From my experience and talking about the v9.1.3 SP4, access restrictions are not at the client level, but at the server level. So access management is specific to the metadata that is stored within the server (repositories, tables, users, etc...). This said, the way you access the server cannot be limited (SAS DI, SMC, or even proc metadata through a SAS Base session).
For restricting the use to one of the clients application you should indeed uninstall the application from the user workstation.
Access to the metadata can be restricted. And you can easily block the access to any user you wish, just by doing the right user group management.
You should be aware of the two implicit user groups.
PUBLIC - this is for any users that can access the metadata server.
SASUSERS - this is for any users that can access the metadata server AND is registered there.
So, any user that can access the metadata server is a PUBLIC user, and may or may not be a SASUSER (registered user).
Now if you remove every access of the PUBLIC group (read, write, administer) and unregister the user you want to block from the metadata server, the user will fall into the PUBLIC group and so, will not be permitted any kind of access to the metadata.
If you wish to grant him readonly access, you could set the all permissions of the SASUSERS to readonly, remove the user of any group, leave its registration, and so the user will implicitly be part of the SASUSERS group.
Another thing that is misunderstood is the Authorization tab of the User Manager. This actually does not define the access that the user or group has to other resources. It controls who can view or update that user or group definition. Access control to the resources is done through the ACT (Access Control Template) under the Authorization Manager.
Hope it helps.
Cheers from Portugal.
Daniel Santos @