Remember, readers, sending code that can actually be run increases the chances of getting an answer to your problem.
Hutch has the right idea, but you don't want to solve with a RHS of x. Form the quantity z=x*beta, which is a vector, and then use SOLVE.
You don't give the dimensions of this problem, which makes it difficult to reproduce what you are doing. However, I'm guessing that wnor is a row vector? Then here is some code similar to yours that we can all actually run:
proc iml;
p = 24;
x = rannor( j(nn,p,1) );
wnor = 1:nn;
z = x*beta;
print H2;
As Hutch says, the following code improves the efficiency and cuts down on a matrix multiplication:
/* Let q = inv(I-lambda*wnor)*(x*beta).
Then q = solve( I-lambda*wnor, x*beta )
A = I-lambda*wnor;
q = solve( A, z );
H3 = wnor*q;
print H3;
If memory is really tight, you can also eliminate the explicity construction of the identity matrix:
/* even less not explicitly form identity */
A = repeat( -lambda*wnor, nn );
do i = 1 to nn;
A[i,i] = 1 + A[i,i];
free x; /* you don't don't need this big matrix anymore */
q = solve( A, z );
H4 = wnor*q;
print H4;