Use the dhms function. See, e.g.,
> I'm trying to develop a column in my SAS dataset that
> combines both date and time into one column (Time1):
> Date Time
> Time1
> 0:08:26 xxxxxxxxx
> 22/2008 0:16:26
> xxxxxxxxx
> 0:24:26 xxxxxxxxx
> can run an analysis accounting for temporal
> autocorrelation in my dataset. I saw a SAS article
> on combining date and time data together to give me
> the following format (ex. 1482223680). This is
> exactly what I need but I was unable to clearly
> follow how to derive this in my extensively large
> dataset (>=100,000 lines of data). Supposedly, the
> date represents days since 1/1/1960 and time
> represent seconds since midnight or midnight of
> 1/1/1960 if specifying a datetime variable. Does
> anyone know of an easy coding to create this
> date/time stamp based on two seperate columns (i.e.,
> Date and time)? Thank you very much!