When you run a sas program in STUDIO, in the log you have a summary of ERRORS/WARNINGS/NOTES that you can use to navigate the log, as shown in the highlighted red box in the screenshot.
If you run that same sas program as a background submit it creates a log, however, when you open that log the ERRORS/WARNINGS/NOTES summary does not exist.
In EG, if you open a saved log it will parse the file and provide you with the summary you can then use to jump around in the log. The below screenshot is from a saved log that was then drag and dropped into an EGP and you can see that it provides you with the summary.
Can this funcitonality be added to SAS STUDIO so that when viewing saved SAS logs (such as the one created by a background submit) the "log summary" is available?
Note: this suggestion is related to the question asked in this thread