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Obsidian | Level 7


I have created a SAS folder say "/Public Development/Area Name/Project Name" under "Folders" tab of SAS Management console.

In SAS EG this folder shows under "SAS Folder" option. I'm able to save EG project and stored processes in this folder but not SAS code, log etc.

I believe its just a folder at meta data level and only items registered at meta data can be saved here.

So what approach should I take to organize my other project items like code, jobs, macros, Reports...?

Sas Folders.PNG

Barite | Level 11

It are folders on the SAS metadata and those are similar to folders on a OS-file system.

You can store data descriptions (metadata) but not the data itself. The technical infrastructure is not designed for that.

You can store jobs as that is what the SAS_DI generating process like to call them but that is not the same as LSF jobs.

There are menu options accessible in smc to metadata wher you can add Word/pdf and other file-types in.

What happens  with all that data? That is stored in the web-content server that is a database.
Some dog-tail following as string databases into a database.

An Eguide project is a zipped file that embeds the coding. As you have store Eguide project into the metadata, the code is also store there.

Macro-s could be in SAS catalogs to get them active you must define a file-access to that and changing the sas-config.


Must be.    

---->-- ja karman --<-----
Obsidian | Level 7

Thanks Jaap!

I have just created these folders in SMC and wondering how can I map them to physical location on disk.

Barite | Level 11

Ok I forget to mention SAS-VA as interface storing in SAS (metadata contentserver)
Knowing what the SAS metadata is could help in some understanding. Some technical backgrounds can be found as part of the administration.

SAS(R) 9.4 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide, Third Edition (About the SAS Metadata Server Backup and Recovery Facility) and 43649 - Recovering an Unresponsive SAS® Metadata Server

If you can look at all that using OS tools you will find the SAS metadatabase being build on the well known SAS datasets.  Going in to details for maintaining those sas metadatarecords you will see those weird id-s that are internally used to build up all kind of relationships at all those tables. SAS datasets and catalogs do not support all kind of binaries to stored. That is where the content server is helping.

I was thinking you are trying to avoid using the OS level by seeing this as an other way. You are also asking how you can map them to a physical location on disk.

For a SP process I assume you know how to do that. DI does things in a similar way.

SAS(R) 9.4 Stored Processes: Developer's Guide, Second Edition you can store code with SP in the metadata. The limitation is, it is not OS like. 51735 - A large SAS® Stored Process source-code file might be truncated when it is executed if it is... - SAS(R) 9.4 Stored Processes: Developer's Guide, Second Edition (Step 3: Register the Stored Process in SAS Management Console)


I do not understand or see your issue what you are looking for trying to solve.

Do you want to organize several different projects?     

---->-- ja karman --<-----
Obsidian | Level 7

Yes Jaap, I'm trying to organize different projects.

My team is moving from PC SAS to SAS EG. We're in a process of converting sas codes to EGP/STP. I'm trying to organize project resources in more structured way.

I want a maximum use of SAS Folders. I felt it more structured to use SAS folders instead of searching some code/report in the crowd of Windows folders.

Can you please suggest any material which can guide me on this?

Tourmaline | Level 20

Just a short suggestion for StP's, yo are now able to store the StP source code within a metadata object (as oppsed to an external .sas.-file).

Data never sleeps
Obsidian | Level 7

Thanks Jaap for your suggestions!!

Yes LinusH but I also have to manage SAS codes, Data, logs, report, EGP and trying to figure out best approach to do that. :smileyconfused:

Barite | Level 11

You have put this as topic in IT resource management, It is a nice choice for someone with a "systemprogrammer" as background.

I have also posted at a similar question in EGuide. = How to set up all macro variables and libraries for a new project

This person got tired of all the mess SAS users are causing = How to limit the access from the open dialogBox in Enterprise Guide and trying to limit what they can do.  And this one for EGuide advanced usage: - Allow Parallel Execution on the Same Server? 

For building up some background I had this one: = Allowing Approved Permissions to Restricted Data

A new one I am goin into is:  SAS Migration from 9.1 to 9.3 (and windows to unix).

You are used to Windows, is the server Windows or Unix (Linux) based? Conceptual the differences are not very big but technical realizations are.

This is all about how to support a SAS BI Analytics environment in an more professional way.
The role of the platform admin. SAS Administrators - SAS Users ++ SAS Training - Administration path

You are into the political battle arena with IT staff, 4 tips for modern CIOs - The Corner Office (blog Keith Collins). In what kind of position are you?

---->-- ja karman --<-----

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