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Calcite | Level 5 BJM
Calcite | Level 5

In my registry data, the field is character - Mom_Middle_R, format of $50.

When I go to combine the registry file with a births file, I keep getting messages that Mom_Middle_R is a numeric field and that the value of LEEANN is invalid. the field is just being carried over to the combined file, no modifications are being made to it.


Data Local.Full_Registry ; 


Mom_Middle_R Format=$50.


I tested enclosing the value as |LEEANNA| and that got the same error message, too.

NOTE: Invalid numeric data, '|LEEANNA|' , at line 6565 column 15.


I tested putting the value in a holding field Hold_Mom_Middle_R, then  creating  Mom_Middle_R after merging my files.

Same issue.

Thoughts? What things can I check next?

I tried using a Length assignment, too.

6650 Length Mom_Middle_R $ 50;
ERROR: Character length cannot be used with numeric variable Mom_Middle_R.
6651 Mom_Middle_R =Put(Hold_Mom_Middle_R,$50.);


Super User
Show your whole code. I suspect how you're trying to change variable types is not valid in SAS - you need to use explicit INPUT/PUT functions you cannot change the types in a data set or by changing attributes on the variable, you need to create new variables with the right type. You can rename them to the old name though after.
Calcite | Level 5 BJM
Calcite | Level 5

Reading in and cleaning the registry dataset (archive file with very messy data!)

Data Local.Full_Registry ; /* re-order,rename, and upcase fields*/
Registry_ID Format=5.
CertKey_B Format=$12. Label="Birth Certificate Key"
Year Format=4.
BState Format=$2.
Sex_R Format=$1.
Kid_Full_R Format=$200. Label=""
Kid_First_R Format=$50. Label=""
Kid_Middle_R Format=$50. Label=""
Kid_First_Middle_R Format=$100.
Kid_Last_R Format=$50. Label=""
Kid_Suffix_R Format=$10. Label=""
Mom_Full_R Format=$200. Label=""
Mom_First_R Format=$50. Label=""
Mom_Middle_R Format=$50. Label=""
Mom_First_Middle_R Format=$100.
Mom_Last_R Format=$50. Label=""
Mom_Maiden_R Format=$50. Label=""
DoB_Num_R Format=10. Label="Numeric Kid DoB YYYYMMDD"
MDoB_Num_R Format=10. Label="Numeric Mom DoB YYYYMMDD"
DoB_R Format=YYMMDD10. Label="Kid DoB YYYYMMDD"
Set Local.Registry_Backup
CertKey = CertKey_B
FirstName = Kid_First_R
MiddleName = Kid_Middle_R
LastName = Kid_Last_R
ChildsSuffix = Kid_Suffix_R
MotherFirstName = Mom_First_R
MotherMiddleName = Mom_Middle_R
MotherLastName = Mom_Last_R
MotherMaidenName = Mom_Maiden_R /*
Sex = Sex_R*/
DateOfBirth = DoB_R
MotherDateofBirth = MDoB_R
Registry_ID = _N_;
IDoB_Yr_R = Year;
If Gender = 1 Then Sex_R = Put("M",$1.); Else
If Gender = 2 Then Sex_R = Put("F",$1.); Else
Sex_R = Put("U",$1.);

Kid_Suffix_R = Put(Compress(Kid_Suffix_R),$10.);
BState = Substr(CertKey_B,5,2);

