you might prefer the selection from the environment reporting tables updated in the last, say, 3 days. That is a little different [pre]%let over = 3 ;
%let since= %sysfunc( intnx( days, "&sysdate9"d, -3 ), date9 ) ;
proc sql ;
create table recent_updates as
select * from dictionary.tables
where libname ne 'SASHELP' and libname ne 'WORK'
and moDate > "&since:0:0"dt
order by moDate descending ;
For your environment, you may want to add other libraries from which you want no information, like SASHELP and WORK
That could have produced the report direct from sql, but I feel I have more control in proc print like the following [pre]
proc print data= recent_updates ;
id libname memname;
var nobs nvar modate ;
Without the moDate filter, you can report all datasets.