When I going to plot a special character ∞ (Infinity) as subscript in position of Y axis label, I just failed so many times.
So, May some of you could help me? Thanks a lot.
This is the demo code:
ods escapechar='^';
data test;
input Dose AucInf;
10 11
10 15
20 18
20 20
30 24
30 25
proc sgplot data = test;
scatter x = Dose y = AucInf;
label Dose = 'Dose(mg)' AucInf = 'AUC^{sub 0-∞}(min*ng/mL)';
Like I said before, neither label statement nor yaxis statement works.
I also tried the unicode method:
But there never have a subscript format unicode for ∞ !