Hi all,
First of all, I am not a computer/SAS connoisseur.I have been using the SAS Date/Time converter for a while and it is great. The info is:http://www.softscapesolutions.com.au/date_converter.htm.
Yes I know I should write my code, but as I said I am not great doing so. Anyway, I use to have Vista (32 bits). I had the opportunity to change to to Windows 7 (64 bits) and now I cannot run the converter. I am not a savy SAS/computer user so I need help!!
I have been trying to use the proc cport as established in the SAS documentation. But that is more than my brain can handle. Ihave been spending the whole day (trial and error) and I am not getting anywhere.
I had the following code:
libname source 'c:\ssutil';
libname new 'c:\datec';
filename cportout 'c:\tranfile';
proc cport library=ssutil file=datec memtype=catalog;
And the log file;
19 libname source 'c:\ssutil';
NOTE: Libname SOURCE refers to the same physical library as OLD.
NOTE: Libref SOURCE was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: c:\ssutil
20 libname new 'c:\datec';
NOTE: Libref NEW was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: c:\datec
21 filename cportout 'c:\tranfile';
22 proc cport library=ssutil file=datec memtype=catalog;
23 run;
WARNING: No logical assign for filename DATEC.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE CPORT used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds