Because the filenames fall into a regular pattern, you could use SAS macro processing to read the files. At the end of a macro program to read 1 file, you could either capture the count of rows into a data set or create one big file by appending a single log to a dataset of all logs (but that seems overkill if what you want is just a count of rows).
You need to investigate SAS macro processing. There have been a lot of previous forum postings on how to read all the files in a directory, how to write a macro program to loop through all the files in a directory and many, many postings on macro processing in general.
In addition, there are many user group papers, beginner, intermediate and advanced level on the use of SAS macros with many good examples. Searching through the forum and using Google to search for user group papers should get you pointed in the right direction.
This is a good paper to get you started on Macro basics: