I have to calculate the sample size of a 2x2 crossover study.
The primary efficacy endpoint is a continuous variable (FeNO) with a lognormal distribution, measured before (pre) and after (post) treatment.
<1> Can I use proc power with paired t tests for Mean Ratio with Lognormal Data or is there a better way?
proc power;
pairedmeans test=ratio DIST=logNormal
meanratio =
cv =
corr =
npairs = .
alpha = 0.05 power = 0.9;
I have data from a pilot study very similar. The following procedure was used to analyze the efficacy endpoint.
proc glm data=pilot;
class seq drug period pat;
model post_log = seq pat(seq) drug period pre_log/ ss3; *pre_log and post_log = before and after treatment suitably log trasformed.
test h=seq e=pat(seq);
lsmeans drug /pdiff stderr;
<2> It is correct?
<3> There is a proc glmpower corresponding to this ANCOVA analysis?
To obtain the data for my proc power instead I should perform the following proc t test:
proc ttest data=pilot dist=lognormal;
var post1 post2 / crossover= (drug1 drug2);
<4> meanratio = is geometric mean of treatment ratio with both sequence ?
<5> cv = is geometric CV of treatment ratio with both sequence?
<6> corr = how can I calculate it?
If I submit the following procedure:
proc ttest data=pilot dist=lognormal;
var post_ratio_drug1_drug2;
I get the same geometric mean but another CV.
<7> Which CV should I use?
But using only the post-treatment values I have to assume that values before treatment are homogeneous between treatment groups.
<8> To avoid this how can I do?
<9> I can analyze the post/pre ratio?
<10> If it is distributed normally have to use a proc power with DIST = Normal?
I hope not too 10 questions.
Thanks in advance (Please use plain English)