What you see in the OUTPUT window is LISTING destination output. People use the terms OUTPUT window and LISTING window interchangeably. When you run SAS in batch mode, or non-windowing mode, SAS will create a .LOG file -- which is the equivalent of what you see in the LOG window and a .LST file -- which is the equivalent of what you see in the OUTPUT window.
However, some other folks use the term LISTING in this way: "I want to run a report on sales and send the LISTING to all the salesmen." In this usage, they could mean that they want to send the contents of the LISTING window to all the salesmen. Or, they could just be using the word LISTING -- in the more generic sense -- as a substitute for either 'REPORT' or 'OUTPUT'.
In the first usage, above, the word LISTING implies that you will get what you see in the OUTPUT window--that is -- output from SAS procedures and processes that has no STYLE (no colors, no fonts, etc) applied. With the second usage -- they could mean they want LISTING output (no colors, no fonts) or they could mean that they want to send the ODS results to the salesmen, in which case, they could be sending an ODS HTML, ODS RTF or ODS PDF file to the salesmen.