Let's say I have (numlist,datelist, charlist are all variable lists):
%put &numlist;
a c e
%put &datelist;
b d
%put &charlist;
f z
I want to combine a, c, e, b, d, f, z and make an output of a string that has values of a b c d e f z so that I could feed this string into a macro to do a set of analysis on each of these variables.
How do I combine &numlist, &datelist, &charlist and order the values alphabetically?
%let numlist=a c e; %let datelist=b d; %let charlist=f z; data test; length lists $255; array list(7) $; lists=catx(' ',"&numlist.", "&datelist.","&charlist."); i=1; do while (scan(lists,i) ne ''); list(i)=scan(lists,i); i+1; end; call sortc(of list(*)); call symput('alllist',catx(' ',of list(*))); run; %put &alllist.;
Art, CEO, AnalystFinder.com
While SAS handles this much more easily than macro language, here's how you might approach the problem using macro language. I can't test this right now, so I'm hoping there are no glitches (always mildly dangerous using %DO %UNTIL):
%macro reorder (list=);
%* Break up the list into separate macro variables;
%local n_vars i;
%let n_vars = %sysfunc(countw(&list));
%do i=1 %to &n_vars;
%local temp&i;
%let temp&i = %scan(&list, &i);
%* Order the macro variables;
%local changes j tempvar;
%do %until (&changes=N);
%let changes=N;
%do i=2 %to &n_vars;
%let j = %eval(&i - 1);
%if &&temp&i < &&temp&j %then %do;
%let tempvar = &&temp&j;
%let temp&j = &&temp&i;
%let temp&i = &tempvar;
%let changes = Y;
%* Spit out the reordered values;
%do i=1 %to &n_vars;
This returns a list of variables in the proper order. So you would need to call in in a program that expects to see such a list. For example:
%put %reorder (list=&numlist &datelist &charlist);
%let newlist = %reorder (list=&numlist &datelist &charlist);
%let numlist=a c e; %let datelist=b d; %let charlist=f z; data test; length lists $255; array list(7) $; lists=catx(' ',"&numlist.", "&datelist.","&charlist."); i=1; do while (scan(lists,i) ne ''); list(i)=scan(lists,i); i+1; end; call sortc(of list(*)); call symput('alllist',catx(' ',of list(*))); run; %put &alllist.;
Art, CEO, AnalystFinder.com
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