Is there any difference between the _freq_ variable and the N output statistic?
@Quodly wrote:
Is there any difference between the _freq_ variable and the N output statistic?
Yes, if you have missing values.
N is the count of non missing, frequency is the count of all values.
data class;
set sashelp.class;
if age in (13, 14, 15) then call missing(weight);
proc means data=class;
class sex;
var weight;
output out=want sum= mean= N= NMISS=/ autoname;
@Quodly wrote:
Is there any difference between the _freq_ variable and the N output statistic?
Yes, if you have missing values.
N is the count of non missing, frequency is the count of all values.
data class;
set sashelp.class;
if age in (13, 14, 15) then call missing(weight);
proc means data=class;
class sex;
var weight;
output out=want sum= mean= N= NMISS=/ autoname;
There is a difference when missing values are present in your VAR variable or when you specify a FREQ variable. A simple example:
data test;
input f x;
1 1
1 .
5 .
. 2
proc means data=test;
var x;
freq f;
output out=want n=n;
proc print data=want; run;
Obs _TYPE_ _FREQ_ n 1 0 7 1
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