Code it again. Hope it will be faster.
You do not need delete missing obs firstly, because I have already done it in my code.
data test; input ( pan1 pan2 pan3 add1 ) ($); datalines; aaa bbb ccc ddd . . . . qqq rrr www aaa rrr ppp mmm lll uuu zzz ffff ppp p l m n . . . . . . . . jjjj eee rrr ooo sss www . . . . . eee ; run; options compress=yes; data want(keep=pan1 pan2 pan3 add1 household); declare hash ha(hashexp : 20,ordered : 'a'); declare hiter hi('ha'); ha.definekey('count'); ha.definedata('count','pan1','pan2','pan3','add1'); ha.definedone(); declare hash _ha(hashexp: 20,ordered : 'a'); _ha.definekey('key'); _ha.definedata('_household'); _ha.definedone(); do until(last); set test end=last; /*Remove missing obs firstly*/ if cmiss(pan1,pan2,pan3,add1) lt 4 then do; count+1; ha.add(); end; end; length key $ 40; array h{4} $ 40 pan1 pan2 pan3 add1; _rc=hi.first(); do while(_rc eq 0); household+1;_household=household; do i=1 to 4; if not missing(h{i}) then do; key=h{i}; _ha.replace();end; end; do until(x=1); x=1; rc=hi.first(); do while(rc=0); found=0; do j=1 to 4; key=h{j};rcc=_ha.check(); if rcc =0 then found=1; end; if found then do; do k=1 to 4; if not missing(h{k}) then do; key=h{k};_ha.replace();end; end; output;x=0; _count=count; end;; if found then rx=ha.remove(key : _count); end; end; _rc=hi.first(); end; run;
I code it again.Try this. and let me know the result.
data test; input ( pan1 pan2 pan3 add1 ) ($); datalines; aaa bbb ccc ddd . . . . qqq rrr www aaa rrr ppp mmm lll uuu zzz ffff ppp p l m n . . . . . . . . jjjj eee rrr ooo sss www . . . . . eee ; run; options compress=yes; data want(keep=pan1 pan2 pan3 add1 household); declare hash ha(hashexp : 20,ordered : 'a'); declare hiter hi('ha'); ha.definekey('count'); ha.definedata('count','pan1','pan2','pan3','add1'); ha.definedone(); declare hash _ha(hashexp: 20,ordered : 'a'); _ha.definekey('key'); _ha.definedata('_household'); _ha.definedone(); do until(last); set test end=last; /*Remove missing obs firstly*/ if cmiss(pan1,pan2,pan3,add1) lt 4 then do; count+1; ha.add(); end; end; length key $ 40; array h{4} $ 40 pan1 pan2 pan3 add1; _rc=hi.first(); do while(_rc eq 0); household+1;_household=household; do i=1 to 4; if not missing(h{i}) then do; key=h{i}; _ha.replace();end; end; do until(x=1); x=1; rc=hi.first(); do while(rc=0); found=0; do j=1 to 4; key=h{j};rcc=_ha.check(); if rcc =0 then found=1; end; if found then do; do k=1 to 4; if not missing(h{k}) then do; key=h{k};_ha.replace();end; end; output;x=0; _count=count; end;; if found then rx=ha.remove(key : _count); end; end; _ha.clear(); _rc=hi.first(); end; stop; run;
If you are dealing with very large character fields you should attempt to save space by performing md5 hash on values prior to entering the hash step. Here is example using random generated data on 100,000 record set.
System reported memory usage again at just about 100MB total max according to fullstimer and at OS level max virtual size of process was between 450-500MB, the test file is 10MB in size on disk. The operation took about 36 seconds between multiple runs.
To test vrs larger string I use put fuction on the md5 hash output to format as binary128. This would be same as having every char field in OP's original data being of length $128. Memory usage was slightly higher about 160MB on average with VIRT of about 520MB. The test file is 47MB in size on disk now. About 41 seconds of run time between multiple runs.
In short, I have seen increased performance by utilizing 'call sortc' function for dataprep as well as md5 hash for decreasing size of large character fields. The only issue is that both of these methods obscure your data. So it would be good to add a finder key to link the generated household back to the original data. I have spent enough time on this for right now but I will later.
test data sent to KSharp's process:
data test;
call streaminit( 12345 );
array a[4] $200 pan1-pan3 add1;
do i=1 to 10**5;
do j=1 to dim(a);
call sortc(of a
drop i j;
Can you please share your memory and performance options settings as I had asked before. Also about available free memory on your computer, what version of windows are you running specifically?
