SAS is PROCEDURE oriented. Not PAGE oriented. So the SAS title will appear on every page produced by a procedure. As needed, the SAS procedure title may or may not appear on every page, too. If you used ODS DOCUMENT/PROC DOCUMENT, it is possible to remove the titles that go with particular page breaks in the ODS DOCUMENT-- but this is not going to help you in the PROC PRINTTO situation.
You might try this:
ods noptitle; /* turn off ALL procedure titles */
ods html file='mytxt.html' style=sasweb;
ods html text='Proc Reg Info Only Once';
Proc Reg;
ods html text='Proc Corr Only Once';
Proc Corr;
ods html close;
For some destinations (HTML, RTF, PDF), you can suppress the procedure title and then use ODS TEXT statements to put
additional text before the procedure. But, since PROC PRINTTO is the equivalent of sending LISTING output to an ASCII text file, this technique would not work for you. You'd have to move over into the ODS world to use ODS TEXT=.