If Mom_First_R In (
"24838", "26248", "26881", "27549", "27760", "27920",
"28048", "28508", "28671", "28762", "28917", "29053",
"29293", "29501", "29560", "29859", "29974", "30157",
"30822", "30982", "31723", "31775", "32097", "32165",
"32537", "33939", "34027", "34048", "34118", "34344",
And Missing(MDoB_R)=1
Then Do;
If Mom_First_R = Mom_Last_R Then Mom_Last_R="";
MDoB = 1 * Mom_First_R;
Mom_First_R = "";
If Mom_First_R In (
"19720117", "19780911", "19790628", "19791207", "19820310",
"19850410", "19861006", "19880113", "19921005", "19960807",
"20110309", "20110413", "20110601", "20110607", "20110608",
"20110614", "20110622", "20110708", "20110804", "20110822",
"20110912", "20110914", "20110917", "20111220", "20111230",
"20120104", "20120116", "20120119", "20120202", "20120208",
"20120213", "20120309", "20120319", "20120314", "20120319",
"20120408", "20120411", "20120412", "20120525", "20120610",
"20120613", "20120625", "20120711", "20120724", "20120803",
"20120814", "20120822", "20120823", "20120903", "20120913",
"20120923", "20121108", "20121205", "20130104", "20130308",
"20130327", "20130606", "20130608", "20130611", "20130617",
"20130710", "20131016", "20131119", "20140101", "20140108",
"20140124", "20140224", "20140307", "20140320", "20140409",
"20140421", "20140430", "20140512", "20140514", "20140530",
"20140611", "20140613", "20140620", "20140808", "20140811",
"20140813", "20140910", "20140923", "20141116", "20141206",
"20141208", "20141216", "20150114", "20150130", "20150211",
"20150221", "20150310", "20150311", "20150321", "201203119")
And Missing(MDoB)=1
Then Do;
If Mom_First_R = Mom_Last_R Then Mom_Last_R="";
MDoB_Yr = Substr(Mom_First_R,1,4)*1;
MDoB_Mo = Substr(Mom_First_R,5,2)*1;
MDoB_Dy = Substr(Mom_First_R,7,2)*1;
Call Missing(Mom_First_R);
Call Missing(Mom_Last_R);
Call Missing(Mom_Maiden_R);;
If Mom_Last_R In ("NEITHER NEWBORN","1ST BORN","0","1","#N/A","-")
Then Call Missing(Mom_Last_R);
If Mom_Last_R EQ ".COACHMAN" Then Mom_Last_R = "COACHMAN";

* MotherDate of Birth is as YYYYMMDD;

If Missing(MDoB_R)=0 Then
MDoB_Num_R =((100*Year (MDoB_R)) + Month(MDoB_R))*100 + Day (MDoB_R);
Drop MDoB_Yr MDoB_Mo MDoB_Dy;

* Infant Date of Birth - for matching;
DoB_Num_R =((100*Year (DoB_R)) + Month(DoB_R))*100 + Day (DoB_R);

If Substr(Kid_Last_R,1,9) EQ "HUPPERICH"
Then Do;
Kid_Last_R = "HUPPERICH";
Kid_Suffix_R = "JR";

If Mom_Last_R eq "(PRICE)CAPEN" Then Mom_Last_R = "PRICE-CAPEN";
If Substr(Mom_Maiden_R,1,1)
In ("#","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9") Then Mom_Maiden_R = "";

If Trimn(Kid_Middle_R) EQ "BOYASHLEY" Then Kid_Middle_R = "" ;

If Index (Kid_First_R,"#3" ) >0
Then Kid_First_R= Substr(Kid_First_R,1,Index (Kid_First_R,"#3")-1);

If Index (Kid_First_R,"(NONE)") >0 Or
Index (Kid_First_R,"BG" ) >0 Or
Index (Kid_First_R,"BB" ) >0 Or
Index (Kid_First_R,"BABY" ) >0 Or
Index (Kid_First_R,"BOY" ) >0 Or
Index (Kid_First_R,"GIRL" ) >0 Or
Index (Kid_First_R,"INFANT") >0 Or
Index (Kid_First_R,"TWIN" ) >0 Or
Index (Kid_First_R,"UNAMED") >0 Or
Index (Kid_First_R,"1" ) >0
Then Do;
Call Missing(Kid_First_R );
Call Missing(Kid_Middle_R );

If Substr(Kid_Middle_R,1,1) eq "0" Or
Substr(Kid_Middle_R,1,1) eq "1" Or
Substr(Kid_Middle_R,1,1) eq "2" Or
Substr(Kid_Middle_R,1,1) eq "?" Or
Substr(Kid_Middle_R,1,2) eq "BG" Or
Substr(Kid_Middle_R,1,2) eq "BB" Or
Substr(Kid_Middle_R,1,3) eq "BOY " Or
Substr(Kid_Middle_R,1,4) eq "BABY" Or
Substr(Kid_Middle_R,1,4) eq "GIRL" Or
Substr(Kid_Middle_R,1,6) eq "INFANT"
Then Do;
Call Missing(Kid_First_R );
Call Missing(Kid_Middle_R );

If Index(Kid_First_R,"TWIN")>0 Then Call Missing(Kid_First_R);