As art297 inquired, where are you sourceing this data from as it goes into the hash step, are you pulling across network, disk, tape, etc...???
Hi i am running my DI Jobs on a server which is having atleast 200 gb space and i am running this through lsf only and i am using windows environment.
The OP's problem is one of finding (connected) components given a graph, once we convert the given data into one. Below is my try that implements the depth-first search(DFS) based component finding algorithm running on the graph represented as an edgelist stored in a hash-of-hashes.
This runs pretty fast. On my desktop with 32bit windows, it usually takes 10 to 20 seconds or so given N=10000. But it consumes an enormous amount of memory. The code asked for 910M at peak and used 512M while running for N=10000, most of which seems to be overhead for hash objects.
options nocenter mprint fullstimer;
/* test data */
%let N=10000;
%let seed=20110921;
data one;
length id 4 v1-v4 $3;
array arr
alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
alphaLen = vlength(alpha);
vlen = vlength(v1);
do id = 1 to &N;
call missing(of v1-v4);
do i = 1 to 4;
do j = 1 to vlen;
p = ceil(alphaLen*ranuni(&seed));
substr(arr,j,1) = substr(alpha,p,1);
keep id v1-v4;
/* a tiny test dataset -- uncomment to use this one
data one;
input id (v1 v2 v3 v4) ($);
1 a b c d the graph has four (connected) components,
2 a e f g including two singletons, like so:
3 . . . .
4 i j k l 1 - 2 - 6 - 9
5 . . m . \ |
6 . n f o 8
7 . . m . 3
8 . n . g 5 - 7
9 . . . o 4
/* step one: convert it to a graph represented as an edge list. */
%macro matches;
%local i j k;
%let k = 1;
%do i = 1 %to 4;
%do j = &i %to 4;
%let k = %eval(&k + 1);
union all
select m& as tail, n& as head
from one as m&k., one as n&k.
where m&k..v&i = n&k..v&j and not missing(m&k..v&i)
%mend matches;
proc sql _method;
drop index id on one;
create index id on one (id);
drop index v1 on one;
create index v1 on one (v1);
drop index v2 on one;
create index v2 on one (v2);
drop index v3 on one;
create index v3 on one (v3);
drop index v4 on one;
create index v4 on one (v4);
create table g as
select distinct mn.tail, mn.head from (
select as tail, as head from one as m1, one as n1 where
) as mn
order by mn.tail, mn.head;
/* Step Two: to find connected components and singletons.
depth-first search(DFS) of a hash-of-hash representation of the graph.
the limit on the depth of recursive link blocks is 11 by default
but can be changed by the stack= data statement option. */
data c(rename=(tail=vertex cid=component)) /stack=&N;
retain OK top component 0;
dcl hash tails();
dcl hash heads();
dcl hash stack();
dcl hiter ti;
dcl hiter hi;
link main;
link loadData;
do rc = ti.first() by 0 while (rc = OK);
if missing(cid) then do;
component + 1;
cid = component;
link connect;
rc =;
link doOutput;
link pushStack;
hi = _new_ hiter('heads');
do rc = hi.first() by 0 while (rc = OK);
tail = head;
if missing(cid) then do;
cid = component;
link connect;
rc =;
link popStack;
/* load data into a hash of hashes */
tails = _new_ hash(ordered:'a');
tails.defineData('tail', 'cid', 'heads');
do until (end);
set g end=end;
by tail;
call missing(cid);
if first.tail then do;
heads = _new_ hash(ordered:'a');
put "NOTE: done loading data into memory hash-of-hashes.";
ti = _new_ hiter('tails');
/* a call stack */
stack = _new_ hash(ordered:'a');
stack.defineData('tail', 'cid', 'heads', 'head', 'rc', 'hi');
if stack.find() ^= OK then return;
top + (-1);
top + 1;
do rc = ti.first() by 0 while (rc = OK);
keep tail cid;
output c;
rc =;
/* check -- how many clusters? */
proc sql;
select size as 'component size'n,
count(*) as 'number of components'n
from (
select component as componentID, count(*) as size
from c
group by component
group by size
order by size desc;
/* on lst: for the small dataset
component number of
size components
5 1
2 1
1 2
for the larger one
component number of
size components
9964 1
2 3
1 30
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