I need to join multiple tables from different libraries in sas. here is the code I use to connect three tables. SID and Prod are two different libraries in SAS. The problem is when I click on run, the software stops working. The software works fine when I run programs that have tables from the same library. I want to make sure the way I join tables are correct. I use different login credentials for these two libraries.
from SID.SID_Person_Demo P
inner join SID.SID_Enrollments_All_Vw E on P.UID=E.UID
left join Prod.Spraddr A on E.OASIS_PIDM=A.SPRADDR_PIDM
Thanks for your prompt response. I use regular sql procedure in sas. I get your points. These are very large tables that have 50000 rows. I will try your way of connecting those datasets. Thanks.
proc sql outobs=500;
create table NPSAS20_Enrollment as
select distinct P.UID label='Student ID',
P.NAME_FIRST label='First Name',
P.NAME_MI label='Middle Name',
P.NAME_LAST label='Last Name',
P.SUFFIX label='Name suffix',
P.GENDER label='Sex',
case when E.Military_Status in ('A','N') then 2
when E.Military_Status in ('E','R','V','Y') then 1
when E.Military_Status = 'D' then 0
when E.Military_Status is null then 0
else -1 end label='Veteran or Active Duty Military status',
case when E.DUAL_ENROLL_IND='N' then 0
when E.DUAL_ENROLL_IND in ('O','P','S','V') then 1
else -1 end as Dual label='Dual enrollment indicator',
substr(P.BIRTH_YYYYMM_DT, 5, 2) as MonthofBirth label='Date of birth month',
substr(P.BIRTH_YYYYMM_DT, 7, 2) as DateofBirth label='Date of birth day',
substr(P.BIRTH_YYYYMM_DT, 1, 4) as YearofBirth label='Date of birth year',
case when P.HISPANIC_FLG = 'Y' then 1
when P.HISPANIC_FLG = 'N' then 0
else -1 end as Ethnicty label='Ethnicity',
case when P.WHITE_FLG = 'Y' then 1
when P.WHITE_FLG = 'N' then 0
else -1 end as White label='Race:White',
case when P.BLACK_AFRICAN_AM_FLG = 'Y' then 1
when P.BLACK_AFRICAN_AM_FLG = 'N' then 0
else -1 end as Black label='Race:Black or African American',
case when P.ASIAN_FLG = 'Y' then 1
when P.ASIAN_FLG = 'N' then 0
else -1 end as Asian label='Race:Asian',
case when P.AM_IND_ALASKAN_FLG = 'Y' then 1
when P.AM_IND_ALASKAN_FLG = 'N' then 0
else -1 end as AmericanIndian label='Race:American Indian or Alaska Native',
case when P.NAT_HAWAII_PAC_IS_FLG = 'Y' then 1
when P.NAT_HAWAII_PAC_IS_FLG = 'N' then 0
else -1 end as NativeHawaiian label='Race:Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander',
case when A.SPRADDR_ATYP_CODE = 'PM' then A.SPRADDR_STREET_LINE1 else '' end as Addressline1 label='Permanent address 1'
from SID.SID_Person_Demo P
inner join SID.SID_Enrollments_All_Vw E on P.UID=E.UID
left join Prod.Spraddr A on E.OASIS_PIDM=A.SPRADDR_PIDM
Where E.TERMID IN ('201905','201908','202001')
and E.BENCH='B';
select * from NPSAS20_Enrollment;
Here are my codes. Three tables are used. The program works fine until I joined Prod.Spraddr into the program.
case when E.Military_Status in ('A','N') then 2
when E.Military_Status in ('E','R','V','Y') then 1
when E.Military_Status = 'D' then 0
when E.Military_Status is null then 0
else -1 end label='Veteran or Active Duty Military status',
Missing an as there?
No variable name?
Also, if you're recoding a bunch of Y/N to a consistent code, ie 0/1/-1 then I would suggest using an informat instead. It's cleaner and you only have to change it in one place. I'd also recommend leaving the -1 as missing, that way you can do summary stats on the column without any issues. If you have multiple missing values, use a special missing.
For testing purposes, I'd split the join and data extract from the new variable creation to ensure that I knew which was taking time and worth making more efficient. My suggestions above are faster for you as a programmer but likely won't affect your run time that significantly except the informat portion.
Thanks for your response. I am not very familiar with informat coding. Would you please send me an example?
Also I want to clarify the recommendation you mentioned in your previous response about "extract them first and then join within SAS". Do you mean I create tables using the same library, and then use "data merge" function to combine them later? Thanks for your help!
Here's a paper that covers informats and their usages:
For data extracts, I mean I'd pull down parts of each table manually via a sql or data step, filtering out rows and columns as much as possible.
And then do a SQL merge after, you can use SQL on your SAS data sets or a data step merge, they're usually equivalent approaches.
Thanks for shared information!
Thanks for your response!
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