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Obsidian | Level 7

I have a table like below, there are only 4 distinct IDs but have 6 observations. I'd like to count how many people are in type 1 only, in type 2 only, in type 3 only, and in Combination of 3 types...

Is there a code capable of fulfilling this process?



Type Length
1 1 108
1 2 54
1 3 87
2 1 46
3 1 93
4 2



I guess what you want is to make a profile of each ID  (7 profiles possibles: 3 single types, 3 pairs, and 1 triple), and then do a frequency of those profiles.   But then what do you want to do about the LENGTH variable?  Is it to be aggregated? averaged? ignored?  Or do you simply want a frequency of profiles?


The code below does nothing but report the frequency of each type-profile:


data have;
  input ID Type	Length;
1	1	108
1	2	54
1	3	87
2	1	46
3	1	93
4	2	29

data profiles (keep=id type1-type3); 
  do until (;
    set have;
    by id;
    array dummy {3} type1-type3;
    if then put id= ;
  do _n_=1 to dim(dummy);
    if dummy{_n_}=. then dummy{_n_}=0;
proc freq data=profiles;
  table type1*type2*type3 / list;

But if you are interested in corresponding statistics about other vars, like LENGTH, you have to describe what you want.


BTW: this code assumes that your data are sorted by ID.

The hash OUTPUT method will overwrite a SAS data set, but not append. That can be costly. Consider voting for Add a HASH object method which would append a hash object to an existing SAS data set

Would enabling PROC SORT to simultaneously output multiple datasets be useful? Then vote for
Allow PROC SORT to output multiple datasets

Jade | Level 19

Alternatively, you can use COUNT(DISTINCT ...) in PROC SQL:

proc sql;
create table want as
select comb, count(distinct id) as n from
  (select id, compress(cat(max(type=1),2*max(type=2),3*max(type=3)),'0') as comb 
   from have
   group by id)
group by comb
order by input(comb,3.);
Diamond | Level 26
data have;
input id type length;
1	1	108
1	2	54
1	3	87
2	1	46
3	1	93
4	2	29

proc transpose data=have out=have_t;
    by id;
    var type;

data want;
    set have_t;
    length category $ 10;
    call sortn(of col:);
    category=compress(cats(of col:),'.');
Paige Miller
Meteorite | Level 14

Hello @LarissaW 
I see you what are looking for is "I'd like to count how many people are in type 1 only, in type 2 only, in type 3 only, and in Combination of 3 types..."
The following code create two tables Types for the first case and combinations for the second case. 
The table Types answers the question how many users there in a are given type?

The table Combination answers the question   in how many type's is a user present.? 

data have;
input id type length;
1 1 108
1 2 54
1 3 87
2 1 46
3 1 93
4 2 29
proc sql;
create table Type as
Select TYPE,Count(ID) as users from have
group by Type
order by Type;
Create table combination as
Select ID, Count(Type) as TYPES from have
group by ID
order by ID;




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