cx000000 'gborderlines' = cx000000 'goutlines' = cx000000 'gmgrid' = cxF4F4F4 'ggrid' = cxECECEC 'gaxis' = cx000000 'gshadow' = cx000000 'glegend' = cxFFFFFF 'gfloor' = cxFFFFFF 'gwalls' = cxFFFFFF 'gckran5' = cx609530 'gkran5' = cx7BB04A 'gckran4' = cx9CB12D 'gkran4' = cxB8CC49 'gckran3' = cxD4BD2D 'gkran3' = cxF2D94B 'gckran2' = cxC2792D 'gkran2' = cxE09346 'gckran1' = cxB23D2E 'gkran1' = cxD15845 'gcdata12' = cxF9DA04 'gcdata11' = cxB38EF3 'gcdata10' = cx47A82A 'gcdata9' = cxD17800 'gcdata8' = cxB26084 'gcdata6' = cx7F8E1F 'gcdata7' = cx2597FA 'gcdata4' = cx543005 'gcdata5' = cx9D3CDB 'gcdata3' = cx01665E 'gcdata2' = cxB2182B 'gcdata1' = cx2A25D9 'gdata12' = cxDDD17E 'gdata11' = cxB7AEF1 'gdata10' = cx87C873 'gdata9' = cxCF974B 'gdata8' = cxCD7BA1 'gdata6' = cxBABC5C 'gdata7' = cx94BDE1 'gdata4' = cxA9865B 'gdata5' = cxB689CD 'gdata3' = cx66A5A0 'gdata2' = cxDE7E6F 'gdata1' = cx7C95CA; class html "Common HTML text used in the default style" / 'expandAll' = "<span onclick=""expandCollapse()"">" 'posthtml flyover line' = "</span><hr size=""3""/>" 'prehtml flyover line' = "<span><hr size=""3""/>" 'prehtml flyover bullet' = %nrstr("<span><b>·</b>") 'posthtml flyover' = "</span>" 'prehtml flyover' = "<span>" 'break' = "<br/>" 'Line' = "<hr size=""3""/>" 'PageBreakLine' = "<p style=""page-break-after: always;""><br/></p><hr size=""3""/>" 'fake bullet' = %nrstr("<b>·</b>"); class text "Common text." / 'continued' = "(Continued)" 'Fatal Banner' = "Fatal:" 'Error Banner' = "Error:" 'Warn Banner' = "Warning:" 'Note Banner' = "Note:" 'Pages Title' = "Table of Pages" 'Content Title' = "Table of Contents" 'suffix1' = " Procedure" 'prefix1' = "The "; class Container / font = Fonts('DocFont') color = colors('docfg') backgroundcolor = colors('docbg'); class Index / color = colors('contentfg') backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg'); class Document / doctype = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"">" contenttype = "text/html" protectspecialchars = auto linkcolor = colors('link2') activelinkcolor = colors('link1') visitedlinkcolor = colors('link1'); class Body / marginright = 8 marginleft = 8 pagebreakhtml = html('PageBreakLine'); class Frame / contentposition = left bodyscrollbar = auto bodysize = * contentscrollbar = auto contentsize = 23% framespacing = 1 frameborderwidth = 4 frameborder = on; class Contents / liststyletype = "decimal" tagattr = " onload=""expandAll()""" pagebreakhtml = html('break') color = colors('contentfg') backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg') marginright = 8 marginleft = 8; class Pages / liststyletype = "decimal" tagattr = " onload=""expandAll()""" pagebreakhtml = html('break') color = colors('contentfg') backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg') marginright = 8 marginleft = 8; class Date / width = 100% backgroundcolor = colors('contentbg') color = colors('contentfg'); class BodyDate / verticalalign = top textalign = right borderspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 backgroundcolor = colors('docbg') color = colors('docfg'); class IndexItem / marginleft = 6pt posthtml = html('posthtml flyover') prehtml = html('prehtml flyover bullet') listentryanchor = on liststyletype = NONE backgroundcolor = _undef_ color = colors('conentryfg'); class ContentFolder / listentryanchor = off color = colors('confolderfg'); class ByContentFolder / listentryanchor = on; class IndexProcName / listentryanchor = off liststyletype = "decimal" posthtml = html('posthtml flyover') prehtml = html('prehtml flyover') posttext = text('suffix1') pretext = text('prefix1') backgroundcolor = _undef_ color = colors('contitlefg'); class ContentProcLabel / posttext = _undef_ pretext = _undef_; class PagesProcLabel / posttext = _undef_ pretext = _undef_; class IndexTitle / posthtml = html('posthtml flyover line') prehtml = html('expandAll') font = fonts('EmphasisFont') backgroundcolor = _undef_ color = colors('contitlefg'); class ContentTitle / pretext = text('content title'); class PagesTitle / pretext = text('pages title'); class SysTitleAndFooterContainer / rules = NONE frame = VOID width = 100% cellpadding = 1 borderspacing = 1 borderwidth = 0; class TitleAndNoteContainer / rules = NONE frame = VOID width = 100% cellpadding = 1 borderspacing = 1 borderwidth = 0; class TitlesAndFooters / font = Fonts('TitleFont2') backgroundcolor = colors('systitlebg') color = colors('systitlefg'); class BylineContainer / backgroundcolor = colors('Docbg') rules = NONE frame = VOID width = 100% cellpadding = 1 borderspacing = 1 borderwidth = 0; class SystemTitle / font = Fonts('TitleFont'); class SystemFooter / font = Fonts('TitleFont'); class PageNo / verticalalign = top textalign = right borderspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 font = fonts('strongFont'); class ExtendedPage / textalign = center cellpadding = 2pt borderstyle = solid borderwidth = 1pt fillrulewidth = 0.5pt posttext = ", which would not fit on a single physical page" pretext = "Continuing contents of page " frame = box font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); class Byline / borderspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 font = fonts('headingFont') backgroundcolor = colors('bylinebg') color = colors('bylinefg'); class Parskip / backgroundcolor = _undef_ color = _undef_ borderwidth = 0 rules = NONE frame = void borderspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 font = fonts('headingFont'); class Continued / width = 100% pretext = text('continued') borderspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 font = fonts('headingFont'); class ProcTitle / backgroundcolor = colors('proctitlebg') color = colors('proctitlefg'); class ProcTitleFixed / font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); class Output / bordercollapse = separate backgroundcolor = colors('tablebg') rules = GROUPS frame = BOX cellpadding = 7 borderspacing = 1 bordercolor = colors('tableborder') borderstyle = solid borderwidth = 1; class Table; class Batch / font = fonts('BatchFixedFont') color = colors('batchfg') backgroundcolor = colors('batchbg') padding = 7; class Note / backgroundcolor = colors('notebg') color = colors('notefg'); class NoteBanner / fontweight = bold pretext = text('Note Banner'); class UserText; class PrePage / textalign = left; class NoteContentFixed / font = fonts('FixedFont'); class WarnBanner / fontweight = bold pretext = text('Warn Banner'); class WarnContentFixed / font = fonts('FixedFont'); class ErrorBanner / fontweight = bold pretext = text('Error Banner'); class ErrorContentFixed / font = fonts('FixedFont'); class FatalBanner / fontweight = bold pretext = text('Fatal Banner'); class FatalContentFixed / font = fonts('FixedFont'); class Data / color = colors('datafg') backgroundcolor = colors('databg'); class DataFixed / font = fonts('FixedFont'); class DataEmphasis / color = colors('datafgemph') backgroundcolor = colors('databgemph') font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); class DataEmphasisFixed / font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); class DataStrong / color = colors('datafgstrong') backgroundcolor = colors('databgstrong') font = fonts('StrongFont'); class LineContent / backgroundcolor = colors('notebg') color = colors('notefg'); class DataStrongFixed / font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); class HeadersAndFooters / font = fonts('HeadingFont') color = colors('headerfg') backgroundcolor = colors('headerbg'); class Caption / borderspacing = 0 cellpadding = 0 color = colors('captionfg') backgroundcolor = colors('captionbg'); class AfterCaption / paddingtop = 4pt; class Header; class HeaderFixed / font = fonts('FixedFont'); class HeaderEmphasis / color = colors('headerfgemph') backgroundcolor = colors('headerbgemph') font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); class HeaderEmphasisFixed / font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); class HeaderStrong / color = colors('headerfgstrong') backgroundcolor = colors('headerbgstrong') font = fonts('StrongFont'); class HeaderStrongFixed / font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); class RowHeader; class RowHeaderFixed / font = fonts('FixedFont'); class RowHeaderEmphasis / font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); class RowHeaderEmphasisFixed / font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); class RowHeaderStrong / font = fonts('StrongFont'); class RowHeaderStrongFixed / font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); class Footer; class FooterFixed / font = fonts('FixedFont'); class FooterEmphasis / font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); class FooterEmphasisFixed / font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); class FooterStrong / font = fonts('StrongFont'); class FooterStrongFixed / font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); class RowFooter; class RowFooterFixed / font = fonts('FixedFont'); class RowFooterEmphasis / font = fonts('EmphasisFont'); class RowFooterEmphasisFixed / font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFont'); class RowFooterStrong / font = fonts('StrongFont'); class RowFooterStrongFixed / font = fonts('FixedStrongFont'); class ListItem / font = Fonts('DocFont'); class Paragraph / font = Fonts('DocFont'); class List / liststyletype = disc; class List2 / liststyletype = circle; class List3 / liststyletype = square; class Graph / cellpadding = 0 backgroundcolor = colors('docbg'); class GraphWalls / linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 frameborder = on contrastcolor = GraphColors('gaxis') backgroundcolor = GraphColors('gwalls') color = GraphColors('gwalls'); class GraphAxisLines / tickdisplay = "outside" linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gaxis') color = GraphColors('gaxis'); class GraphGridLines / displayopts = "auto" linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('ggrid') color = GraphColors('ggrid'); class GraphMinorGridLines / displayopts = "auto" linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gmgrid') color = GraphColors('gmgrid'); class GraphOutlines / linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('goutlines') color = GraphColors('goutlines'); class GraphBorderLines / linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gborderlines') color = GraphColors('gborderlines'); class GraphReference / linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('greferencelines'); class GraphTitle1Text / font = GraphFonts('GraphTitle1Font') color = GraphColors('gtext'); class GraphTitleText / font = GraphFonts('GraphTitleFont') color = GraphColors('gtext'); class GraphFootnoteText / font = GraphFonts('GraphFootnoteFont') color = GraphColors('gtext'); class GraphDataText / font = GraphFonts('GraphDataFont') color = GraphColors('gtext'); class GraphLabelText / font = GraphFonts('GraphLabelFont') color = GraphColors('glabel'); class GraphLabel2Text / font = GraphFonts('GraphLabel2Font') color = GraphColors('glabel'); class GraphValueText / font = GraphFonts('GraphValueFont') color = GraphColors('gtext'); class GraphUnicodeText / font = GraphFonts('GraphUnicodeFont'); class GraphBackground / backgroundcolor = colors('docbg') color = colors('docbg'); class GraphFloor / backgroundcolor = GraphColors('gfloor') color = GraphColors('gfloor'); class GraphLegendBackground / backgroundcolor = GraphColors('glegend') color = GraphColors('glegend'); class GraphHeaderBackground / backgroundcolor = GraphColors('gheader') color = GraphColors('gheader'); class DropShadowStyle / color = GraphColors('gshadow'); class GraphDataDefault / endcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cend') neutralcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cneutral') startcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cstart') markersize = 7px markersymbol = "circle" linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata') color = GraphColors('gdata'); class KPIRange1 / markersize = 7px markersymbol = "circle" linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gckran1') color = GraphColors('gkran1'); class KPIRange2 / markersize = 7px markersymbol = "circle" linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gckran2') color = GraphColors('gkran2'); class KPIRange3 / markersize = 7px markersymbol = "circle" linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gckran3') color = GraphColors('gkran3'); class KPIRange4 / markersize = 7px markersymbol = "circle" linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gckran4') color = GraphColors('gkran4'); class KPIRange5 / markersize = 7px markersymbol = "circle" linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gckran5') color = GraphColors('gkran5'); class GraphData1 / markersymbol = "circle" linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata1') color = GraphColors('gdata1'); class GraphData2 / markersymbol = "plus" linestyle = 4 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata2') color = GraphColors('gdata2'); class GraphData3 / markersymbol = "X" linestyle = 8 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata3') color = GraphColors('gdata3'); class GraphData4 / markersymbol = "triangle" linestyle = 5 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata4') color = GraphColors('gdata4'); class GraphData5 / markersymbol = "square" linestyle = 14 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata5') color = GraphColors('gdata5'); class GraphData6 / markersymbol = "asterisk" linestyle = 26 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata6') color = GraphColors('gdata6'); class GraphData7 / markersymbol = "diamond" linestyle = 15 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata7') color = GraphColors('gdata7'); class GraphData8 / linestyle = 20 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata8') color = GraphColors('gdata8'); class GraphData9 / linestyle = 41 