WARNING: Most ODS graphics with more than 5000 points have been suppressed. Use the
PLOTS(MAXPOINTS= ) option in the PROC REG statement to change or override the cutoff.
SAS version: 9.4 (TSI m6)
I received the warning message above after running Proc Reg. Then, I was not allowed to resubmit the SAS file.
Thus, I closed and reopened the SAS program to resubmit the file for the outputs.
Alternatively, I submitted Proc Reg with PLOTS(MAXPOINTS=NONE). The warning message is no longer available in the log file.
Nonetheless, the result is the same. I should close and reopen the SAS program for another run of the SAS file.
Any comments will be appreciated.
@Brlee wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion, Diamond.
The outputs (maxpoints=80000) include the plots (graphics) I do not need. However, I am not allowed to rerun the SAS file.
Thus, I have to close the SAS program and submit the SAS file after reopening the SAS program.
Let us wait for other suggestions.
Again, many thanks.
Please re-read the above post and edit it for clarity.
You say you are " not allowed to rerun the SAS file" but go onto to say close the Sas program and submit the file. that sure sounds like 'rerunning' the "file".
I don't see a clear description of what you are attempting to solve. Just clean up the log? Or create a specific plot?
I suggest that you read the online help in the Details section about "Interactive Analysis". I suspect that your "not allowed" is because you are not actually ending proc reg correctly and something thinks you are intending interactive analysis.
If you submit code like this:
Proc reg data=sashelp.class; var weight height; model weight=age; run;
while the output in results is displayed you might, depending on your operating environment see in the margin of the editor a note "Proc Reg is running".
Proc Reg is one of the procedures that allows significant interaction while running and the procedure does not end until you submit a QUIT; statement.
What ODS graphics are you trying to produce?
SHOW US your code.
Related SAS code.
proc reg data=out1p PLOTS(MAXPOINTS=NONE) ;
model prcc_f = sale_p ;
proc reg data=out1n ;
model prcc_f = sale_p ;
Please show us the LOG too. Copy the log as text and paste it into the window that appears when you click on the </> icon.
Hello Diamond,
Thanks for your interest in my post.
I have posted the SAS code and log files.
In addition, I renewed the SAS site license for 2024 recently.
Then, I have experienced the error.
Many thanks.
Copy the log as text and paste it into the window that appears when you click on the </> icon.
I don't understand why MAXPOINTS=NONE doesn't do what the documentation says it does, maybe it is poorly written, or we are understanding it incorrectly. Try MAXPOINTS=80000
Thanks for the suggestion, Diamond.
The outputs (maxpoints=80000) include the plots (graphics) I do not need. However, I am not allowed to rerun the SAS file.
Thus, I have to close the SAS program and submit the SAS file after reopening the SAS program.
Let us wait for other suggestions.
Again, many thanks.
@Brlee wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion, Diamond.
The outputs (maxpoints=80000) include the plots (graphics) I do not need. However, I am not allowed to rerun the SAS file.
Thus, I have to close the SAS program and submit the SAS file after reopening the SAS program.
Let us wait for other suggestions.
Again, many thanks.
Please re-read the above post and edit it for clarity.
You say you are " not allowed to rerun the SAS file" but go onto to say close the Sas program and submit the file. that sure sounds like 'rerunning' the "file".
I don't see a clear description of what you are attempting to solve. Just clean up the log? Or create a specific plot?
I suggest that you read the online help in the Details section about "Interactive Analysis". I suspect that your "not allowed" is because you are not actually ending proc reg correctly and something thinks you are intending interactive analysis.
If you submit code like this:
Proc reg data=sashelp.class; var weight height; model weight=age; run;
while the output in results is displayed you might, depending on your operating environment see in the margin of the editor a note "Proc Reg is running".
Proc Reg is one of the procedures that allows significant interaction while running and the procedure does not end until you submit a QUIT; statement.
NOTE: Copyright (c) 2016 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software 9.4 (TS1M6)
Licensed to TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - SFA T&R, Site 70080787.
NOTE: This session is executing on the X64_10HOME platform.
NOTE: Analytical products:
SAS/ETS 15.1
SAS/OR 15.1
SAS/IML 15.1
SAS/QC 15.1
NOTE: Additional host information:
X64_10HOME WIN 10.0.19041 Workstation
NOTE: SAS initialization used:
real time 1.53 seconds
cpu time 1.09 seconds
1 options nocenter errors=1M;
2 OPTIONS nomacrogen NoSymbolgen nomlogic nomprint nomfile;
5 libname cn 'c://users/brian/desktop/valuation_sales';
NOTE: Libref CN was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: c:\\users\brian\desktop\valuation_sales
6 *proc contents data=cn.ben_all_new;
9 data out1n out1p; set cn.variables;
10 seq_p=seq/csho;
11 sale_p=sale/csho;
12 salec_p=(sale-sale_l)/csho;
14 *if de gt 1;
16 if epspi lt 0 then neg=0;
17 else neg=1;
18 if neg=0 then output out1n;
19 else output out1p;
20 run;
NOTE: There were 147951 observations read from the data set CN.VARIABLES.
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT1N has 68955 observations and 49 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT1P has 78996 observations and 49 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.07 seconds
cpu time 0.07 seconds
22 proc reg data=out1p PLOTS(MAXPOINTS=NONE) ;
NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: sashtml.htm
23 model prcc_f = sale_p ;
24 run;
NOTE: PROCEDURE REG used (Total process time):
real time 13.75 seconds
cpu time 2.61 seconds
25 proc reg data=out1n ;
26 model prcc_f = sale_p ;
27 run;
WARNING: Most ODS graphics with more than 5000 points have been suppressed. Use the
PLOTS(MAXPOINTS= ) option in the PROC REG statement to change or override the cutoff.
NOTE: Heat maps are displayed instead of scatter plots when residual plots or fit plots are
28 *proc print data=out1n (obs=50);
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