If Strip(Kid_Last_R) eq "1" Then Call Missing(Kid_Last_R);
If Index(Kid_Last_R,"III")>0 Then Do;
Kid_Suffix_R = Put("III",$3.);
Kid_Last_R = Tranwrd(Kid_Last_R,"","III");
End; Else
If Index(Kid_Last_R," JR")>0 Then Do;
Kid_Suffix_R = Put("JR",$2.);
Kid_Last_R = Tranwrd(Kid_Last_R,"","JR");
End; Else
If Index(Kid_Last_R," II")>0 Then Do;
Kid_Suffix_R = Put("II",$2.);
Kid_Last_R = Tranwrd(Kid_Last_R,"","II");;
Array Fix_Names (6)
Kid_First_R Kid_Middle_R Kid_Last_R
Mom_First_R Mom_Middle_R Mom_Maiden_R;
Do i = 1 To 6;
Then Fix_Names(I) = "";
If Index(Fix_Names (I),".")>0
Then Fix_Names (I) = "";
End; Drop I;
If Mom_Maiden_R EQ "ONLY" Then Call Missing(Mom_Maiden_R);
If Trimn(Mom_First_R) In ("#N/A" ,"0","1") Then Call Missing(Mom_First_R );
If Trimn(Mom_Last_R ) In ("***LOOK UP MOM","1") Then Call Missing(Mom_Last_R );

Kid_First_R = Trimn(Compress(Upcase(Kid_First_R ),",?",));
Kid_Middle_R = Trimn(Compress(Upcase(Kid_Middle_R),",?",));
Kid_Last_R = Trimn(Compress(Upcase(Kid_Last_R ),",?",));
Kid_Suffix_R = Trimn(Compress(Upcase(Kid_Suffix_R),",?",));

Mom_First_R = Trimn(Compress(Upcase(Mom_First_R ),",?",));
Mom_Middle_R = Trimn(Compress(Upcase(Mom_Middle_R),",?",));
Mom_Maiden_R = Trimn(Compress(Upcase(Mom_Maiden_R),",?",));
Mom_Last_R = Trimn(Compress(Upcase(Mom_Last_R ) ,",?",));

Kid_First_Middle_R = Compbl(cat(Trimn(Kid_First_R)," ",Trimn(Kid_Middle_R) ) );
Mom_First_Middle_R = Compbl(cat(Trimn(Mom_First_R)," ",Trimn(Mom_Middle_R) ) );

Kid_Full_R = Compbl(Cat(Trimn(Kid_First_R), " ", Trimn(Substr(Kid_Middle_R,1,1))," ", Trimn(Kid_Last_R)," ", Trimn(Kid_Suffix_R)));
Mom_Full_R = Compbl(Cat(Trimn(Mom_First_R), " ", Trimn(Substr(Mom_Middle_R,1,1))," ", Trimn(Mom_Last_R)," ", Trimn(Mom_Maiden_R)));

Proc Sort Data=Local.Full_Registry NodupKey; By CertKey_B ; Run;
Proc Sort Data=Local.Full_Births NodupKey; By CertKey_B ; Run;


