I have a data set which includes a variable called "value_held". This variable is numeric and it contains both missing and non-missing values. For non-missing values, I'd like to replace them with an expression which is (price * shr_held), i.e. price * # shares held.
To my surprise, after running the SQL queries, all observations of value_held equal 1. How come? I've read the SAS 9.1 SQL Users Guide, but still have no clue. Everything is equal to 1 for all observations of value_held!!! Can you please help? Thanks a lot.
Here is my SQL program:
/* Merge MF holdings with stock prices */
proc sql feedback inobs=100000;
create table luong.mf_holdings as
select owner_id, fund_country_id, fund_country_name,
year, coalesce(f.rep_date, p.price_date) as rep_date format=ddmmyy10.,
coalesce(f.security_id, p.security_id) as security_id,
cusip, sedol, isin, ticker_sym,
firm_country_id, firm_country_name,
case value_held
when value_held = . then value_held = price * shr_held
else value_held = value_held
end as value_held,
from mf_holdings2 as f, price.price_hist_all as p
where f.security_id = p.security_id
and f.rep_date = p.price_date
order by owner_id, security_id, firm_country_id;
Message was edited by: hoangluong