where you use SAS/FSP FSView windows to review data, you can use the formula command to retrieve a previously stored customized layout, which will have retained your preferred column order and formats. Once opened, the formula will be updated with any new customization (including "the current columns in view") as the window is closed. A formula can be created by issuing command "save formula".
Viewtable layout customization can be saved. A poster to SAS-L shared his technique --- his method uses SAS/AF processes he created. I can use his processes without requiring SAS/AF to be licensed.
Both these methods of working with previously stored layout customization can be integrated with the SAS Explorer ~ becoming the default behaviour or just optional.
I particularly like being able to customize the "form view" that SAS/FSP, FSbrowse windows allow. Again, it is the customization available through SAS Explorer, that makes re-use of these form layouts, so extremely convenient.
Peter C