Data Local.Full_Births_Registry Local.CertKey_B_Birth_ID_List (Keep=CertKey_B Birth_ID Registry_ID);
Source Format=$23.
Registry_ID Format=9. Label = "Birth Defect Case ID"
Birth_ID Format=9. Label = "Birth File Case ID"
CertKey_B Format=$12. Label = "CertKey_B"
Sex_B Format=$1. Label = "Child's gender"
IDoB_Yr Format=4.
BMICategory Format=1. Label = "BMI Category"
Total_Order Format=2. Label = "Order for present Birth"
Pay Format=1. Label = "Principal Payor"
MEthnicE Format=$3.
IDoB_Yr Format=4. Label = "Child's Year of Birth"
OWGest Format=2. Label = "Obstetric estimate of gestation"
Gest_Comb Format=2.
Gest_Calc Format=2. Label = "Calculated estimate of gestation"
BWG Format=4. Label = "Birthweight in Grams"
Plur Format=2. Label = "Plurality"
Total_Order Format=2. Label = "Birth Order"
Kid_Full_B Format=$200.
Kid_Full_R Format=$200.
Kid_First_Middle_B Format=$200.
Kid_First_Middle_R Format=$100.
Kid_Last_B Format=$50.
Kid_Last_R Format=$50.
Kid_Last_Suffix_B Format=$200.
Kid_Suffix_B Format=$10.
Kid_Suffix_R Format=$10.
Mom_Full_B Format=$200.
Mom_Full_R Format=$200.
Mom_First_B Format=$50.
Mom_First_R Format=$50.
Mom_Middle_B Format=$50./*
Mom_Middle_R Format=$50.*/
Mom_First_Middle_B Format=$100.
Mom_First_Middle_R Format=$100.
Mom_Last_B Format=$50.
Mom_Last_R Format=$50.
Mom_Maiden_B Format=$50.
Mom_Maiden_R Format=$50.
Mom_MidInit_B Format=$1.
Mom_Suffix_B Format=$10.
Dad_First_B Format=$50.
Dad_Full_B Format=$200.
Dad_First_Middle_B Format=$200.
Dad_Middle_B Format=$50.
Dad_Last_B Format=$50.
Dad_Last_Suffix_B Format=$60.
Dad_Suffix_B Format=$10.
(In=A )
(In=B Keep= Registry_ID CertKey_B
Kid_Full_R Mom_Full_R
Kid_First_R Kid_First_Middle_R Kid_Middle_R Kid_Last_R Kid_Suffix_R
Mom_First_R Mom_First_Middle_R Mom_Middle_R Mom_Last_R Mom_Maiden_R
ICD_Code1 -- ICD_Code17
D_Descrip1 -- D_Descrip17
D_Status1 -- D_Status17 ) ;
By CertKey_B;
*If A;
If A And B Then Source = "Registry AND Births "; Else
If A And Not B Then Source = "Births without Registry"; Else
If Not A And B Then Source = "Registry without Births";

*Mom_Middle_R =Put(Hold_Mom_Middle_R,$50.);

If Missing(Kid_First_B )=1 And Missing(Kid_First_R )=0 Then Kid_First_B = Kid_First_R;
If Missing(Kid_Middle_B)=1 And Missing(Kid_Middle_R)=0 Then Kid_Middle_B = Kid_Middle_R;
If Missing(Kid_Last_B )=1 And Missing(Kid_Last_R )=0 Then Kid_Last_B = Kid_Last_R;
If Missing(Kid_Full_B )=1 And Missing(Kid_Full_R )=0 Then Kid_Full_B = Mom_Full_R;

Kid_First_Middle_B = Catt(Kid_First_B," ",Kid_Middle_B);
Kid_Last_Suffix_B = Catt(Kid_Last_B ," ",Kid_Suffix_B);

If Mom_First_B Eq "" And Mom_First_R NE "" Then Mom_First_B = Mom_First_R;
If Mom_Middle_B Eq "" And Mom_Middle_R NE "" Then Mom_Middle_B = Mom_Middle_R;
If Mom_Maiden_B Eq "" And Mom_Maiden_R NE "" Then Mom_Maiden_B = Mom_Maiden_R;
If Mom_Last_B Eq "" And Mom_Last_R NE "" Then Mom_Last_B = Mom_Last_R;
If Mom_Full_B Eq "" And Mom_Full_R NE "" Then Mom_Full_B = Mom_Full_R;


Tourmaline | Level 20

You haven't defined Hold_Mom_Middle_R anywhere, so SAS creates it for you. As a numeric. 


Unless it's in one of the input tables?

Calcite | Level 5 BJM
Calcite | Level 5


The original field Mom_Middle_R exists in the Registry dataset and when I attempt to merge with another file, it insists the field is numeric.


That suggests that in the dataset you haven't supplied a screenshot for that variable is defined as numeric as the one you have in your post is definitely character.


Please post the SAS log of the DATA step where you are getting the error so we can more clearly understand what is happening.


Tourmaline | Level 20

The original field Mom_Middle_R exists in the Registry dataset 


Read my comment again. I am not referring to existing variable Mom_Middle_R. but to a new variable being created as it's coming out of nowhere and is used in the code. 

Calcite | Level 5 BJM
Calcite | Level 5

It should inherit the field type from how it is created.

Hold_Mom_Middle_R = Mom_Middle_R;

Super User

The first place that variable appears in the code you show is


*Mom_Middle_R =Put(Hold_Mom_Middle_R,$50.);


There is no

Hold_Mom_Middle_R = Mom_Middle_R;

shown in the code you posted. Do a search using the search feature for text in your browser for Hold_Mom_Middle_R and see what comes up. That assignment doesn't.


So since Hold_Mom_Middle_R is not define prior to use SAS assumes it is numeric.


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