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata9') color = GraphColors('gdata9'); class GraphData10 / linestyle = 42 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata10') color = GraphColors('gdata10'); class GraphData11 / linestyle = 2 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata11') color = GraphColors('gdata11'); class GraphData12 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata12') color = GraphColors('gdata12'); class TwoColorRamp / endcolor = GraphColors('gramp2cend') startcolor = GraphColors('gramp2cstart'); class TwoColorAltRamp / endcolor = GraphColors('gconramp2cend') startcolor = GraphColors('gconramp2cstart'); class ThreeColorRamp / endcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cend') neutralcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cneutral') startcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cstart'); class ThreeColorAltRamp / endcolor = GraphColors('gconramp3cend') neutralcolor = GraphColors('gconramp3cneutral') startcolor = GraphColors('gconramp3cstart'); class GraphOutlier / linethickness = 2px linestyle = 42 markersize = 7px markersymbol = "circle" contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcoutlier') color = GraphColors('goutlier'); class GraphFit / linethickness = 2px linestyle = 1 markersize = 7px markersymbol = "circle" contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcfit') color = GraphColors('gfit'); class GraphFit2 / linethickness = 2px linestyle = 4 markersize = 7px markersymbol = "X" contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcfit2') color = GraphColors('gfit2'); class GraphConfidence / linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 markersize = 7px markersymbol = "triangle" contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcconfidence') color = GraphColors('gconfidence'); class GraphConfidence2 / linethickness = 1px linestyle = 4 markersize = 7px markersymbol = "diamond" contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcconfidence2') color = GraphColors('gconfidence2'); class GraphPrediction / linethickness = 2px linestyle = 4 markersize = 7px markersymbol = "plus" contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcpredict') color = GraphColors('gpredict'); class GraphPredictionLimits / linethickness = 1px linestyle = 2 markersize = 7px markersymbol = "chain" contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcpredictlim') color = GraphColors('gpredictlim'); class GraphError / linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 markersize = 7px markersymbol = "asterisk" contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcerror') color = GraphColors('gerror'); class GraphBar / displayopts = "fill outline"; class GraphBox / capstyle = "serif" connect = "mean" displayopts = "fill caps median mean outliers"; class GraphBoxMedian / linestyle = 1 linethickness = 1px contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); class GraphBoxMean / markersize = 9px markersymbol = "diamond" contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); class GraphBoxWhisker / linestyle = 1 linethickness = 1px contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); class GraphHistogram / displayopts = "fill outline"; class GraphEllipse / displayopts = "outline"; class GraphBand / displayopts = "fill"; class GraphContour / displayopts = "LabeledLineGradient"; class GraphBlock / color = GraphColors('gblock'); class GraphAltBlock / color = GraphColors('gablock'); class GraphAnnoLine / linestyle = 1 linethickness = 2px contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); class GraphAnnoText / font = GraphFonts('GraphAnnoFont') color = GraphColors('gtext'); class GraphAnnoShape / markersize = 12px markersymbol = "starfilled" linethickness = 2px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata') color = GraphColors('gdata'); class GraphSelection / markersize = 11px markersymbol = "square" linethickness = 5px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata') color = GraphColors('gdata'); class GraphConnectLine / linestyle = 1 linethickness = 1px contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcdata'); class GraphMissing / markersize = 7px markersymbol = "hash" linethickness = 1px linestyle = 2 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcmiss') color = GraphColors('gmiss'); class GraphOther / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcother') color = GraphColors('gother'); class GraphInitial / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcinitial') color = GraphColors('ginitial'); class GraphFinal / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcfinal') color = GraphColors('gfinal'); class GraphOverflow / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcover') color = GraphColors('gover'); class GraphUnderflow / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcunder') color = GraphColors('gunder'); class GraphControlLimits / markersize = 7px markersymbol = "circle" linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gccontrollim') color = GraphColors('gcontrollim'); class GraphRunTest / markersize = 7px markersymbol = "square" linethickness = 2px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcruntest') color = GraphColors('gruntest'); class GraphStars / linethickness = 2px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcstars') color = GraphColors('gstars'); class GraphClipping / markersize = 7px markersymbol = "circlefilled" linethickness = 2px linestyle = 2 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcclipping') color = GraphColors('gclipping'); class GraphZoneA / color = GraphColors('gzonea'); class GraphZoneB / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gczoneb') color = GraphColors('gzoneb'); class GraphZoneC / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gczonec') color = GraphColors('gzonec'); class GraphPhaseBox / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gcphasebox') color = GraphColors('gphasebox'); class GraphBlockHeader / color = GraphColors('gblockheader'); class LayoutContainer / cellpadding = 0 borderspacing = 30 borderwidth = 0 backgroundcolor = _undef_; class NodeTitleText / font = GraphFonts('NodeTitleFont') color = GraphColors('gntext'); class NodeLabelText / font = GraphFonts('NodeLabelFont') color = GraphColors('gntext'); class NodeDetailText / font = GraphFonts('NodeDetailFont') color = GraphColors('gntext'); class NodeLink / linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gnclink') color = GraphColors('gnlink'); class NodeInputLabelText / font = GraphFonts('NodeInputLabelFont') color = GraphColors('gntext'); class NodeLinkLabelText / font = GraphFonts('NodeLinkLabelFont') color = GraphColors('gntext'); class OverviewBorderLines / linethickness = 1px contrastcolor = GraphColors('gobline'); class OverviewViewportBorderLines / linethickness = 2px contrastcolor = GraphColors('govbline'); class OverviewFill / color = GraphColors('gofill'); class OverviewFilterFill / transparency = 0.6 color = GraphColors('goffill'); class GraphDataNodeDefault / endcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cend') neutralcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cneutral') startcolor = GraphColors('gramp3cstart') linethickness = 1px linestyle = 1 contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata') color = GraphColors('gndata'); class GraphDataNode1 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata1') color = GraphColors('gndata1'); class GraphDataNode2 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata2') color = GraphColors('gndata2'); class GraphDataNode3 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata3') color = GraphColors('gndata3'); class GraphDataNode4 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata4') color = GraphColors('gndata4'); class GraphDataNode5 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata5') color = GraphColors('gndata5'); class GraphDataNode6 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata6') color = GraphColors('gndata6'); class GraphDataNode7 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata7') color = GraphColors('gndata7'); class GraphDataNode8 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata8') color = GraphColors('gndata8'); class GraphDataNode9 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata9') color = GraphColors('gndata9'); class GraphDataNode10 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata10') color = GraphColors('gndata10'); class GraphDataNode11 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata11') color = GraphColors('gndata11'); class GraphDataNode12 / contrastcolor = GraphColors('gncdata12') color = GraphColors('gndata12'); class Heading1 / fontfamily = "<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif"; class Heading2 / fontfamily = "<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif"; class Heading3 / fontfamily = "<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif"; class Heading4 / fontfamily = "<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif"; class Heading5 / fontfamily = "<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif"; class Heading6 / fontfamily = "<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif"; end;
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